After a first wave of bands confirmed for Amphi Festival 2013 in less than one month from the actual 2012 event, including Fields of the Nephilim, Agonoize and Alien Sex Fiend just to entice buyers to stand in line for the opening of the commercial and internet ticket booths, today Amphi Festival officials announced new bands, thus making Amphi Festival a very desirable presence on the festival scene of next year.
Read Viva Music’s reports with photos from previous years of Amphi Festival: 2010: Day One, Day Two | 2011 | 2012
More fresh acts from the electronic, medieval, rock and classical genres populate the current lineup and you can actually count on seeing next year, on Jul-20&21 in Cologne’s Tanzbrunnen the following acts:
Fields of the Nephilim | Alien Sex Fiend | Agonoize | Peter Heppner | Suicide Commando | Letzte Instanz | Welle:Erdball | Umbra et Imago | Tanzwut | De/Vision | Icon of Coil | Faun | Stahlmann | Solitary Experiments | Grendel | The Beauty of Gemina | Rosa Crux | Rome | Santa Hates You | Escape with Romeo | XOTOX | Fabrik C | Alice Neve Fox | Chrom | Dunkelschoen | Classic & Depeche
As always, more information is readily available on the festival official page and Facebook page. Tickets are on sale at the online shop, but also on Protain and Eventim shops.
NCN is a festival for the heart. Every time we leave NCN on Sunday night, we leave a piece of our heart in Deutzen bei Leipzig. That is not necessarily a bad thing, as the end of each festival also brings along the thrill for the next one and the feverish curiosity to see what incredible bands are already announced for next year.
More than 35 bands played on three stages, there were fashion shows, after parties, reading sessions and movies. The medieval fair entertained the approximately 2000 visitors with amazing art performances, crafts, games, poetry, joggling and even a girl on stilts and a guy riding a huge dragon (who spoke perfect Romanian). Everyone was relaxed and everything started as scheduled, the food was awesome ranging from the superdonuts at the entrance to the grilled sausages and all kinds of meat and we could buy souvenirs and band merchandise.
NCN 2012 (Sep-07-09) was even more special for us as we met our dear friends and we had the chance to see for the first time live so many new bands! Our special thanks go to the organizers of NCN, very hard working people who really go the extra mile when it comes to the participants’ comfort and entertainment. We feel like home in the Kulturpark Deutzen every year, and we hope we can keep the tradition of visiting NCN from now on. Congratulations and thanks!
Tracklist: “Subjection (Violent Mix)” * “In Love with the Night (Album Mix)” * “Monument of Destruction” * “You Better Run (featuring Johan Van Roy of Suicide Commando)” * “One Nation (Club Mix)” * “Give Me You” * “Subjection (Leaether Strip 2011 version)” * “Deal in Sex (Protection Mix)” * “Subjection (Euphoria Mix)” * “Liquid Lust (Part I)” * “You Better Run (Painbastard Mix)” * “Face of a God” * “Fading Moments (Feindflug Karaoke Mischung)” * “Fly to Target (Dioxyde Remix)” * “Sleepwalk (The Awakening)”
About the project:
After the release of “Subjection” (featuring Claus Larsen) on the famous Zoth Ommog compilation “Body Rapture”, Lights of Euphoria started to become a “real band” after the release of the first album “Brainstorm” (Zoth Ommog, followed by “Beyond Subconsciousness“, “Fahrenheit“, “Voices” and the single “Fortuneteller“) when Jimmy Machon and Torben Schmidt teamed up “by accident” to produce some further music and touring all around the globe. While Lights of Euphoria in the beginning was more a sort of a project and “one hit wonder”, working with various guest vocalists such as Ronan Harris (VNV Nation), Stephan Groth (Apoptygma Berzerk), Vasi Vallis (Frozen Plasma/Reaper) Johan van Roy (Suicide Commando), Kay Haertle (Supreme Court) and various other good friends, mastermind Torben Schmidt decided to bring it down to a more band orientated way of working. (source: band site)
About the compilation:
The ultimate retrospective of this German/Danish electro/EBM project! Part 26 (!) of the Infacted Recordings classics series! 15 massive songs of the former Zoth Ommog artist Lights of Euphoria! Besides all dark clubhits the CD also features a new remix of “Subjection” by no one else then Claus Larsen of Leaether Strip fame! None of the hits are missing e.g. “Subjection”, “You Better Run” (feat. Johan van Roy, “One Nation”, “Deal in Sex” or even “Sleepwalk”! 15 cult classics on one CD for a smooth E.P. price! Be fast again limited to 1000 copies worldwide! (source: label site)
Lights of Euphoria – “Subjection”: Viva Music Album Review:
The new classical collection from Infacted Recordings brings to the focus the destiny of a group that initially was meant to be a one-time deal, but is now well into its twenties. Released this Jan-13, the compilation “Subjection” takes its title from the first track that made the group famous – the collaboration between Torben Schmidt and Claus Larsen, and chronicles the group’s evolution in the 1990’s and early 2000’s, and also tells the story of the friendship between Torben Schmidt and Jimmy Machon, formerly of Godheads, and Lights of Euphoria’s vocalist. Next to an incredible array of tracks, in their majority wonderful collaborations – names such as Suicide Commando, Leaether Strip, Painbastard, Feindflug add extra flavor to the compilation – there is also a new rendition of “Subjection”, with a new feel: “Subjection (Leaether Strip 2011 Version)” really shows how classically limitless the track has become in its 20-year old history of dark vibes and excellent EBM. Let’s not forget that these collaborations are great occasions for musicians to bridge the distance between their status as artists and listeners of good music. Needless to say, Lights of Euphoria themselves remixed music for artists such as Melotron, Front 242, or Front Line Assembly.
Major landmarks from the group’s history and discography are well represented within the compilation: “Violent World” (1993, “Subjection”, “Deal in Sex”), “Brainstorm” (1995, “Give Me You”, “Face of a God”), “Voices” (1998, “In Love with the Night”, “Monument of Destruction”) “Krieg gegen die Maschinen” (2003, “Fly to Target”), “Gegen Den Strom” (2004, “Liquid Lust (Part I)”, “One Nation”), “Fading Moments” (2004, “Fading Moments”, “You Better Run”), “Sleepwalk” (2005, “Sleepwalk”).
Not on this compilation, but not less grand, is the track below. “True Life (VNV Nation Remix)”, enjoy!
Did you miss this year’s edition of Amphi Festival? Or you’ve witnessed the great lineup, venue, crowd and feel and want to revive it? Help yourself from “Amphi Festival 2011 – Compilation CD” from Out of Line: it makes a great mashup of songs you want to listen, a ready-made playlist for a drive or for sharing when you have friends over, the 18-track compilation gives the juice and diversity of the scene as proved by the 2011 edition of Amphi Festival. Initially released as a festival appetizer, the compilation can be tasted just as well in the aftermath of the event, especially since the selection of tracks is rigorous, profound and totally entertaining!
Kirlian Camera – “Nightglory” * De/Vision – “Time To Be Alive (Radio edit)” * Nitzer Ebb – “Kiss Kiss Bang Bang” * Suicide Commando – “Death Cures All Pain (Aesthetic Perfection Remix)” * Staubkind – “Halt Mich“ * Subway To Sally – “Falscher Heiland“ * Samsas Traum – “Durch die Wand der Traeume” * Tanzwut – “Meer” * Hocico – “Tiempos De Furia” * Leæther Strip – “Invade my body” * Agonoize – “Vollrauschfetischist” * Covenant – “Get On” * Klangstabil – “Gridami“ * Die Funkhausgruppe – “Die Physiker“ * Rome – “Der Wolfsmantel“ * Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio – “Do Angels Never Cry And Heaven Never Fall?” * Clan of Xymox – “Tears Ago“ * Die Krupps – “Als waeren wir fuer immer“
Order “Amphi Festival – Compilation CD” from Out of Linehere | Read Viva Music‘s review of Amphi Festival 2011here.
The fact that this year’s Amphi was going to be a success was obvious from the very beginning: people teemed in large numbers, and arrived to the venue earlier that last year. This meant that the first act, [X]-RX had an impressive audience for a first act on the main stage. A breathtaking experience, the 2011 edition of Amphi Festival made us yearn for next year’s festival already! And, as a side-note, given the enthusiasm and size of the audience, Cologne’s Tanzbrunnen may prove pretty soon to be too small a venue for such an excellent event.
Compared to 2010, the number of 2011 participants was significantly higher – a reason to the point might be the diverse lineup – from electronica to gothic, and from noise to darkwave – add to that the excellent entertainment offered in-between, the 100%-giving, outgoing performances of all acts, and needless to say, the tireless, party-oriented audience – all contributed to the overall success of the 2011 edition of Amphi Festival.
A non-profit organization founded by a partnership between KAO Production, EBEN Production & [i] Prod to promote the North American Electro-Industrial-Noize scene, Kinetik Productions is proud to bring you back after the success of the last editions, the Kinetik Festival from May 19 to 23 2011 in Montreal, Canada. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this unique experience with some of the best acts of the Electro-Industrial scene performing during those four days!
The kinetic energy (also called in the old writings live viva, or sharp force) is the energy which a body because of its movement has. The kinetic energy of a body is equal to work necessary to make pass says it body of the rest to its current rotation and translatory movement.
It is Guillaume d’ Ockham (1280-1349) who introduced, in 1323, the difference between what is called the dynamic movement (that we generate) and the kinetic movement (generated by interactions, of which collisions).*
When: January 7 Where: Leipzig, Germany
Who: Destroid, Brazda lui Novac, Klangstabil, Empusae, Subheim
Official Website:
When: January 29
Where: Bucharest, Romania
Who: Project Pitchfork, Rabia Sorda, Tenek
Official Website:
Whitby Gothic Weekend
When: March 25 & March 26
Where: Whitby, North Yorkshire, UK
Who: Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, Fuzzbox, Dr. Arthur Krause, Dutch Order, The Beauty of Gemina and others to be announced
Official website:
Wave Gotik Treffen
When: June 10 thru June 13
Where: Leipzig, Germany
Who: Analog Angel, Die Braut, Eyes Shut Tight, Nosferatu, Tying Tiffany, Vlad in Tears, and others to be announced
Official Website:
Zita Rock Festival
When: June 18 & June 19
Where: Zitadele, Berlin, Germany
Who: Zin, Teufel, Qntal, End of Green, Mono Inc., Project Pitchfork and others to be confirmed
Official Website:
Blackfield Festival
When: June 25 & June 26
Where: Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Who: Apoptygma Berzerk, Dreadful Shadows, Sono and others to be announced
Official Website:
Lumous Gothic Festival
When: July 8 thru July 11
Where: Tampere, Finland
Who: Leaether Strip, Nosferatu, Waves Under Water, and others to be announced
Official Website:
Amphi Festival
When: July 16 & July 17
Where: Tanzbrunnen, Cologne, Germany
Who: Die Krupps, Das Ich, Diorama, Grendel, Staubkind, Klangstabil, Persephone, Suicide Commando, In Strict Confidence, and others to be confirmed. Classic & Depeche (piano concert with pianist Lars Arnold) also in the schedule.
Official Website:
DV8Fest 2011
When: July 21 thru July 24
Where: York, UK
Who: Nosferatu and more than 50 other acts to be announced
Official Website:
Castle Party
When: July 21 thru July 24
Where: Bolkow Castle, Poland Who: Atari Teenage Riot (de), PROJECT PITCHFORK (de), DIARY OF DREAMS (de), Closterkeller (pl), UMBRA ET IMAGO (de), SUICIDE COMMANDO (be) and many more Official Website:
Summer Darkness
When: July 29 thru July 31
Where: Utrecht, the Netherlands
Who: Lineup will be announced during the Summer Darkness Winter Edition, on Feb-04 (Combichrist & Mortiis concert)
Official website:
M’era Luna Festival
When: August 13 & August 14
Where: Hildesheim, Germany
Who: Within Temptation, ASP, End of Green, Mono Inc., The Beauty of Gemina and others to be confirmed
Official Website:
E-tropolis Festival
When: September 3
Where: Berlin, Germany
Who: Rotersand, VNV Nation, Haujobb, Faderhead, Solitary Experiments, Santa Hates You, and others to be confirmed
Official Website: