Alex P’s project PAINBASTARD soon celebrates its 10th year. In 2010, the release of “Kriegserlkaerung”, the act’s fifth album means a great deal of social criticism and lucid look at current affairs, all geared with great electronica.
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The album debuts simply and concisely with an intro entitled “Rebellion des Gewissens” (“The Rebellion of the Conscience”). The powerful speech sample from “The Great Dictator” sounds historical, and it is antagonized by very melodious electronic sound, in a way that announces the calm before the storm. “BCM” (BCM stands for binary code message) and “Widerstand” mark the boiling point of full sound, great tempo and very good lyrics about social conscience put in soundscape, and about how terrifyingly all this fits into nowadays world’s optics. “Seele in Not” (“Soul in Need”) further deepens this feeling, creating harmonies in disorder. A fast-paced “War Never Changes” is next: similar in intent to an energy drink and makes up for a great club anthem. The same anthem quality is visible in “Silent Death”, just before the album title track, “Kriegserklaerung” erupts. Robotic alerts are interspersed with quotes from Shakespeare, all covered up by hypnotic beats. “Don’t Wake Me Up” is more concise, but with great club potential, just like all the other ensuing tracks: the Janus-faced, suave & potent “Invisible”, the computer-game like, interactive “Seek & Destroy”, or the coprolalia of “F*** U All!”. A great duo with Torsten B., “Klare Worte” gives extra value to the album, and creatively works with the feeling that oozes from the entire album, just before the outro “Strom des Zorns” does really what it says, showing the full blast power of wrath.
versiunea in limba romana
Proiectul PAINBASTARD al lui Alex P sarbatoreste zilele acestea zece ani de activitate. In 2010, lansarea celui de-al cincilea album, “Kriegserlkaerung”, inseamna o doza mare de critica sociala si o privire lucida asupra starii actuale, totul asamblat intr-un sunet electronic de calitate.
Albumul debuteaza simplu si concis cu un intro intitulat “Rebellion des Gewissens” (“Revolta constiintei”). Sample-urile covarsitoare din “The Great Dictator” dau un sunet istoric, antagonizat de muzica electronica melodioasa, anuntand calmul de dinaintea furtunii. “BCM” (BCM inseamna mesaj in limbaj binar) si “Widerstand” marcheaza punctual de fierbere al sunetului deplin, tempo-ului de calitate si versurilor foarte bune despre constiinta sociala pusa in fundal sonor si despre cat de inspaimantator totul se potriveste in optica lumii de azi. “Seele in Not” (“Suflet aflat in nevoie”) adanceste acest sentiment, creand armonie in dezordine. Urmeaza ritmul alert adus de “War Never Changes”: cu intentii similare unei bauturi energizante si poate fi numit un imn de club. Aceeasi calitate de imn este vizibila in “Silent Death”, chiar inainte ca melodia care da titlul albumului, “Kriegserklaerung” sa erupa. Alerte robotice se intretai cu citate din Shakespeare, totul fiind acoperit de un beat hypnotic. “Don’t Wake Me Up” este mai concise, dar cu mult potential de club, la fel ca si melodiile care urmeaza: duala, suava & potenta “Invisible”, “Seek & Destroy” cu sunetul sau de joc interactiv pe computer, sau coprolalia din “F*** U All!”. Un duo fascinant cu Torsten B., “Klare Worte” da plus-valoare intregului album, lucrand in mod creative cu sentimentul care reiese din intregul album, inainte ca outro-ul “Strom des Zorns” sa faca exact ce spune, aratand puterea nestapanita a maniei.
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