Darkwave.ro electro/industrial music magazine | news – reviews – interviews – concerts – festivals – parties

October 8, 2012

The Cranberries @Romexpo, Bucharest: Oct-11

Filed under: Local News,Romanian Scene — Tags: , , , , — admin @ 12:31 pm

Events proudly presents the second Romanian concert of rock/pop sensation of the 1990’s The Cranberries on Oct-11, at 20:00hrs at Romexpo in Bucharest. The concert will be opened by Romanian act The Mono Jacks (we saw their awesome performance in 2011 opening for Suede: Viva Music review & photos).

The Cranberries are a genuine lovemark of the 1990’s and their early hiatus in the 2000’s left many audiences in a melancholy wait for their performances. Known to fuse elegantly and bluntly at the same time Irish lore and poetry (quite a few of their songs dwell on references from the poetry of W. B. Yeats), pervasive rock sounds, and a dark approach to the issues that convulse mankind (wars, addiction, lack of humanity in addressing the world’s problems), the band managed to raise to success within the shortest of whiles. Albums such as “Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We” or “No Need to Argue“, which are soon to step into their third decade, procured them a solid audience and their personality left an indelible mark on the way we perceive music today.

With their darker shades, explored mainly in albums such as “To the Faithful Departed” or “Wake Up and Smell the Coffee“, which approach diligently issues such as death, parental carelessness, the effect of war on people, depression, as well as alienation, they not only succeeded in offering a musical feast for their fans, but also open up a personal debate with their listeners on issues that impact our lives. Charismatic lead singer Dolores O’Riordan continued this self-assigned mission even after the band split; her solo albums, released in the mid-2000’s addressing personal issues such as bereavement, death from cancer of beloved ones, and the inability of the individual to cope with the great shattering experiences that shape our world today.

For their 2012 Bucharest concert, The Cranberries propose a musical treat of 2 hours: songs of their musical past, as well as a tour promo of their newest album, released in Feb-12, “Roses“. The Bucharest date of their tour is eagerly awaited by fans – and the venue of Romexpo suits very well the acoustics and audience needs of such a concert. You can purchase tickets here. You can RSVP to the Facebook event here. You can read more about the Romanian promoter of the event here.

March 7, 2012

Front Presents: All Tomorrow’s Fridays #1 – 09-Mar, Wings Club

Filed under: Local News — Tags: , , , , , , — admin @ 3:55 pm

Aveti in fata cel mai nou capitol din povestea romantata a vietii de noapte din Bucuresti. Ca si predecesorii sai, pilotul All Tomorrow’s Fridays este un episod speculativ plasat intr-un viitor postmodern, distopic, post-epoca-de-glorie-pentru-care-ti-venea-cheful-sa-iesi-în-oras. Este compilat de terte forte muzicale, se mixeaza la pupitru si se mananca cu teme saptamanale ale unui viitor emergent, tripante atat auditiv, ca t si vizual. Si priveste cat mai putin in urma.

RSVP pe Facebook.


INTRARE 10 lei

TANZ OHNE MUSIK – Un performance audio-vizual crud, subtil, iute si dulce, intr-un DJ set colat din bucati shoegaze, experimental, minimal wave, lo-fi, dreamwave si noise.

Pe Myspace | Pe Bandcamp | Color Nurse @Vimeo | Color Nurse@YouTube

01100111 – Copy & paste audio-video. Clip, beat, fragment, loop, sinestezie. Noua cultura a remixului. DJ & VJ set.

Pe Soundcloud | Pe Vimeo

MONTGOMERY CLUNK – Cuprinde atât de multe stiluri ale muzicii electronice încât iti vine greu a crede ca poate să facă sens. Cu toate astea, reuseste.

Pe Myspace | Pe Soundcloud

February 17, 2012

Castiga bilete la Future Sounds Festival/2012-Winter Edition! [Concurs finalizat]

Future Sounds Festival este organizat de FRONT, cu sprijinul SafeHouse (Popa Nan 82bis) si Hello Hotels. In editia de iarna 2012 – 24-februarie 10pm, SLOW MAGIC (US, dreamwave), SELEBRITIES (US, new wave), YOON (RO, electronica), SUNRAYS (RO, shoegaze/drone/doom pop) sunt artistii selectati de FRONT pentru a crea o atmosfera propice fanilor noilor descoperiri din scena electro si indie.

Mai multe detalii si RSVP pe Facebook.

Biletele in valoare de 20 lei, se vor putea achizitiona la intrare, in seara evenimentului. Un numar limitat de bilete (50) in valoare de 15 lei vor putea fi achizitionate in regim early-bird de la The Plot, Blanari 14, oferta valabila intre 15-22 februarie.

Castiga 2 (doua) invitatii duble la Future Sounds Festival/2012-Winter Edition


Castiga 2 (doua) invitatii duble la Future Sounds Festival/2012-Winter Edition oferite de FRONT. Tot ceea ce trebuie sa faci este sa te uiti la videoclipul de mai jos si odata ce ai identificat formatia si melodia (indiciu: este vorba de una din formatiile care te va incanta in cadrul festivalului) sa completezi cu datele personale si raspunsul corect formularul de sub video inainte de 20-feb orele 20:00. Iar noi vom extrage prin intermediul random.org cei doi castigatori. Succes!

[contact-form-7 id=”4063″ title=”Future Sounds Festival/2012-Winter Edition contest”]

Update 20-feb, orele 20:30. La concurs s-au inscris 19 persoane – toate raspunzand corect provocarii. Raspunsul corect este: formatie – Selebrities, melodie – Night Heat. Cu ajutorul random.org am ales castigatorii care au dat in ordine cronologica raspunsurile corecte cu numerele 6 si 8. Acestia sunt Mihaela Draghici si Mara Nistor – carora FRONT le ofera cate o invitatie dubla la Future Sounds Festival/2012-Winter Edition. Felicitari castigatorilor si multumiri tuturor participantilor! Mihaela si Mara, va scriem curand cum intrati in posesia invitatiilor.


May 17, 2011

Alpha Point: The name should tell you only witnessed the beginning

Filed under: Local News — Tags: , , , , , — admin @ 7:09 pm

Some encounters with artists bring us the unexpected discovery that the known geography of our scene is, to say the very least, incomplete. Viva Music’s Artist of the Month does not come from either Germany or Belgium, but from Moldova – less of a trampoline of electronic music, but nevertheless one that you should think of when mapping out your world. The reason? One man, Alexander ‘Rush’ Gladky, and his endeavors: in recent years, his name is often heard in connection to music projects, live performances, parties, covers, and remixes. This is why Viva Music chooses Alexander as our Artist of the Month – plus the fact that he is a very promising artist you should be looking out for.  [continue reading Viva Music Artist of the Month in English] [cititi sectiunea Artistul lunii de pe site-ul Viva Music in romana]

May 6, 2011

Umbra de Noapte Jesus and the Gurus Official Release Party May-14

Filed under: Local News — Tags: , , , — admin @ 2:17 pm

The Swiss scandal band JESUS AND THE GURUS prepares to attack again!

Official Release Party
new album “Wut + Zorn = Revolution

Café Umbra de Noapte
Str. Georges Clemenceau 7
Data: 14.05.2011
Ora 20:00
Intrarea libera!

Avem un numar limitat de CD-uri si alte materiale promotionale ale formatiei CADOU!

sursa: Umbra de Napte

Cititi mai mult despre noul album Jesus and the Gurus aici.

Bonus: interviu Jesus and the Gurus via Promofabrik aici.

May 3, 2011

Viva Music Site Facelift!


VIVA MUSIC has the pleasure of announcing the launch of the new www.vivamusic.ro. Click!

Since 2008, VIVA MUSIC is the sole promoter of EBM, electro, dark, gothic, industrial, synth and aggrotech music in Romania. Because we believe that music is deeply inspirational and brings out the best of all people who listen to it, we dedicate our work to the promotion of best practices in the Romanian music industry.  (more…)

April 7, 2011

Lux Noctis Party on April-09 in Underworld Club

Filed under: Local News — Tags: , , , , , — admin @ 1:08 pm

Saturday, on 9th April, starting from 22:00, Lux Noctis invite you to a new edition of their consecrated parties, Lux Noctis Party, in Club Underworld (48, Coltei St.) DJane Grace and their special guest DJ Paralizie will make you dance on (post)punk, gothic, deathrock, batcave, synthpop, darkwave, electro, ebm, industrial, coldwave, minimal wave, rockabilly, psychobilly, indie and 80′s.

Free entrance!



March 22, 2011

Combichrist Tour Diary Entry for Bucharest Out Now + Facebook Contest

COMBICHRIST published on their Vampirefreaks.com tour diary the entry devoted to their stay&play in Bucharest on March-01, 2011. They liked what they saw & did around here, and ended on a very promising note: “THANKS ROMANIA! WE WILL FOR SURE BE BACK!”

Read COMBICHRIST‘s tour diary entry for Bucharest here.

Read COMBICHRIST‘s Tumblr entry for Bucharest here.

Read VIVA MUSIC‘s review of event (plus loads of links of event coverage in text, photo and video) here.

And… contest time!

Clues for an ad-hoc COMBICHRIST contest on our Facebook page.

Latest Info about Candy Affair Party – April-07 in Club Control

(info in Romanian here)

– press release –
the 21st of March, 2011

Control Club (19, Academiei St.) will host on Thursday, the 7th of April, a unique event in Romania: Candy Affair Party, whose guests of honor are the distinguished international artists – Mona Mur & En Esch. The party starter will be Dan Serbanescu’s side-project, Tanz Ohne Musik.


March 17, 2011

Lux Noctis Party pe 19-martie in Club Underworld

Filed under: Local News — Tags: , , , , , , — admin @ 4:01 pm

Avem placerea sa va invitam sambata 19 noiembrie in Club Underworld (str.Coltei nr.48), incepand cu ora 22:00, la o noua editie Lux Noctis Party, singura petrecere neconventionala si anti-comerciala de sambata seara din Bucuresti.

Dupa cum deja v-am obisnuit, va provocam sa dansati pe o larga varietate de genuri muzicale, cum ar fi (post)punk, gothic rock, deathrock, batcave, synthpop, darkwave, electro, EBM, industrial, coldwave, minimalwave, rockabilly, psychobilly, indie, 80`s si nu numai!

La pupitru vor fi 2 DJ: Grace alaturi de un invitat special: DJ Sentinel, din Africa de Sud, organizatorul celei mai de succes serii de petreceri goth/industrial din Cape Town, Serpent Events.

Va puteti scoate de la naftalina cele mai excentrice outfit-uri pentru ca este singurul loc in care nimeni nu se va uita ciudat la voi. We are all freaks here!

Intrarea este libera!

Va asteptam!

RSVP pe pagina de Facebook a evenimentului


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