SLAVE REPUBLIC (Germany) is Alec Fu (vocals, guitar) and Alex Alice (bass, keyboards). The band recently signed with Accession Records, a label that works with artists such as Diary of Dreams, Assemblage 23, Diorama, Painbastard or Panzer AG.
The duo captures our attention through its very felicitous synthpop style, well on the same line that made you love Duran Duran, IAMX or Diorama.
The material released on March 12 – “Electric One”, has in store all the necessary elements of a sensitive and harmonious album: 11 tracks, on the one hand soothing and gloomy ballads, meanwhile, on the other hand, exciting rhythms and electric beats, perfect for a clubbing night. Add to that a bonus of 2 feverish remixes by Haujobb and Olaf Wollschläger.
“Electric One” starts at full tilt with “The Driver”, a track that will transport you in the atmosphere of the 80’s, when Depeche Mode released their first albums. Further, “Hadron Collider” guarantees the listeners’ time travel, flowing in a much more alert way. The vibe of the alien beeps that give rhythm to the entire composition, will take you to a science fiction realm.
“Number Three” comes, obviously, third, and has an absolutely haunting rhythm, with acute New Wave influences. You simply cannot keep it straight while listening to it! Also, on this track, Lea Schäfer’s voice blends perfectly with that of Alec Fu – and the perspective of exploring the artistic value of female voices remains an option for future albums. Keep your ears pricked for “My Maker”, where indie guitars make their presence felt and fill up perfectly the electro sound and Alec Fu’s distinct voice.
“Electric”, title also featured in the album’s name, has a rejuvenating optimism and dynamic tone and it is here that the album climaxes, up until the ballad “Less Of Me” takes the floor. This latter track stands witness for the behavior of lovers who make unrequited confessions: “Would you think any less of me / If I told you that I loved you / Would you think any less of me/ If I told you that I cared”. Says Alec, this song is dedicated to all his ex-girlfriends.
“Truth Or Dare” is kindred in melancholy with the previous track, while on “Choking/Drowning” the guitar and bass make their presence felt best, rendering it the most aggressive song of this album. If you feel the need of a break, you are not going to get it that soon, since “Minimum Regret” with its chorus: “Sweat, Burn, Feel the tension/ Max pleasure, minimum regret”, encourages us to remain on the dance floor.
“Destiny” restores the meditative atmosphere of previous tracks, and prepares the listener for the Outro, “(I’m Your) Slave”, a melancholic composition, very friendly with the listener’s reveries.
“Electric One” will certainly delight both romantics and euphoria chasers of the dancefloor culture, through its ballads and the strong, electric vibe of its tracks.
Artist: Slave Republic
Label: Accession Records
Album: CD, Album
Release: March 12, 2010
Slave Republic on MySpace and Facebook
Slave Republic‘s official site
Accession Records‘ official site
SLAVE REPUBLIC (Germania), formata din Alec Fu (voce, chitara) si Alex Alice (bass, clape), a semnat recent cu Accession Records, un label care lucreaza cu nume precum Diary Of Dreams, Assemblage 23, Diorama, Painbastard sau Panzer AG.
Duo-ul ne atrage atentia prin abordarea intr-o maniera foarte reusita a unui synthpop cu influenţe Duran Duran, IAMX sau Diorama.
Materialul lansat pe 12 martie – “Electric One”, dispune de toate elementele unui album sensibil si armonios: 11 piese, atat balade linistitoare si melancolice, cat si cantece cu ritmuri antrenante si beat-uri electrice, perfecte pentru o seara în club, plus un bonus de 2 remixuri febrile realizate de Haujobb si Olaf Wollschläger.
“Electric One” debuteaza hotarat cu “The Driver” si va transpune intr-o atmosfera a anilor ’80, pe cand Depeche Mode lansa primele albume. In continuare “Hadron Collider” va garanteaza calatoria in timp, de data aceasta, insa, intr-o maniera putin mai alerta. Sunetul bip-urilor extraterestre, ce dau ritmul intregii compozitii, va poarta intr-o lume SF.
“Number Three” vine cu un tempo absolut obsedant, cu puternice influente New Wave. Pur si simplu nu poti sta pe loc in timpul auditiei! Tot pe aceasta piesa se regaseste vocea lui Lea Schäfer, impletita armonios cu cea a lui alec Fu – explorarea vocilor feminine nu trebuie exclusa, clar, din experimentele albumelor viitoare. Urmeaza “My Maker”, unde chitarele indie isi fac simtita prezenta si completeaza perfect sunetul electro si vocea distincta a lui Fu.
“Electric”, titlu ce se regaseste si in denumirea albumului, va revitalizeaza si aduce o nota de optimism si dinamism si constituie punctul culminant, pana la intrarea in peisaj a baladei “Less Of Me”. Prin versurile “Would you think any less of me/ If I told you that I loved you/ Would you think any less of me/ If I told you that I cared”, SLAVE REPUBLIC descrie perfect comportamentul amantilor care isi fac confesiuni inegale. Conform declaratiei lui Alec, aceasta piesa este dedicata tuturor fostelor sale iubiri.
“Truth Or Dare” mentine linia melancolica precedenta, in timp ce pe “Choking/Drowning” chitara si basul isi fac simtita prezenta cel mai bine si transforma piesa in cea mai agresiva compozitie a albumului. Daca simtiti nevoia unei pauze, va mai trebui sa asteptati, pentru ca “Minimum Regret” isi face intrarea, iar synth-urile unduitoare, vocea sexy si versurile “Let’s start to dance/ Sweat, burn, feel the tension/ Max pleasure, minimum regret” va impun sa va mobilizati.
“Destiny” va introduce intr-o atmosfera meditativa si va pregateste pentru outro-ul “(I’m Your) Slave”, o compozitie apropiata de reveriile ascultatorului.
“Electric One” ii va multumi atat pe sfiosii romantici, prin baladele sale, cat si pe aceia care vor sa simta euforia unei seri in club, prin vibe-ul puternic electronic.
Artist: Slave Republic
Label: Accession Records
Album: CD, Album
Lansare: March 12, 2010
Slave Republic pe MySpace si Facebook
Slave Republic site oficial
Accession Records site oficial
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Viviana Ball, Viva Music. Viva Music said: http://tinyurl.com/2vbch2f – our review of Slave Republic's "Electric One" album (synthpop). "Electric" video http://youtu.be/AaxTgAb8Cbo […]
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[…] Other Slave Republic articles by Viva Music: Slave Republic at Darkwave.ro Fest 2010 | Slave Republic photo gallery at Darkwave.ro Fest 2010| “Electric One” Album Review […]
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