Darkwave.ro electro/industrial music magazine | news – reviews – interviews – concerts – festivals – parties

February 1, 2011

Darkwave.ro Fest 3 review (with photos) – Dj Luca Ew, Tenek, Rabia Sorda and Project Pitchfork – January 29, 2011

Darkwave.ro Fest 3 (PROJECT PITCHFORK, RABIA SORDA and TENEK live in Cage Club, on January 29, organized by VIVA MUSIC with CLICKNET ROMTELECOM as main partner) came and went with a blast. The only local festival devoted to dark, electro, aggrotech and industrial music in Romania offered for its third edition a generous display of art for art’s sake and genuine musical feeling. Cage Club, unfortunately on its last active day, closed late in the night with a unique fest that welded together different fandoms into a unique, tumultuous crowd.

By 09:00 pm, the official doors open time, people started crowding the club’s venue. Electroheads, Goths dressed up to the nines and even the club’s regular rock scene flowed in and enjoyed DJ LUCA EW’s opening set that mimetized topnotch the evolving’s crowd feelings and will to dance. COVENANT, MIND.IN.A.BOX, but also AND ONE, FADERHEAD and APOPTYGMA BERZERK produced sonic atmosphere and opened the appetite of the audience from Romania, Germany, Great Britain,  Finland – to name just a few of the countries that visited VIVA MUSIC’s fest.


December 6, 2010

Luca Ew este DJ-ul oficial Darkwave.ro Fest (cu Tenek, Rabia Sorda si Project Pitchfork): pe 29 ianuarie 2011, in Cage Club din Bucuresti



Viva Music are placerea de a vi-l prezenta pe Luca Ew, DJ-ul oficial Darkwave.ro Fest 2011, in Club Cage din Bucuresti!

[for English scroll down]

Luca EW este un DJ italian care mixeaza EBM/industrial, dar si trance, techno si alte stiluri electro si dance. Listat printre marii DJ ai lumii pe thedjlist.com, Luca a facut fata tuturor provocarilor scenei: petreceri de club, festivaluri, seturi de DJ rezident in cluburi, petreceri la castel, marsuri. A participat la evenimente din Italia, dar si din Austria, Germania, Grecia, Slovenia, Elvetia, iar pe 29 ianuarie 2011 vine si in Romania!


December 2, 2010

Darkwave.ro Fest 2011 on Jan 29 at Cage Club, Bucharest: Promoter Viva Music

Project Pitchfork, Rabia Sorda si Tenek la DARKWAVE.RO Fest pe 29 ianuarie, 2011 in Cage Club


VIVA MUSIC si CLICKNET ROMTELECOM, partenerul principal DARKWAVE.RO Fest au deosebita placere sa va anunte ca participantii la eveniment vor primi cadouri constand in tricouri, insigne, carti postale si postere. Acestea vor fi primite in limita stocului disponibil la bar, incepand cu ora 21:00, asa ca fiti acolo cat mai devreme.

[for English scroll down]

Viva Music are deosebita placere de a va anunta a treia editie a festivalului DARKWAVE.RO in clubul Cage (Bd. N. Titulescu nr. 171, fostul Live Metal Club-LMC) pe 29 ianuarie 2011. Inainte de concertul COMBICHRIST de pe 1 martie, VIVA MUSIC va invita sa petreceti o noapte incendiara cu TENEK, RABIA SORDA si PROJECT PITCHFORK. In clipa de fata, formatiile invitate sunt cap de afis la festivaluri precum Amphi, Wave Gotik Treffen, M’era Luna sau E-tropolis.


November 16, 2010

Darkwave.ro Fest review (with photos) november 12, 2010

Viva Music’s Darkwave.ro Fest took place on November 12 at Kulturhaus Bukarest. It is no coincidence that a club with a name inspired by German institution, namely a hall for public events, hosted an event such a Darkwave.ro, which, after all, brought to a Romanian public top acts from Germany’s electro and gothic scenes. The combination of rigor and flamboyance from Kulturhaus’s backdrop contrasted and at the same time found a soul mate in the music performed by SLAVE REPUBLIC, PAINBASTARD, DESTROID and FRANK THE BAPTIST.


November 5, 2010

George Fakinos Official dj at Darkwave.ro Fest

Filed under: Darkwave.ro II — Tags: , , , , — admin @ 11:23 am

Great news! George Fakinos is the official DJ at Darkwave.ro Fest on November 12 at Kulturhaus, Bucharest.

George will provide the dark-electro atmosphere with his DJ set all night during Darkwave.ro Fest. George Fakinos dj’s continuously since 1993.  Initially connected with Horostasio, where he held his DJ set for seven years, he has had for the last three years his Saturday residency at Second Skin Club. He also has a Sunday residency at Closer where he spins indie and alternative rock. It’s his love for new, fresh, cutting-edge dark electro, industrial and Techno Body Music that has made George the top alternative dj in Greece.


October 28, 2010

Darkwave.ro Fest: Slave Republic, Painbastard, Destroid and Frank the Baptist Videos

DARKWAVE.RO fes­ti­val (Novem­ber 12, 2010, KULTURHAUS, for­merly Twice Club) hails from the tra­di­tion VIVA MUSIC set off in Feb­ru­ary 2009 with FIRST ROMANIAN DARKFEST.

VIVA MUSIC solely pro­motes qual­ity electro.dark.industrial.Goth.synth music in Romania. Four acts who call the shots on the electro/goth scene (SLAVE REPUBLIC, PAINBASTARD, DESTROID and FRANK THE BAPTIST) will fire up KULTURHAUS until dawn! From syn­th­pop to harsh indus­trial, and giv­ing equal and undi­vided atten­tion to deathrock and elec­tro, the four acts will tres­pass the bounds of con­ven­tion­al­ism and teach main­stream music a les­son.

Below you can watch some videos from the 4 bands who will light up the night of November 12 in KULTURHAUS.

Slave Republic



Frank the Baptist

September 29, 2010

Darkwave.ro Fest: Bands

Viva Music is glad to introduce to you Darkwave.ro fest on November 12, 2010 @Kulturhaus Bukarest with Painbastard, Destroid, Slave Republic and Frank the Baptist. Four different music styles are in store for you, juxtaposed with four original stage presences and four unique artistic experiences that will stimulate all your senses. Also expect an ineluctable urge to dance to the beat of mixing sets of most versatile and energetic DJ’s! And stand in awe before the young, talented and non-conformist artists who will get under your skin with their original art.


September 1, 2010

darkwave.ro festival: november 12, 2010: promoter viva music

DARKWAVE.RO – the first alternative music and arts festival in Romania!


VIVA MUSIC is the first promoter to offer a complex and large scale festival: four bands, DJ sets, cool atmosphere, art, exhibitions, contests, all in one flawlessly designed venue: KULTURHAUS! After live concerts from MELOTRON, DAS ICH, IN STRICT CONFIDENCE, DIARY OF DREAMS and COVENANT, VIVA MUSIC is here to promote an original and unique festival in Romania!

DARKWAVE.RO festival (November 12, 2010, KULTURHAUS, formerly Twice Club) hails from the tradition VIVA MUSIC set off in February 2009 with FIRST ROMANIAN DARKFEST. VIVA MUSIC solely promotes quality electro.dark.industrial.Goth.synth music in Romania.


March 25, 2009

Feedback la First Romanian Darkfest – 14 februarie 2009

Filed under: Darkwave.ro I — admin @ 3:10 pm


Nu putine au fost reactiile la festival. Exceptand multele mailuri de multumiri de la fanii festivalului, carora le multumim pe aceasta cale pentru comentariile si sugestiile referitoare la viitoare editii ale festivalului, numeroase site-uri au facut fotoreportaje si recenzii ale festivalului, lucru care nu poate decat sa ne bucure:

– galerii foto Diary of Dreams, In Strict Confidence si Das Ich pe rockXpreess;

– o frumoasa recenzie se gaseste si pe site-ul metalfan.ro;

– o cronica a intregii zile de festival pe carteadenisip.ro;

– o scurta si cuprinzatoare recenzie pe showbiz.ro;

– de asemenea, o foarte alerta cronica pe metalhead.ro;

– si nu in ultimul rand, o prima incursiune in Romania, de la turism la festival, din partea vizitatoarei din Germania,  Daniela, frumos ilustrata, si cu o minutioasa analiza a tuturor elementelor festivalului pe reflectionsofdarkness.com.

Le multumim tuturor celor care au gasit cuvinte de lauda pentru festival, si va asteptam si la editiile urmatoare. Mai jos sunt galeriile de poze.

Conferinta de presa de la Rin Grand Hotel



In Strict Confidence



Das Ich



Diary of Dreams



General photogalleries



February 13, 2009

First Romanian Darkfest pe internet si in presa

Filed under: Darkwave.ro I — Tags: , — admin @ 6:33 pm

Parteneriatele media sunt sufletul unui eveniment: deoarece asa numerosi fani pot afla de evenimente pe care le asteapta de o viata, dar care, altfel, ar trece neobservate in avalansa de evenimente care au loc in Romania. De aceea tinem sa le multumim tuturor celor care ne-au devenit parteneri media, sau au preluat informatiile referitoare la festivalul First Romanian Darkfest si la trupele participante.

Poate ati vazut spoturile de prezentare si concursurile organizate de Music Channel. Sau ati ascultat interviurile radiofonice de la Radio Romania si Radio Guerrilla. Le multumim si revistelor My Band, Time Out Bucuresti, Tabu, The Diplomat si Sapte Seri care au acoperit evenimentul si care ne-au facut mandri de calitatea jurnalismului din Romania!


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