Darkwave.ro electro/industrial music magazine | news – reviews – interviews – concerts – festivals – parties

April 22, 2013

Moon.74’s “How I Feel” new video premiers on Darkwave.ro on Apr-22


Tracklist: “How I Feel (Radio Edit)” * “Endlose Träume” * “How I Feel (Frozen Plasma Remix)” * “How I Feel (Bitchy Remix by Ginger Snap5)” * “How I Feel (Rob Dust Remix)” * “Endlose Träume (Club Version by Rob Dust)” * “How I Feel (Syrian Remix)

The song is written by Dominic Hein (MOON.74)| Music by MOON.74 and Rob Dust | Lyrics by MOON.74 | Produced, Mixed and Mastered by Rob Dust | Logos and Artworks by MOON.74 | The song “How I Feel (Radio Edit)” is taken from the limited Single Edition “How I Feel“. Worldwide available as MCD and via download. Published by INFACTED RECORDINGS ©2013. “How I Feel” will be also available on the upcoming studio album with the same title, “How I Feel”.

Previously on darkwave.ro: Moon.74 – “Newborn”: Viva Music Review 

About the singleMOON.74 is back to earth with the new Hit-Single “How I Feel” taken from the upcoming and album with the same title, to be released by Infacted Recordings. “How I Feel” is modern, catchy, brutally honest and better than ever before! So be careful, while “How I Feel” will take over the clubs and enter the charts! Take also attention to the B-Side with the De/Vision all time classic “Endlose Träume” in a absolute incredible brandnew version of MOON.74. Don’t miss the new video of “How I Feel” as well.

MOON.74 – “How I Feel” – New Video:

MOON.74 is back on earth! After the successful debut album “Newborn” and the following strictly limited edition remix album “Reborn“, now the second studio album called “How I Feel” by MOON.74 will be released soon. Much straighter, more emotional and also more personal than the first album. “How I Feel” satisfies from the first tune and leads you into the world of MOON.74. The album is completely written by Dominic Hein again and will be released by INFACTED RECORDINGS. In a very close collaboration with producer Rob Dust, who has worked in the past with artists such as De/Vision, Camouflage or Joachim Witt, a masterpiece of electronic music was born. “How I Feel” includes a lot of hit singles that have the potential to become classics of electronic music. Synthesizers of the 80s and 90s meet modern crunchy sounds and fat beats. Hymnal melodies and deep touching lyrics blend with the unmistakable charismatic voice of singer and songwriter Dominic Hein. The album also covered an enormous range and is absolutely unique! In the last years MOON.74 has been made a tremendous development and now with “How I Feel” at least gained a lot. So welcome back on Earth! Welcome to the Sound of MOON.74!

Moon.74 – Official Website | on Facebook | Discography on Discogs

Jean-Marc Lederman (Fad Gadget, The The, Gene Loves Jezebel, The Weathermen, Front 242, Ghost & Writer) about “How I Feel“:

“The latest song released by Dominic Hein (MOON.74) is a wonderful musical jigsaw that sums up and climaxes in a great chorus that’s not unlike Depeche Mode‘s best moments. They say that our brain expects its rewards when a chain of events pushes the expectations and, with this song, we’re very much at home, enjoying this cool tune. As it always happens with MOON.74, the music and the vocals intertwine and chase each other with inventive subtlety. A definite must-have.”

Jean-Marc Lederman introduces himself as “JML of Ghost & Writer“. After sharing his thoughts about the new MOON.74 new release with Darkwave.ro, he also stated:  “as it often happens with composers, we don’t like to speak much about other composers. All I have to say is: Bravo, Dominic, I just hope you don’t do many other perfect electropop songs like this one ;)”.

Jean-Marc Lederman‘s projects in review on Darkwave.ro:

La Femme Verte“Small Distortions” review

Ghost & Writer“Shipwrecks” review

Ghost & Writer“Red Flags” review

Ghost & Writer on Bandcamp

January 7, 2013

Darkwave.ro in figures – 2012


In 2012 we, Viva Music, continued our pledge to promote music, artists, and events that we enjoy and that are relevant for the dark, electro and industrial scenes.


Darkwave.ro is our most known platform, and it blends well with social instruments to which we resort every time in order to inform, and at the same time render our information popular, and why not, viral. In 2012 we provided 30 album reviews, band-by-band reviews with extensive photo sets for 10 local and 4 international events, as well as many party and festival news. We increased our fan base, presently counting on 2.9k+ Facebook fans and almost 1k Twitter followers.


Check out our extensive photo galleries here.


In 2012 darkwave.ro received numerous hits, amounting to 26k+ pageviews from 14k+ unique visitors. The surprise element of 2012 was not only the number of visits (if you take into account less than 50 posts, that’s a decent audience for a local site), but the fact that more than 70% of these unique visitors were new visitors, which means we attracted new audiences.


We were curious to find out where these people came from. First off, which sites send us visitors (and of course, why). Besides search engines, numerous festival, artist, fan and news sites, we were happy to find individual stories of people who liked our information and further promoted it. Secondly, demographically, we were happy to find out that English-, German-, French-, and Spanish-speaking countries rank high in visitor counts, fact confirmed by our Facebook fan demographics: Germany, the USA, the UK,  Spain, France, Mexico etc. alongside countries with whom we border such as Serbia, Hungary, Bulgaria, etc. Thirdly, we found in visitor stats that we have more than 50% of our audience in the age group of 25-44 years old, with both male and female demographics up to 50%


As regards the interests of our visitors, we got the confirmation that they centered around main topics of interest we take pride in providing. Of course, hot and trending information prevailed, and therefore our visitors were interested in news related to Amphi Festival, Apollo 440, Kinetic Festival, Hocico, Industrial Booom, as well as Antony and the Johnsons, the Cranberries, etc. The recurrent visits also yield in terms of social interactions – we were the happy recipients of numerous ‘likes’ and ‘shares’. Our most liked pieces were: the exclusive video release of Vlad in Tears’ “Mary” (1,128 likes) the festival review of Nocturnal Culture Nights 2012 (254 likes), Industrial Booom Festival 2012 – review and photos (169 likes).


In 2013 we intend to maintain our online presence bearing in mind our activity guidelines: to provide relevant and recent information, to document our album and event reviews thoroughly, to communicate openly with promoters and acts, to contribute to the promotion of our beloved scenes.


August 13, 2012

Amphi Festival 2013 news!

It is our pleasure to present the first bands to play Amphi Festival in 2013! We have just received the press release from the Amphi team, and are extremely pleased to share the great news with you! If you would like to (re)live a few amazing moments and experience the atmosphere (again), here are our reviews with photos of Amphi Festival: Amphi 2010 (Day 1), Amphi 2010 (Day 2), Amphi 2011 and Amphi 2012.

Here is the press release:


Dear Amphi Fans,

the 8th Amphi Festival 2012 – „The Orkus Open Air“ is over and what a gorgeous festival it was! On 21. & 22. July Germany´s most iconic Gothic cathedral – the Cologne Cathedral – peered yearning glimpses to the other side of the Rhine, in painful desire to join the dance, when once again, over 16.000 attendants from all over the world began to celebrate their subculture under perfect festival conditions.

On behalf of the entire Amphi Team, we want to submit our sincerest thanks to all attendants for a gigantic AMPHI FESTIVAL 2012. You are AMPHI! Also we want to thank all bands, DJs, readers, traders, helpers, media partners and sponsors, our phenomenal crew, everybody from Tanzbrunnen Cologne, our club-partners, our street-team and everybody else involved in this exciting event.

After this incredible weekend awareness feels tough, that we have to wait for another year to finally meet each other again. Yet there´s one thing you can count on: the Amphi Festival returns in 2013 and it will be awesome!


The ninth AMPHI FESTIVAL will take place on 20. & 21. JULY 2013 at the Tanzbrunnen Cologne, offering another great line-up of international top-acts including this first wave of artists:






+ side-programme and many others!

Since 01.08.2012 original tickets for the festival in 2013 are exclusively available at the AMPHI SHOP under www.amphi-shop.de .

Also the extremely popular 5+1 group-tickets (buy six, pay five) are available now. Please be informed that these group tickets are strictly limited and last time they were sold out way before Christmas. So don´t hesitate to pick up your group bundle right away and enjoy receiving one of those six tickets for free! As always, group tickets are available as weekend- or day tickets.


Are you looking for a new t-shirt, a girlie, a fancy cantine or Amphi shirts for children? Then visit us under www.amphi-shop.de. Various items of the Amphi 2012 merchandise collection have recently been added to the AMPHI SHOP, now available for mail-order.


Before the Amphi Festival 2012 we auctioned various site-fence banners for a good cause on Ebay. These auctions generated an amount of 637,90 €. After the Festival we added another special site-fence banner with signatures of various artists, which generated 174,10 €. Together with the donations made at the box office and the service point during the festival, we collected a total amount of 933,65 €, which we are pleased to round up to a sum of 1000,00 €!

Within the next couple of days we are going to hand over 500,00 € each (!) to the “society for the prevention of cruelty to children” in Garbsen ( http://www.kinderschutzbund-garbsen.de ) and to the “animal home Hanover” ( http://www.tierheim-hannover.de ). Thanks to everybody who contributed to this donation!

Best regards,

Your Amphi Festival Team

January 18, 2011

Tanz die Revolution pe 22 ianuarie in club Underworld

Tanz Die Revolution va invita la primul party din anul 2011, pe data de 22 Ianuarie in club Underworld (Str. Coltei, nr.48).  Intrarea este libera!


Tanz Die Revolution este un party cu specific electro-industrial, care cuprinde genuri de la synthpop la ritmuri foarte dansabile cum ar fi ebm/aggrotech, totul presarat cu celebrele hituri goth si cu agresive riff-uri de chitare.


December 31, 2010

2011 Festivals to Look Forward to

Planet Myer Day 9

When: January 7
Where: Leipzig, Germany
Who: Destroid, Brazda lui Novac, Klangstabil, Empusae, Subheim
Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/planetmyerstudios


When: January 29
Where: Bucharest, Romania
Who: Project Pitchfork, Rabia Sorda, Tenek
Official Website: http://www.vivamusic.ro

Whitby Gothic Weekend

When: March 25 & March 26
Where: Whitby, North Yorkshire, UK
Who: Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, Fuzzbox, Dr. Arthur Krause, Dutch Order, The Beauty of Gemina and others to be announced
Official website: http://wgw.topmum.co.uk/

Wave Gotik Treffen

When: June 10 thru June 13
Where: Leipzig, Germany
Who: Analog Angel, Die Braut, Eyes Shut Tight, Nosferatu, Tying Tiffany, Vlad in Tears, and others to be announced
Official Website: www.wave-gotik-treffen.de

Zita Rock Festival

When: June 18 & June 19
Where: Zitadele, Berlin, Germany
Who: Zin, Teufel, Qntal, End of Green, Mono Inc., Project Pitchfork and others to be confirmed
Official Website: http://www.zita-rock.de/

Blackfield Festival

When: June 25 & June 26
Where: Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Who: Apoptygma Berzerk, Dreadful Shadows, Sono and others to be announced
Official Website: www.blackfield-festival.de

Lumous Gothic Festival

When: July 8 thru July 11
Where: Tampere, Finland
Who: Leaether Strip, Nosferatu, Waves Under Water, and others to be announced
Official Website: http://www.lumous.net

Amphi Festival

When: July 16 & July 17
Where: Tanzbrunnen, Cologne, Germany
Who: Die Krupps, Das Ich, Diorama, Grendel, Staubkind, Klangstabil, Persephone, Suicide Commando, In Strict Confidence, and others to be confirmed. Classic & Depeche (piano concert with pianist Lars Arnold) also in the schedule.
Official Website: http://www.amphi-festival.de/

DV8Fest 2011

When: July 21 thru July 24
Where: York, UK
Who: Nosferatu and more than 50 other acts to be announced
Official Website: http://www.dv8fest.com/

Castle Party

When: July 21 thru July 24
Where: Bolkow Castle, Poland
Who: Atari Teenage Riot (de), PROJECT PITCHFORK (de), DIARY OF DREAMS (de), Closterkeller (pl), UMBRA ET IMAGO (de), SUICIDE COMMANDO (be) and many more
Official Website: http://castleparty.com/

Summer Darkness

When: July 29 thru July 31

Where: Utrecht, the Netherlands
Who: Lineup will be announced during the Summer Darkness Winter Edition, on Feb-04 (Combichrist & Mortiis concert)
Official website: http://www.summerdarkness.nl/festival/

M’era Luna Festival

When: August 13 & August 14
Where: Hildesheim, Germany
Who: Within Temptation, ASP, End of Green, Mono Inc., The Beauty of Gemina and others to be confirmed
Official Website: http://www.fkpscorpio.com/meraluna/

E-tropolis Festival

When: September 3
Where: Berlin, Germany
Who: Rotersand, VNV Nation, Haujobb, Faderhead, Solitary Experiments, Santa Hates You, and others to be confirmed
Official Website: http://www.etropolis-festival.de

November 16, 2010

Darkwave.ro Fest review (with photos) november 12, 2010

Viva Music’s Darkwave.ro Fest took place on November 12 at Kulturhaus Bukarest. It is no coincidence that a club with a name inspired by German institution, namely a hall for public events, hosted an event such a Darkwave.ro, which, after all, brought to a Romanian public top acts from Germany’s electro and gothic scenes. The combination of rigor and flamboyance from Kulturhaus’s backdrop contrasted and at the same time found a soul mate in the music performed by SLAVE REPUBLIC, PAINBASTARD, DESTROID and FRANK THE BAPTIST.


November 5, 2010

George Fakinos Official dj at Darkwave.ro Fest

Filed under: Darkwave.ro II — Tags: , , , , — admin @ 11:23 am

Great news! George Fakinos is the official DJ at Darkwave.ro Fest on November 12 at Kulturhaus, Bucharest.

George will provide the dark-electro atmosphere with his DJ set all night during Darkwave.ro Fest. George Fakinos dj’s continuously since 1993.  Initially connected with Horostasio, where he held his DJ set for seven years, he has had for the last three years his Saturday residency at Second Skin Club. He also has a Sunday residency at Closer where he spins indie and alternative rock. It’s his love for new, fresh, cutting-edge dark electro, industrial and Techno Body Music that has made George the top alternative dj in Greece.


November 2, 2010

Aesthetic Perfection give away their new single for free

Official Announcement!

As a thank you to all our friends and fans across the globe, we will be giving away the new single “The Devil’s in the Details” for FREE! Just visit us here at 12am EST on Tues Nov 2nd.


For more information: Myspace, Last.FM.

October 28, 2010

Darkwave.ro Fest: Slave Republic, Painbastard, Destroid and Frank the Baptist Videos

DARKWAVE.RO fes­ti­val (Novem­ber 12, 2010, KULTURHAUS, for­merly Twice Club) hails from the tra­di­tion VIVA MUSIC set off in Feb­ru­ary 2009 with FIRST ROMANIAN DARKFEST.

VIVA MUSIC solely pro­motes qual­ity electro.dark.industrial.Goth.synth music in Romania. Four acts who call the shots on the electro/goth scene (SLAVE REPUBLIC, PAINBASTARD, DESTROID and FRANK THE BAPTIST) will fire up KULTURHAUS until dawn! From syn­th­pop to harsh indus­trial, and giv­ing equal and undi­vided atten­tion to deathrock and elec­tro, the four acts will tres­pass the bounds of con­ven­tion­al­ism and teach main­stream music a les­son.

Below you can watch some videos from the 4 bands who will light up the night of November 12 in KULTURHAUS.

Slave Republic



Frank the Baptist

October 27, 2010

Kriegseklaerung from Painbastard — Review

Alex P’s project PAINBASTARD soon celebrates its 10th year. In 2010, the release of “Kriegserlkaerung”, the act’s fifth album means a great deal of social criticism and lucid look at current affairs, all geared with great electronica.


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