May 15, 2013
Tanz die Revolution Party 18.05.2013 – 20:00hrs – Club Underworld

February 23, 2012
Noisenautics News from Romania: Nava Spatiala Release Noisenautics Vol. I (@Asiluum.com)
A duo specialized in noisenautics, Nava Spatiala creates sounds which are based on noise/drone/ambient atmospheres, relying on apparently chaotic, unintentional and improvisational use of the spectrum. Carefully keeping you alert along their journeys by the dadaist and deconstructivist approach, they invite you to a continuous exorcism of the present – the soundscapes Nava Spatiala creates also work as a pretext for meditation. Nava Spatiala started in 2010 and their musical approach is based on field-recordings, as well as on sound synthesis.
Inspired by different techniques of altering and randomizing digital information, Nava Spatiala is a continuous critical (anarchist) exploration of the present, in a world dependent on electricity. Building experimental drone/noise/ambient soundscapes, the duo’s 2012 debut EP, “Noisenautics Vol. I” (@Asiluum.com) is an unconventional exploration of the sound spectrum, haunted by sounds of nature and sinthetic vibrations. In order to confine their space, which they overfly extra and intra-dimensionally, Claudiu Chihaescu and Miron Ghiu make use of cricket sounds, traditional instruments and recordings of various religious ceremonies. The two challenge elements of sacred geometry, binaural frequencies that address both brain hemispheres, Alpha waves, as well as strictly subjective sound vibrations. Their journeys invite to meditation and make use of the waking state that is typical for the shamanic trance, in order to transcend the traditional communication boarders and the barriers between the mind, always open for mundane stimuli, and the “motherboard” of the collective subconscious. (source: press release)
Nava Spatiala on Soundcloud
June 23, 2011
Severe Illusion joins forces with CCP
It is a great honor and privilege to present a new addition to the Complete Control Productions artist roster. After a few years of relative silence, Swedish EBM veterans Severe Illusion are preparing a full scale comeback later in 2011. The album “No More Alive Than You Deserve” is due for release on CCP, where Severe Illusion have found a new home along with Arzt+Pfusch, Emu Bomb, Infiltrator and The Pain Machinery. As usual with Severe Illusion, a traditional EBM sound combined with lots of distortion and serious attitude problems is to be expected. The album deals with the perceived freedom of the individual, the failure of democracy and the advantages of ignorance. A journey back to the roots of riot electronics. Severe Illusion have been active since 2000, releasing 3 albums and playing numerous live shows all over Europe. Lately the band have been collaborating with The Pain Machinery: the results will be released before the end of this year. (source: CCP)
About Severe Illusion:
It all began in the year 2000, some time during the summer. Fredrik Djurfeldt and Ulf Lundblad happened to be in the same place at the same time. Since then they have released three albums and a whole lot of other stuff. First off was the album “Discipline” is reward enough, released by PAF records in May 2003. Soon PAF records ceased to exist and Severe Illusion moved to New Mexico based Dangerous Sharks Biting People (DSBP) who released the next album, “Accomplishments of Leopold II”, in the year 2005. In late 2006, Double Shotgun Barrel Politics (DSBP) also released the album “Shortcut to Civilization”. During the same period, a split 12″ vinyl thing called “Fight your lodging elsewhere/Hyper decease” EP was made together with EBM/Power Noise legends The Pain Machinery. Throughout the years, Severe Illusion have played live shows in Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Russia, Hungary, Ukraine, Slovenia and the Czech Republic.
September 23, 2010
E-tropolis Festival 2011 news
-English version below-
II. E-tropolis Festival 2011 – Pressemitteilung:
Liebe Electrofans,
mit dem E-tropolis Festival feierten in diesem Jahr über 3500 Besucher ein mitreißendes Electro-Event, dessen internationale Top-Besetzung für Begeisterung und ausgelassene Stimmung auf dem Berliner Columbiagelände sorgte.
Nach dem gelungenen Einstand 2010 wird es auch im kommenden Jahr wieder ein E-tropolis Festival in Berlin geben. Am 03. September 2011 erwartet Euch erneut ein hochklassiges Musikprogramm, das neben angesagten Blockbuster-Acts auch wieder einige Überraschungen bereit hält.
September 6, 2010
Reverberant Waves Evening: Suceava: Oct-30
…English version below…
DonisArt in Bucovina!
Dupa Brasov si Bucuresti, DonisArt poposeste acum si in Suceava! Reverberant Waves Evening este Seara Speciala care va oferi oportunitatea participantilor de a savura doua recitaluri complet diferite, atat ca structura, cat si ca interpretare.
LABURINTHOS este un proiect sucevean format din 6 persoane ce s-au adunat acum mai bine de un an sub acelasi acoperis muzical pentru a promova un concept nemaintalnit pana acum in Romania: Labyrinthine Bluewave.
August 30, 2010
Amphi festival 2011 press release: date, tickets, bands
VII AMPHI Festival – The ORKUS Open Air 2011
-Press release-
Dear Amphi Fans,
The date has been set, the Tanzbrunnen booked and the pre sale has begun. While the preparations for the Amphi Festival 2011 proceed with big leaps, it is high time to unveil the first batch of bands.
First bands confirmed for the Amphi Festival 2011
On 16. & 17. July 2011 34 bands on 2 stages, as well as a supporting programme in the seated Theatre, are awaiting you at the Tanzbrunnen Cologne. Starting into the new season we are happy to present a rich selection of fabulous artists. Among others, still to be announced, the following acts are entering the Amphi stages for you in summer 2011: