…English version below…
DonisArt in Bucovina!
Dupa Brasov si Bucuresti, DonisArt poposeste acum si in Suceava! Reverberant Waves Evening este Seara Speciala care va oferi oportunitatea participantilor de a savura doua recitaluri complet diferite, atat ca structura, cat si ca interpretare.
LABURINTHOS este un proiect sucevean format din 6 persoane ce s-au adunat acum mai bine de un an sub acelasi acoperis muzical pentru a promova un concept nemaintalnit pana acum in Romania: Labyrinthine Bluewave.
Cu multe influente din trupe Underground, LABURINTHOS a reusit sa-si contureze propria abordare muzicala, pe care doreste sa o impartaseasca cu toti cei prezenti, printr-un show greu de incadrat stilistic. O piesa se poate asculta deja pe myspace (masterizata de Hupogrammos/DORDEDUH), urmand ca altele sa fie postate in saptamanile ce urmeaza. Aura melancolica aminteste pe alocuri de THE 3rd AND THE MORTAL, dar se regasesc pasaje si din IN THE WOODS…, STILLE OPPROR, KAUAN sau NERONOIA. Mixul de voci lasa de cele mai multe ori locul unor pasaje foarte atmosferice, ghidate de un keyboard bombastic, care comunica inteligent cu solo-uri de chitara extrem de apasatoare si o baterie care se incapataneaza a nu respecta nici un ritm clasic. Bassul intervine rar intr-un mod vizbil dar cand o face da acea sobrietate necesara unui sunet ce graviteaza in jurul sferei Dark.
DORDEDUH este trupa celor doi mentori din NEGURA BUNGET, Hupogrammos si Sol Faur, care, in urma cu un an, au pus bazele acestui superinteresant proiect Transcendental Black Metal. Este, cu siguranta, cea mai captivanta trupa autohtona de la care atat fanii vechiului NEGURA BUNGET cat si cei mai noi din bransa Metalica au foarte mari asteptari. Interesul acestora s-a vazut in Bucuresti, la prima lor aparitie live, unde au venit si multi jurnalisti de specialitate din intreaga Europa pentru a imortaliza evenimentul. Dupa Echoes From Transcendence Evening din ianuarie, timisorenii colaboreaza din nou cu DonisArt, de data aceasta prezentand oficial prima lor realizare, EP-ul “Valea Omului”, aparut la inceputul lunii septembrie la label-ul german Prophecy Productions. Concertul acestora va dura peste 60 de minute, in care vor interpreta atat piese ce vor aparea pe noul album dar si secvente celebre pe care cei doi le-au compus in decursul anilor sub bannerul NEGURA BUNGET. In formula de sextet, alaturi de propriul sunetist, DORDEDUH pregateste fanilor un concert exploziv, un melanj inspirat intre arsenalul clasic metalifer si instrumente traditionale ca tulnic, xilofon, toaca…
Hupogrammos a cantat o singura data in Suceava, in urma cu circa 15 ani, intr-un concert memorabil pentru veteranii Metal suceveni, alaturi de Negru, cu proiectul WICCAN REDE, care ulterior s-a transformat in NEGURA BUNGET.
DORDEDUH va aduce tricouri personalizate dar si prima lor realizare, vinilul aparut in doar 500 de exemplare, din care jumatate s-a vandut deja in regim de pre-order.
Dupa recital, trupetii vor fi bucurosi sa stea de vorba cu fanii de toate varstele despre muzica creata de ei si nu numai.
Toti participantii la Reverberant Waves Evening vor avea posibilitatea de a pleca acasa cu CD-uri Metal si nu numai, oferite gratuit de organizatori prietenilor Serii Speciale.
Mai mult, dupa terminarea celor 2 concerte, cei prezenti vor putea vizualiza in premiera reprezentatia integrala AGALLOCH, sustinuta in urma cu cateva luni in Centrul Cultural Reduta din Brasov.
Evenimentul va avea loc sambata, 30 octombrie 2010, in Clubul Vox, situat la subsolul Casei de Cultura din Suceava, accesul fiind permis incepand cu ora 20.00.
Pretul unui bilet este de 20 lei si va putea fi achizitionat la intrare.
Va asteptam!
Trupe participante: LABURINTHOS, DORDEDUH
Locatie: Clubul Vox, Casa de Cultura, Suceava
Data: 30 octombrie 2010, ora 20.00
Organizator: DonisArt
Bilet: 20 lei
Distributie: la intrare
Detalii: www.donisart.ro
Press release:
DonisArt in Bukovina!
After Brasov and Bucharest, DonisArt makes a new stop in Suceava! Reverberant Waves Evening is the Special Evening that will give participants the opportunity to savor two recitals completely different, in their structure and interpretation.
LABURINTHOS is a project from Suceava made up of 6 people, who a year ago, joined forces under the same musical roof to promote a style never heard of before in Romania: Labyrinthine Bluewave.
Influenced heavily by a lot of Underground bands, LABURINTHOS managed to build its own musical approach. This approach they wish to share with all the people present at the event, by performing a show very hard to pin point to a particular musical style. You can already listen to one song on myspace (masterized by Hupogrammos/DORDEDUH). The other ones are on their way to being posted in the weeks to come. Their melancholic aura reminds the listener of THE 3rd AND THE MORTAL, but also of IN THE WOODS…, STILLE OPPROR, KAUAN or NERONOIA. The vocal mix makes room, most of the time, for atmospheric passages guided by bombastic keyboards which communicate intelligently with the opressive guitar solos and atypical drumming. The bass rarely visibly intervenes, but when it does it is deep and sombre enough for the sound to be encapsulated into the Dark sphere.
DORDEDUH is the band of the two mentors of NEGURA BUNGET, Hupogrammos and Sol Faur. A year ago, the guys founded this extremy exciting Transcendental Black metal project. It is surely, one of the most captivating Romanian bands in the present day, from which old NEGURA BUNGET fans and even younger Metallica type fans have great expectation. Their interest has been observed in Bucharest, during the first live performance, where a lot of foreign journalists came as well, to imortalize the event. After Echoes From Transcendence Evening in January, the band from Timisoara is once again uniting their forces with DonisArt, this time to officialy present their first acomplishment – the EP “Valea Omului”, material which came out at the beginning of September under the German label Prophecy Productions. Their concert will last for over 60 minutes, during which the band will perform songs featured on their upcoming album, but also famous passages that the two members composed over the years under the NEGURA BUNGET banner. In a formula of six, alongside their personal sound technician, DORDEDUH is preparing for the fans an explosive concert, a mix between the classical metalic arsenal and traditional instruments like alphorn, xylophone, xylon.
Hupogrammos played only once in Suceava, 15 years ago, during a memorable concert for the Metal veterans of Suceava, with Negru, under the name WICCAN REDE, project that later turned into NEGURA BUNGET.
DORDEDUH will bring personalized t-shirts and also their first material – the Vynil released only in 500 copies, half of which are already sold out in pre-order.
After the recital, the band will be happy to chat with the fans of all ages about their music and lots more.
All the participants to Reverberant Waves Evening will be able to go home with Metal CDs and more, offered free of charge by the organizing team.
More so, once the two gigs come to an end, those present will be able to view, and this is a first time ever, the entire AGALLOCH performance held a few months ago in Reduta Cultural Center, Brasov.
The event will take place Saturday, the 30th of October in Club Vox, venue situated in the basement of the Culture House of Suceava. The access will be permited starting with the hours 8 PM. The ticket price is 20 lei and can be purchased at the entrance.
Venue: Club Vox, Culture House, Suceava
Date: the 30th of October 2010, 8 pm
Organizer: DonisArt
Ticket: 20 lei
Distribution: at entrance
Details: www.donisart.ro