Darkwave.ro electro/industrial music magazine | news – reviews – interviews – concerts – festivals – parties

May 3, 2011

Kirlian Camera (+Tanz Ohne Musik opening) – review with photos 29.04.2011


About the event * Tanz Ohne Musik @Control Club 29.04.2011 promoter: Viva Music – Review * Tanz Ohne Musik @Control Club 29.04.2011: Setlist * Tanz Ohne Musik @Control Club 29.04.2011: Photo Gallery * Kirlian Camera @Control Club 29.04.2011 promoter: Viva Music -Review * Kirlian Camera @Club Control 29.04.2011: Setlist * Kirlian Camera @Control Club 29.04.2011: Photo Gallery * Links

About the event

Not of This World” is not only a very plausible name for an album, such as KIRLIAN CAMERA’s best-of album released in late 2010; but also a good description of the show the band put up on April, 29 in a wonderful VIVA MUSIC event in Club Control, with a very artful preface from TANZ OHNE MUSIK. An otherworldly performance brought to you by Angelo Bergamini, Elena Fossi, Lexi Chevalier and Kyoo Nam Rossi kept the avid audience enthralled for almost two hours!

The festive atmosphere of the Labor Day weekend and the opening of the summer season were celebrated by VIVA MUSIC with a great event: the legendary KIRLIAN CAMERA for their first Romanian date. While their 30-year history on the scene of music requires little if any introduction, let it be said that the atmospheric music they perform is vivid, energetic and empathetic – qualities that were appreciated by the audience as well. (more…)

April 27, 2011

Latest news about Kirlian Camera concert in Bucharest – 2 days to go!

KIRLIAN CAMERA + TANZ OHNE MUSIK in Control Club, April 29, 2011

An ELECTRONIK (www.electronik.ro) event, promoted by VIVA MUSIC

Take a photo of your soul with Kirlian Camera and Tanz Ohne Musik on April, 29, in an ELECTRONIK event promoted by VIVA MUSIC with support from CONTROL CLUB!

KIRLIAN CAMERA, a band that stands witness to the times we live in, takes an active and creative role in the metamorphoses of Italian pop into the genre of darkwave. For the first time in Romania, KIRLIAN CAMERA propose a show that fuses avant-garde and underground, with an opening from the most viral act of the club scene of the moment,  TANZ OHNE MUSIK.

In their thirty years of activity, KIRLIAN CAMERA got into every nook and corner of music, adding in the process defining marks to their style. With an unflinching belief in eclecticism as a motor of creativity, the music of KIRLIAN CAMERA was nourished by numerous collaborations, explorations of diverse styles, and the addition to their portfolio of several projects, among which we enumerate SEPULCRUM DEI, ALIEN MARTYR, STALINGRAD, SIDERARTICA or SPECTRA PARIS. At the same time, KIRLIAN CAMERA provided the musical score for art and experimental movies such as ”I ragazzi di Torino sognano Tokyo e vanno a Berlino”, ”Gli Anni Trenta” or ”Cosa c’entra con l’amore”. read the full story on electronik.ro!

March 14, 2011

Kirlian Camera + Tanz Ohne Musik in Club Control, 29 aprilie 2011

KIRLIAN CAMERA + TANZ OHNE MUSIK in Club Control, 29 aprilie 2011

Eveniment organizat de VIVA MUSIC cu sprijinul CONTROL CLUB

sub marca ELECTRONIK (www.electronik.ro)

VIVA MUSIC continua seria de evenimente sub marca ELECTRONIK cu un concert fulminant pe data de 29 aprilie 2011, in Club Control (St. Academiei nr. 19) cu legenda KIRLIAN CAMERA. In deschidere, TANZ OHNE MUSIK, proiectul electro cel mai viral al momentului pe plaiurile mioritice.


[citeste continuarea pe site-ul dedicat evenimentului, electronik.ro]


March 3, 2011

Combichrist in Romania review (with photos) – with Mortiis – March 01, 2011

I can only say one thing: tonight, VIVA MUSIC converted me to a new religion in the chapel of The Silver Church”. (Hypestreet.ro)

VIVA MUSIC proudly presents the success of yet another event, COMBICHRIST + MORTIIS live at The Silver Church, on March 1st, 2011. A frantic crowd, a very energetic and invigorating sound, plus a unique experience for both artists and audience: these are the words we’d use to sum up the ploy COMBICHRIST and MORTIIS put up in order to prompt the emotions of their audience into the right corner of the heart.

The event was preceded by an escalating reputation – numerous publications, radio stations, internet communities and sites propagated the news of a performance filled with excitement and expectations: and in effect, the show was not disappointing at all! If you add the many Twitter and Facebook shares (estimated: over 2,000) to the concert related news, info, videos and reviews, you talk about the event that broke ground on the music scene of Bucharest – an event that ignited, inspired and elevated a curious, educated and hip audience of electroheads, Goths, rockers, and the regular club-goers – a wonderful audience whom we feel we could never thank enough.

MORTIIS’s concert lasted a head-spinning 45 minutes, in which they delighted their audience with a gravity-defying scenic tour of their work. Although consecrated tracks of their impressive discography were not given live greenlight, their setlist tuned to the audience’s thirst of quality music made in Norway.

Mortiis are a team-like band, and their music matches perfectly the energy they display on stage and their aspect, thus making the perfect introduction to what was about to happen, namely the COMBICHRIST concert” (Thegig.ro)

In the spotlights that would occasionally tear the darkness filled with smoke it was rather difficult to picture the savageness of their look thoroughly, however, the concert was an excellent one, with very good sound and a different (and I mean it in a good way) show, that sets against their studio recordings”. (Metropotam)

MORTIIS setlist @The Silver Church, March-01, 2011

The Ugly Truth
Way too Wicked
Closer to the End
Perfectly Defect
Decadent & Desperate
Scalding the Burnt
Demons Are Back

MORTIIS photogallery @The Silver Church, March-01, 2011


(special thanks to Andrei and vv)

MORTIIS photogallery, March-01, 2011, courtesy of Silver Church


MORTIIS interview by Metalfan.ro (English version, Romanian version)

COMBICHRIST’s show, on the other hand, eliminated any doubt anyone might have had about their live performance skills. A well-concerted experience that did away with the limitations of a traditional show, their erupting presence, synchronized team and infatigable zest delivered a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Well over their 90 minutes, the band encored and encored into the night as a frenzied audience asked for more energy and majestic sound.

Breathtaking from the beginning to the end”. (Thegig.ro)

With their industrial make-up all over them, as if, they had just changed the oil or the ball-bearing of the wheel of the apocalypse, COMBICHRIST made an outstanding show”. (Metropotam)

I have never seen before such an excess of testosterone in only one place! So much synchronicity, force and manliness unleashed!” (Hypestreet.ro)

After what seemed like 2 hours of live performance, which would have tired anyone, the band amazed with the same energy they showed when they got on stage. COMBICHRIST were amazing, they were prepared to deliver a show you had a hard time leaving behind”. (Thegig.ro)

I can only say one thing: tonight, VIVA MUSIC converted me to a new religion in the chapel of the Silver Church”. (Hypestreet.ro)

COMBICHRIST setlist @The Silver Church, March-01, 2011

Just Like Me
Follow the Trail of Blood
Today I Woke to the Rain of Blood
Throat Full of Glass
Get Your Body Beat
Slave to Machine
Blut Royale
Never Surrender
(encore one)
Fuck This Shit
(encore two)
What the Fuck Is Wrong With You?

COMBICHRIST photogallery @The Silver Church, March-01, 2011


(special thanks to Andrei and vv)

COMBICHRIST photogallery, March-01, 2011, courtesy of Silver Church



MORTIIS videos courtesy of Adrian Rolland, www.bloodbath.ro: Perfectly defect, Decadent and desperate

COMBICHRIST videos courtesy of Adrian Rolland, www.bloodbath.ro: Fuckmachine, Fuck this shit, What the fuck is wrong with you

MORTIIS & COMBICHRIST videos by Metalhead.ro

Reviews with photo galleries: Metropotam, TheGig, Hypestreet, Empty-Stage, Metalfan, Rockstage (MORTIIS photos), Rockstage (COMBICHRIST photos), and last but not least a vivid review from Maximum Rock Magazin.


Other videos by the participants: MORTIIS no #1, MORTIIS no #2, COMBICHRIST no #1, COMBICHRIST no #2, COMBICHRIST no #3, COMBICHRIST no #4



F**k Machine

February 14, 2011

Nine Inch Nails Tribute in Bucharest, Club Fabrica, February 12 – Review, Photos and Videos

VIVA MUSIC is very proud to announce the success of our February 12, 2011 event in Club Fabrica. NINE INCH NAILS Tribute: Are You In?, the first local tribute to address the corpus of work of NINE INCH NAILS, represents the joint efforts of a group of remarkable artists of the Romanian underground and of VIVA MUSIC, efforts that were meant to produce a genuine NINE INCH NAILS experience for the band’s followership and for a tuned-in public, keen on seeing local creativity in tandem with songs that pinpoint the 20+ years of existence of a legendary band.

COVERED IN NAILS, as was self-dubbed the ensemble, is the result of diligent work carried out daily by five relevant artists, who thought up a supergroup pet project as a creative loophole for their respective artistic careers. A well-wrought brotherhood of musicians, COVERED IN NAILS is the brainchild of Stefan Zaharescu (KISTVAEN, DOMINATION, DWARF PLANET), Razvan Ristea (LUNA AMARA), Mihnea Ferezan (LUNA AMARA), Janin Pasniciuc (DEKADENS, ex-ZEBRE, PARTIZAN), and Victor Ferezan (TEP ZEPI), aided by VIVA MUSIC‘s enthousiastic support of the local scene and intelligent logistics. Announced at the end of 2010, the event, taglined as ‘We’re in this together‘, after a NINE INCH NAILS single, meant exactly this kind of exercise in communion and dedication to music for music’s sake.


February 3, 2011

Semiosis deschide Concertul Tribut Nine Inch Nails din Club Fabrica, sambata, feb 12

Grupul craiovean SEMIOSIS va deschide concertul tribut NINE INCH NAILS din data de 12 februarie din Club Fabrica, organizat de VIVA MUSIC.

SEMIOSIS este un proiect post-rock din Craiova format de prietenii din copilarie Alexandru Seidiu si Serban Ilicevici. Chiar daca vin din scene diferite – Alexandru din cea electronica si Serban din cea hardcore punk, acest lucru nu le-a impiedicat colaborarea: in 2007 lucrau deja impreuna la coloana sonora a unui film independent. Proiectul de film nu s-a finalizat, dar SEMIOSIS da!

In 2009 se lanseaza „Pictural”, primul lor album independent, care sintetizeaza un sound traditional post-rock, melancolic si ambiental, dublat de sample-uri inedite, printre care cele ale lui Marius Costache, invitat si totodata producator al albumului. Inovator pentru rockul industrial, albumul a primit nota 9/10 de la publicatia METALHEAD.RO.


January 21, 2011

Filmari Hd cu pregatirile pentru concertul tribut Nine Inch Nails, eveniment in premiera pentru Romania si Europa de Est!

Filmari HD cu pregatirile pentru concertul tribut Nine Inch Nails din data de 12 februarie in Club Fabrica din Bucuresti pot fi urmarite mai jos. Clipurile au fost realizate de Adrian Rolland (Bloodbath.ro).


Nota: Aceste filmari nu reflecta produsul final, ci trebuie catalogate drept ‘work in progress’. Enjoy!






Cinci muzicieni cunoscuti din scena underground isi vor uni fortele pentru un proiect unic si cu totul special, primul tribut live Nine Inch Nails produs vreodata in Romania.


Evenimentul va avea loc pe 12 februarie, in Club Fabrica, locatie ce bifeaza toate cerintele evenimentului si asteptarile publicului. Poate gazdui in jur de 600 persoane si ofera un complex de lumini, sunet si facilitati de standard profesionist.


Pentru acest proiect a fost nevoie de muzicieni cu experienta si talent, astfel ca pe 12 februarie vor urca pe scena:


Razvan Ristea – tobe (Luna Amara)

Mihnea Ferezan – chitara/backing vocals (Luna Amara)

Janin ‘Jan’ Pasniciuc – chitara/backing vocals (Dekadens/-ex Zebre, Partizan)

Victor ‘Vava’ Ferezan – bass/backing vocals (Tep Zepi)

Stefan Zaharescu – voce (Kistvaen, Domination, Dwarf Planet)


Contributie speciala din partea lui: L (The Spiral, Italia) – keyboards, synth, samplers


Complexitatea evenimentului insemna si o atentie deosebita oferita partilor de synth, un aspect fara de care organizarea acestui eveniment este absolut imposibila. Astfel grupul a apelat la ajutorul lui Luca, un tanar dar foarte talentat muzician din Italia, care a reusit sa recompuna si sa inregistreze cu succes toate pasajele de synth necesare pentru cele circa 17 piese incluse in setlist-ul concertului.


Experienta si profesionalismul muzicienilor implicati in proiect stau drept garantie pentru un eveniment cu totul special, primul de acest gen din Romania.


Evenimentul se va bucura de un warm up si DJ afterparty, detaliile fiind disponibile in curand.


Accesul in sala este posibil incepand de la ora 20:00. Biletele costa 20 de Ron (presale si locatie) si se gasesc pe www.bilete.ro, www.myticket.ro si www.ticketpoint.ro, precum si in retelele magazinelor Diverta, Muzica si Sala Palatului.


Evenimentul beneficiaza de sprijinul si promovarea Metalhead.ro, Metalfan, Sapte Seri, Port.ro, Hailaconcert.ro, Metropotam, Hypestreet, Bucharest in your pocket, Lux Noctis, Bloodbath.ro, rockXpress, Dor de duca, Kogaionon, Umbra de noapte, Rockstage, Radio Lynx si Tonight.eu, carora Viva Music le multumeste si pe aceasta cale.


January 6, 2011

Nine Inch Nails live tribute la Bucuresti: detalii oficiale, artisti


Viva Music are deosebita placere sa anunte un eveniment in premiera pentru Romania si Europa de Est.

Cinci muzicieni cunoscuti din scena underground isi vor uni fortele pentru un proiect unic si cu totul special, primul tribut live Nine Inch Nails produs vreodata in Romania.

[for English scroll down]

Un proiect pus la cale inca din 2010, cele aproximativ 90 de minute ale spectacolului vor fi o productie NIN autentica: sunet, lumini si video, toate aceste detalii vor fi pregatite alaturi de oameni cu experienta in domeniu.

Pregatiti-va pentru o reprezentatie de o verosimilitudine NIN de necontestat!

Evenimentul va avea loc pe 12 februarie, in Club Fabrica, locatie ce bifeaza toate cerintele evenimentului si asteptarile publicului. Poate gazdui in jur de 600 persoane si ofera un complex de lumini, sunet si facilitati de standard profesionist.

Pentru acest proiect a fost nevoie de muzicieni cu experienta si talent, astfel ca pe 12 februarie vor urca pe scena:

Razvan Ristea – tobe (Luna Amara)
Mihnea Ferezan – chitara/backing vocals (Luna Amara)
Janin ‘Jan’ Pasniciuc – chitara/backing vocals (Dekadens/-ex Zebre, Partizan)
Victor ‘Vava’ Ferezan – bass/backing vocals (Tep Zepi)
Stefan Zaharescu – voce (Kistvaen, Domination, Dwarf Planet)

Contributie speciala din partea lui:

L  (The Spiral, Italia) – keyboards, synth, samplers


Complexitatea evenimentului insemna si o atentie deosebita oferita partilor de synth, un aspect fara de care organizarea acestui eveniment este absolut imposibila. Astfel grupul a apelat la ajutorul lui Luca, un tanar dar foarte talentat muzician din Italia, care a reusit sa recompuna si sa inregistreze cu succes toate pasajele de synth necesare pentru cele circa 17 piese incluse in setlist-ul concertului.

Experienta si profesionalismul muzicienilor implicati in proiect stau drept garantie pentru un eveniment cu totul special, primul de acest gen din Romania.

Evenimentul se va bucura de un warm up si DJ afterparty, detaliile fiind disponibile in curand.

Accesul in sala este posibil incepand de la ora 20:00. Biletele costa 20 de Ron (presale si locatie) si vor fi disponibile incepand cu data de 10 ianuarie pe www.bilete.ro, www.myticket.ro si www.ticketpoint.ro, precum si in retelele magazinelor Diverta, Muzica si Sala Palatului.

Din 2009 Viva Music a organizat concerte pentru trupele MELOTRON, DIARY OF DREAMS, IN STRICT CONFIDENCE, DAS ICH, COVENANT, SLAVE REPUBLIC, PAINBASTARD, DESTROID si FRANK THE BAPTIST. Viva Music a deschis apetitul publicului romanesc pentru muzica non-mainstream, inteligenta si educata, oferind nu numai spectacole muzicale de calitate, dar si atmosfera.


Evenimentul se bucura de sprijinul deplin al METALHEAD.ro, cea mai mare platforma de internet din Europa de Est dedicata muzicii rock/metal, dar si al NIN.ro, site-ul oficial al comunitatii Nine Inch Nails din Romania.

Sursa: Metalhead.ro

[English version]

Five best known musicians of the alternative rock/metal scene will put together a special and unique project, the first Nine Inch Nails Tribute to be ever presented in Romania. The event, produced by Viva Music will take place on February 12, 2011 at Fabrica Club (11 Iunie St., no 52).


A project mused upon since 2010, the 90 minutes of the show will be an authentic NIN production: sound, lights and video will be attended by experienced minds of the scene.


Brace yourself for a show of undisputed NIN veracity!


The event will take place on February 12 at Fabrica Club, a venue that checks off all the prerequisites of the show and all the expectations of the audience. It can host up to 600 people, and it offers a very professional light system along with proper sound and venue facilities.


Musicians of thorough experience and talent were called upon for this project, so on February 12 you will meet on stage:



Razvan Ristea – drums (Luna Amara)
Mihnea Ferezan – guitar/backing vocals (Luna Amara)
Janin ‘Jan’ Pasniciuc – guitar/backing vocals (Dekadens/-ex Zebre, Partizan)
Victor ‘Vava’ Ferezan – bass/backing vocals (Tep Zepi)
Stefan Zaharescu – vocals (Kistvaen, Domination, Dwarf Planet)



A special contribution is gladly received from:



L (The Spiral, Italy) – keyboards, synth, samplers



The complexity of the show imposed granting special attention to synth sounds, since without them, putting up this show would have been out of the question. This is why the project supergroup called on Luca, a young but nevertheless very talented Italian musician, who was able to reconstruct and record successfully all the synth waves needed for the 17 songs that make up the concert setlist.


The experience and professionalism of the musicians who enrolled in this project is collateral to a totally special event, the first of its kind in Romania.


The event will include a warmup and DJ afterparty to be announced soon.


Doors open at 20:00. Tickets cost 20 Ron (presale and at the venue) and and can be purchased starting January 10 online from www.bilete.rowww.myticket.ro and www.ticketpoint.ro,, as well as from Diverta, Muzica and Sala Palatului stores.


About Viva Music:

Viva Music stays devoted to its mission of exclusively promoting new wave, EBM, electro, dark, gothic, industrial and aggrotech in Romania, at the same time believing that music can inspire anyone, and gets the best of us. As a team of young, motivated individuals who promote best practices in event organization in Romania, we gladly devote ourselves to ensure best conditions for artists and their fans.



December 3, 2010

Nine Inch Nails live tribute in Bucharest, Club Fabrica, on February 12, 2011

Viva Music are deosebita placere sa anunte un eveniment special pentru data de 12 februarie in Club Fabrica din Bucuresti

Cinci muzicieni cunoscuti ai scenei de rock alternativ si metal pun la cale un proiect unic si special, primul tribut Nine Inch Nails produs vreodata in Romania.

[for English scroll down]

Cele 90 minute ale spectacolului vor fi o productie NIN autentica: sunet, lumini si video vor fi angrenate intr-o reprezentatie de o verosimilitudine NIN de necontestat. 18 melodii sunt produse chiar in acest moment, iar artistii depun toate eforturile ca lucrurile sa mearga conform planului.


November 3, 2010

Combichrist in Romania, March 1, 2011

Filed under: Combichrist + Mortiis — Tags: , , , — admin @ 9:22 pm



Combichrist si Mortiis in concert pe 1 martie la Silver Church

(data publicarii: 18.02.2011)

[for the English version scroll down]

De Martisor are loc la Silver Church (Calea Plevnei Nr. 61) concertul COMBICHRIST (in deschidere MORTIIS) organizat de Viva Music. Concertul face parte din turneul de promovare a celui mai recent album COMBICHRIST, “Making Monsters”.


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