Darkwave.ro electro/industrial music magazine | news – reviews – interviews – concerts – festivals – parties

June 13, 2012

E-tropolis Festival: Date Postponed, But New Acts Announced

As festival authorities just confirmed, the third E-tropolis Festival at the Columbia compound in Berlin has been postponed. Already bought tickets remain valid for the new date!

Initially scheduled for September 2012, the alternate date has been set to 23.03.2013. The postponement of the entire festival became necessary, after the original date collided with the agendas of various high-profile artists. In order to provide you with the strong musical line-up, the festival is acclaimed for, featuring the best of EBM, industrial, electro- and synthpop, we decided to pull the plug and to reconfigure the control board again, in order to gather up a diversified billing for the system re-boot in March. Finally we don´t need to hold back any longer, what will offer a total blast of electronic dance music!

Before we get to the new announcements, all fans of NACHTMAHR, DIORAMA, GRENDEL and [X]-RX shall feel relieved. All four of these previously announced bands agreed to the postponement and will perform at the E-tropolis Festival in March 2013.

Accompanied by a large bite of “now more than ever!”-attitude we meanwhile managed to add 7 striking reasons for your festival-trip to the German capital of Berlin:


In addition to that we have even more artists in the pipeline, soon to be announced! So anticipate the electro-event of the year with us and salute spring 2013 in Berlin with a threefold thundering: “Darker:Harder:Louder!” – no holds barred!

Tickets: As usual, original tickets and our highly-requested 5+1 group tickets are exclusively available from our festival ticket shop www.etropolis-festival.de/tickets. Additionally standard festival tickets are available nationwide on all CTS/EVENTIM, ADTICKET and TICKETMASTER outlets! Tickets are priced 38,00 € plus charges and shipping. Tickets bought for the festival date in 2012 stay valid for the new date! (source: press release)

For further information visit the festival’s official page and their Facebook page.

December 19, 2011

2011: A Music Year in Review (Viva Music version)

2011 was a great year for our scene. Just a quick roundup of the acts and artists who released new material this year is sufficient to give you an impression, however fleeting, of the great tumult the scene has caused and the important additions 2011 has brought to our playlists. New releases from VNV Nation, Apoptygma Berzerk, Haujobb, Sopor Aeternus, Covenant, Kirlian Camera and Diary of Dreams kept music lovers on edge and numerous other releases made their days worthwhile throughout the year.

In 2011, Viva Music had the pleasure and honor to listen to and review some 100 albums. In order to read our reviews, you can go to the menu and pick Album Reviews from the Interviews & Reviews section, or navigate using the right-hand visual cover flow. Pluses between brackets in the article lead you to the featured reviews.

Readers’ choice in terms of number of Facebook likes indicate Apoptygma Berzerk’s “Black EP vo.2” (+), Global Citizen’s “Nil by Mouth” (+), Haujobb’s “New World March” (+), The Cruxshadows’ “Valkyrie” (+), Ghost and Writer’s “Shipwrecks” (+), Autodafeh’s “Act of Faith” (+), Tenek’s “EP2” (+), Shiv-r’s “This World Erase” (+) and Covenant’s “Modern Ruin” (+) as top favorites. We have no doubt it was the beauty of the respective albums and not of our reviews that kept them up in the charts!

With numerous releases, the appreciation of the public was unanimous. It was an honor to have around VNV Nation’s “Automatic” (+), Kirlian Camera’s “Nightglory” (+), Diary of Dreams’ “Ego:X” (+),  Sopor Aeternus’ “Children of the Corn” (+), Aesthetic Perfection’s “All Beauty Destroyed” (+), KMFDM’s “WTF?!” (+), And One’s “Tanzomat” (+), Sin D.N.A.’s “Afterlife” (+), Lowe’s “Evolver” (+), IAMX’s “Volatile Times”, Imperative Reaction’s “Imperative Reaction” (+), Necro Facility’s “Wintermute” (+), Amduscia’s “Death Thou Shalt Die” (+), and System Syn’s “All Seasons Pass” (+ ).

No less impeccable and listenable in a loop proved to be a set of albums which, should you have missed them, are up on your shopping list next time you hit a record store. Ad Inferna’s “There Is No Cure” (+), The Pain Machinery’s “Surveillance Culture” (+), God Module’s “Seance” (+), Mona Mur & En Esch’s “Do with Me What You Want” (+), Leaetherstrip’s “Untold Stories” (+), Vic Anselmo’s “In My Fragile” (+), Solar Fake’s “Frontiers” (+), Mina Harker’s “Bittersuess” (+), Lahannya’s “Dystopia” (+), and Lord of the Lost’s “Antagony” (+).

Special mention should be made of Romanian wonders LeVant’s “Beyond the Masque of Eden” (+) and Brazda lui Novac’s “Dizzy” (+).

Let us not forget the beautiful events we were invited to attend, and had the pleasure to experience in 2011. We provided detailed footage both under the guise of reviews and photo galleries at Amphi Festival (+), Nordstern Festival (+), and Nocturnal Culture Night (+). In 2012, we intend to attend to more such events and keep you posted on our beautiful and dynamic scene.

As Viva Music we also organized our own events in Bucharest. You can take a look at the feedback we received for the third edition of our Darkwave.ro Festival (with Tenek, Rabia Sorda and Project Pitchfork, +), for our Combichrist (+) and Kirlian Camera (+) concerts, as well as for our support for the first Nine Inch Nails Tribute in Bucharest (+). We do our best to keep our scene alive and the response we get is always heart-warming and positive.


What was your favorite release in 2011? And what are you looking forward to in 2012?

August 10, 2011

Necro Facility – “The Lost Tapes” – Viva Music Review

Tracklist:  “Bashed Display” * “Closure” * “Congestion” * “Furunculous Fuse Garniture” * “Grind” * “Nursed (PLaydo Remix)” * “Reversed” * “Turmoil” * “Tuxedo (Tentacle Remix)” * “Waste

Read Viva Music’s review of Necro Facility’s “Wintermute” album here | Read Viva Music’s exclusive interview with Necro Facility here.

Necro Facility – “The Lost Tapes” – Viva Music Review:

The success of “Wintermute” is on everyone’s lips – just three months after the album’s release, there are still people who rightfully claim it to be one of the best releases of 2011 – an opinion Viva Music seconds and has done so ever since the official release on May-13.

Wintermute” is electrifying, profound, sexy, and comes with quite a fresh perspective on what you can do on today’s music scene. And as if it were not enough, “Wintermute” comes with a second amazing set of songs on the limited edition disc issued by Progress Productions – entitled “The Lost Tapes”, the ten-track album is in itself a standalone entity in the band’s discography, and luckily we will see it being re-released as a comeback to a wonderful album. (more…)

July 29, 2011

Great Listen: Amphi Festival 2011 Sampler Compilation from Out of Line!

Did you miss this year’s edition of Amphi Festival? Or you’ve witnessed the great lineup, venue, crowd and feel and want to revive it? Help yourself from “Amphi Festival 2011 – Compilation CD” from Out of Line: it makes a great mashup of songs you want to listen, a ready-made playlist for a drive or for sharing when you have friends over, the 18-track compilation gives the juice and diversity of the scene as proved by the 2011 edition of Amphi Festival.  Initially released as a festival appetizer, the compilation can be tasted just as well in the aftermath of the event, especially since the selection of tracks is rigorous, profound and totally entertaining!


Kirlian Camera – “Nightglory” * De/Vision – “Time To Be Alive (Radio edit)” * Nitzer Ebb“Kiss Kiss Bang Bang” * Suicide Commando – “Death Cures All Pain (Aesthetic Perfection Remix)” * Staubkind – “Halt Mich“ * Subway To Sally“Falscher Heiland“ * Samsas Traum – “Durch die Wand der Traeume” * Tanzwut – “Meer” * Hocico – “Tiempos De Furia” * Leæther Strip – “Invade my body” * Agonoize – “Vollrauschfetischist” * Covenant – “Get On” * Klangstabil“Gridami“ * Die Funkhausgruppe – “Die Physiker“ * Rome – “Der Wolfsmantel“ * Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio – “Do Angels Never Cry And Heaven Never Fall?” * Clan of Xymox – “Tears Ago“ * Die Krupps“Als waeren wir fuer immer“ 

Order “Amphi Festival – Compilation CD” from Out of Line here | Read Viva Music‘s review of Amphi Festival 2011 here.


July 20, 2011

Amphi Festival 2011 – 16&17-Jul, 2011 – Viva Music Review


Day One | Day Two | The Aftermath

Amphi Festival: Day One, Saturday, July-16: General Review | Mainstage | Staatenhaus

General Review

The fact that this year’s Amphi was going to be a success was obvious from the very beginning: people teemed in large numbers, and arrived to the venue earlier that last year. This meant that the first act, [X]-RX had an impressive audience for a first act on the main stage. A breathtaking experience, the 2011 edition of Amphi Festival made us yearn for next year’s festival already! And, as a side-note, given the enthusiasm and size of the audience, Cologne’s Tanzbrunnen may prove pretty soon to be too small a venue for such an excellent event.

Compared to 2010, the number of 2011 participants was significantly higher – a reason to the point might be the diverse lineup – from electronica to gothic, and from noise to darkwave – add to that the excellent entertainment offered in-between, the 100%-giving, outgoing performances of all acts, and needless to say, the tireless, party-oriented audience – all contributed to the overall success of the 2011 edition of Amphi Festival.

Participants at Amphi Festival 2011 (Day One) – photo gallery (more…)

June 7, 2011

Haujobb’s “Dead Market” EP Out Jun-17 – Viva Music Review

Only a couple of days are left until Jun-17, that is, until the release of HAUJOBB’s new EP “Dead Market” – an 8-piece wonder that precedes their forthcoming album “New World March” (tba, 2011). Prior to Jun-17, if you are in Leipzig for Wave Gotik Treffen, don’t miss out HAUJOBB’s club date for Sunday, Jun-12, in Darkflower Alternative Club (18:00 CET) for a special session with previews from the forthcoming album, the international release of the video for “Dead Market”, as well as a generous meet & greet with the artists (Facebook RSVP here).

Pre-order “Dead Market” (EP) here | Read Viva Music’s Artist of the Month entry on Daniel Myer | Watch “New World March” trailer and then read Viva Music‘s review of the “Dead Market” EP (after the jump):


Dead Market” * “Dead Market [Extended Remix]” * “Dead Market [The Horrorist – Remix]” * “Dead Market [Exes – Remix]” * “Letting The Demons Sleep [Nightmare]” * “Dead Market [Nomenklatuer – Remix]” * “Dead Market [Absolute Body Control – Remix]” * “Dead Market [Engineer’s Dub]


May 12, 2011

Necro Facility – “Wintermute” – Viva Music Album Review – Out Tomorrow May-13!



01. You Want It | 02. Explode | 03. Cuts | 04. Do You Feel The Same | 05. Fall Apart | 06. Waiting For The Snow | 07. Ignite | 08. Skrik | 09. Supposed | 10. All That You Take

Read the album press release here.

Viva Music Album Review

Note: If the review is overwhelmingly positive, it is because we at VIVA MUSIC are thrilled about the latest release from NECRO FACILITY, “Wintermute”, out tomorrow May-13 with Progress Productions. Not only is the album a delightful listen you feel the urge of listening again when you finished listening to it the first time; but also because it is a well-needed breath of fresh air to the electro and industrial scenes. (more…)

May 10, 2011

Necro Facility New Release “Wintermute” Out May-13

Filed under: International News — Tags: , , , , , , — admin @ 9:10 am


01. You Want It | 02. Explode | 03. Cuts | 04. Do You Feel The Same | 05. Fall Apart |  06. Waiting For The Snow | 07. Ignite | 08. Skrik | 09. Supposed | 10. All That You Take

Order now!

Not so very often there is an album that brings new hope, new faith and have a massive impact on the electronic music scene. “Wintermute” from Swedish Necro Facility is for sure one of these rare exceptions.

A band that will develope and take the term industrial music to the next level. Many of you have for sure already heard their work on the Covenant single “Lightbringer” which was written by Necro Facility and took them to position 1 on all the alternative charts all over the world. Also the bands previous albums “The Black Paintings” (2005) and “The Room” (2007) which both recived brilliant reviews all over the world and took them to the main stages of both the Wave-Gotik-Treffen in Leipzig and M’era Luna Festival in Hildesheim and shows in Hungary, Norway, Finland and Sweden among others. (more…)

April 12, 2011

Kinetik Festival, May 19-23 in Montreal: News!

A non-profit organization founded by a partnership between KAO Production, EBEN Production & [i] Prod to promote the North American Electro-Industrial-Noize scene, Kinetik Productions is proud to bring you back after the success of the last editions, the Kinetik Festival from May 19 to 23 2011 in Montreal, Canada. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this unique experience with some of the best acts of the Electro-Industrial scene performing during those four days!


The kinetic energy (also called in the old writings live viva, or sharp force) is the energy which a body because of its movement has. The kinetic energy of a body is equal to work necessary to make pass says it body of the rest to its current rotation and translatory movement.

It is Guillaume d’ Ockham (1280-1349) who introduced, in 1323, the difference between what is called the dynamic movement (that we generate) and the kinetic movement (generated by interactions, of which collisions).*

* Definition supplements via wikipedia


January 25, 2011

Covenant’s Modern Ruin: New Album Review

Filed under: Album Reviews — Tags: , , , , , , — admin @ 11:12 am

Released by Synthetic Symphony/SPV on January 14, the long-awaited album from COVENANT, “Modern Ruin” is the band’s ninth and probably the one which took the longest in the making. Five years after full-length “Skyshaper” and the live “In Transit”, COVENANT’s comeback is a fulgurating statement of their power of enthrallment on the scene. Hailed three months ago by the well-received single “Lightbringer” (feat. Necro Facility), the album, its deluxe release and the first single stay atop of sales charts and generate an incredible buzz.


Proof to the album’s success stands the album’s core of 11 tracks, forced into shape by the band’s trio: ESKIL SIMONSSON, DANIEL MYER, and JOAKIM MONTELIUS. What “Modern Ruin” does in effect, is similar to fusion cuisine: adding a pinch of darkwave to a broth of electro and future pop. It starts with an engaging intro, homonymous with the album title, and sets an alarming tone to what ensues. And it’s no wonder, since “Lightbringer” (feat. Necro Facility) stirs up next. It is a majestic, athletic track – with a lengthy and elaborate structure that not incidentally, we suppose, proposes a thematic cleansing: from shedding skin to burning down as a sacrifice, the listener is passed through a cleansing curtain that ensures their initiatory novitiate into the album.


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