Darkwave.ro electro/industrial music magazine | news – reviews – interviews – concerts – festivals – parties

March 3, 2011

Combichrist in Romania review (with photos) – with Mortiis – March 01, 2011

I can only say one thing: tonight, VIVA MUSIC converted me to a new religion in the chapel of The Silver Church”. (Hypestreet.ro)

VIVA MUSIC proudly presents the success of yet another event, COMBICHRIST + MORTIIS live at The Silver Church, on March 1st, 2011. A frantic crowd, a very energetic and invigorating sound, plus a unique experience for both artists and audience: these are the words we’d use to sum up the ploy COMBICHRIST and MORTIIS put up in order to prompt the emotions of their audience into the right corner of the heart.

The event was preceded by an escalating reputation – numerous publications, radio stations, internet communities and sites propagated the news of a performance filled with excitement and expectations: and in effect, the show was not disappointing at all! If you add the many Twitter and Facebook shares (estimated: over 2,000) to the concert related news, info, videos and reviews, you talk about the event that broke ground on the music scene of Bucharest – an event that ignited, inspired and elevated a curious, educated and hip audience of electroheads, Goths, rockers, and the regular club-goers – a wonderful audience whom we feel we could never thank enough.

MORTIIS’s concert lasted a head-spinning 45 minutes, in which they delighted their audience with a gravity-defying scenic tour of their work. Although consecrated tracks of their impressive discography were not given live greenlight, their setlist tuned to the audience’s thirst of quality music made in Norway.

Mortiis are a team-like band, and their music matches perfectly the energy they display on stage and their aspect, thus making the perfect introduction to what was about to happen, namely the COMBICHRIST concert” (Thegig.ro)

In the spotlights that would occasionally tear the darkness filled with smoke it was rather difficult to picture the savageness of their look thoroughly, however, the concert was an excellent one, with very good sound and a different (and I mean it in a good way) show, that sets against their studio recordings”. (Metropotam)

MORTIIS setlist @The Silver Church, March-01, 2011

The Ugly Truth
Way too Wicked
Closer to the End
Perfectly Defect
Decadent & Desperate
Scalding the Burnt
Demons Are Back

MORTIIS photogallery @The Silver Church, March-01, 2011


(special thanks to Andrei and vv)

MORTIIS photogallery, March-01, 2011, courtesy of Silver Church


MORTIIS interview by Metalfan.ro (English version, Romanian version)

COMBICHRIST’s show, on the other hand, eliminated any doubt anyone might have had about their live performance skills. A well-concerted experience that did away with the limitations of a traditional show, their erupting presence, synchronized team and infatigable zest delivered a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Well over their 90 minutes, the band encored and encored into the night as a frenzied audience asked for more energy and majestic sound.

Breathtaking from the beginning to the end”. (Thegig.ro)

With their industrial make-up all over them, as if, they had just changed the oil or the ball-bearing of the wheel of the apocalypse, COMBICHRIST made an outstanding show”. (Metropotam)

I have never seen before such an excess of testosterone in only one place! So much synchronicity, force and manliness unleashed!” (Hypestreet.ro)

After what seemed like 2 hours of live performance, which would have tired anyone, the band amazed with the same energy they showed when they got on stage. COMBICHRIST were amazing, they were prepared to deliver a show you had a hard time leaving behind”. (Thegig.ro)

I can only say one thing: tonight, VIVA MUSIC converted me to a new religion in the chapel of the Silver Church”. (Hypestreet.ro)

COMBICHRIST setlist @The Silver Church, March-01, 2011

Just Like Me
Follow the Trail of Blood
Today I Woke to the Rain of Blood
Throat Full of Glass
Get Your Body Beat
Slave to Machine
Blut Royale
Never Surrender
(encore one)
Fuck This Shit
(encore two)
What the Fuck Is Wrong With You?

COMBICHRIST photogallery @The Silver Church, March-01, 2011


(special thanks to Andrei and vv)

COMBICHRIST photogallery, March-01, 2011, courtesy of Silver Church



MORTIIS videos courtesy of Adrian Rolland, www.bloodbath.ro: Perfectly defect, Decadent and desperate

COMBICHRIST videos courtesy of Adrian Rolland, www.bloodbath.ro: Fuckmachine, Fuck this shit, What the fuck is wrong with you

MORTIIS & COMBICHRIST videos by Metalhead.ro

Reviews with photo galleries: Metropotam, TheGig, Hypestreet, Empty-Stage, Metalfan, Rockstage (MORTIIS photos), Rockstage (COMBICHRIST photos), and last but not least a vivid review from Maximum Rock Magazin.


Other videos by the participants: MORTIIS no #1, MORTIIS no #2, COMBICHRIST no #1, COMBICHRIST no #2, COMBICHRIST no #3, COMBICHRIST no #4



F**k Machine

December 26, 2010

3rd electro music show on Bucuresti radio (98.3 fm) on Sunday, December 26, 2010

Viva Music took the third step in mak­ing the dark gothic.industrial.synth music known to the Roman­ian audi­ence on Sun­day, December 26, 2010. Our dear friend and sup­porter, Lau­ren­tiu Rusen (thank you, Laur!), Vivi and Adara were guests of the extremely pop­u­lar A la chart de week-end, with Bog­dan Crutescu show on Radio Bucuresti (98.3 FM) for the third time.

We are grate­ful to Bog­dan Crutescu for his invi­ta­tion, and we appre­ci­ate his support. It looks like he is turning into an electrohead himself! He favourited Aesthetic Perfection today, namely “The Siren”. We played “The Ones” from the same album – “A Violent Emotion” – on a previous show, so it is great to see Bogdan has already picked a favorite band!

Stay tuned on Sunday, January 9, between 7:30–8:00 pm and 8:30–9:00 pm cause we are playing ELECTRO.INDUSTRIAL.SYNTH MUSIC on Bucuresti radio (98.3 fm) again! Please write to us with sug­ges­tions for the playlist at viviana@vivamusic.ro. Don’t forget that you can watch the show live on http://www.bucurestifm.ro/. Vivi is in touch with you during the show on her Facebook page.

Playlist, December 26, 2010, “A la chart de week-end”, with Bog­dan Crutescu (guests: Adara Ball, Viviana Ball, Laur Rusen)

Santa Hates YouHexenpolizei – Post Apocalyptic Nude Industrial Corps
FaderheadDo you know who I think I am – Black Friday
Mind.in.a.boxIntrospection – Crossroads
In Strict ConfidenceEwige nacht – La parade monstrueuse
CovenantLightbringer – Modern Ruin
Slave RepublicLess of me – Electric One
Aesthetic PerfectionThe siren – A Violent Emotion
Depeche ModeFreelove – Exciter


All Royalties on playing the tracks go to the record companies of each band.

October 28, 2010

Darkwave.ro Fest: Slave Republic, Painbastard, Destroid and Frank the Baptist Videos

DARKWAVE.RO fes­ti­val (Novem­ber 12, 2010, KULTURHAUS, for­merly Twice Club) hails from the tra­di­tion VIVA MUSIC set off in Feb­ru­ary 2009 with FIRST ROMANIAN DARKFEST.

VIVA MUSIC solely pro­motes qual­ity electro.dark.industrial.Goth.synth music in Romania. Four acts who call the shots on the electro/goth scene (SLAVE REPUBLIC, PAINBASTARD, DESTROID and FRANK THE BAPTIST) will fire up KULTURHAUS until dawn! From syn­th­pop to harsh indus­trial, and giv­ing equal and undi­vided atten­tion to deathrock and elec­tro, the four acts will tres­pass the bounds of con­ven­tion­al­ism and teach main­stream music a les­son.

Below you can watch some videos from the 4 bands who will light up the night of November 12 in KULTURHAUS.

Slave Republic



Frank the Baptist

October 27, 2010

Kriegseklaerung from Painbastard — Review

Alex P’s project PAINBASTARD soon celebrates its 10th year. In 2010, the release of “Kriegserlkaerung”, the act’s fifth album means a great deal of social criticism and lucid look at current affairs, all geared with great electronica.


October 19, 2010

The Autumn Ball Festival with Oomph! this Friday in Hannover!!

The Autumn Ball Festival with Oomph! this Friday in Hannover!!

As the wind whistles its melody, driving the autumn leaves off the trees, a new musical blockbuster event is coming to you at the Capitol Hannover. In tune with the season, the AUTUMN BALL FESTIVAL 2010 on 22. October 2010 is literally going to blow your mind with the perfect line-up for a stormy autumn night:


October 13, 2010

Labyrinthic Metal Evening — 3 days to go

DonisArt te saluta din nou!

…si te invita la o alta Seara Speciala, de data aceasta una dedicata Metal-ului Underground de calitate… adica la Labyrinthic Metal Evening, un eveniment in care atat organizatorii cat si trupele au investit imens, daruirea neconditionata fiind aura ce a reusit sa adune usor atat de multe energii! Toti muzicienii vin exclusiv pentru acest eveniment cu dorinta sincera de a le arata fanilor elemente noi, secvente in premiera nu numai pentru Romania, ci si pentru intreaga Europa! Iar selecta locatie The Silver Church este cea mai potrivita alegere, lucru dovedit si la DORDEDUH, AGALLOCH si ALCEST!


September 23, 2010

E-tropolis Festival 2011 news

-English version below-

II. E-tropolis Festival 2011 – Pressemitteilung:


Liebe Electrofans,

mit dem E-tropolis Festival feierten in diesem Jahr über 3500 Besucher ein mitreißendes Electro-Event, dessen internationale Top-Besetzung für Begeisterung und ausgelassene Stimmung auf dem Berliner Columbiagelände sorgte.

Nach dem gelungenen Einstand 2010 wird es auch im kommenden Jahr wieder ein E-tropolis Festival in Berlin geben. Am 03. September 2011 erwartet Euch erneut ein hochklassiges Musikprogramm, das neben angesagten Blockbuster-Acts auch wieder einige Überraschungen bereit hält.


January 22, 2010

Amphi Festival 2010

Filed under: Amphi Festival — Tags: , , , — admin @ 2:04 pm

Viva Music is going to be present at one of the most exciting events of this year: Amphi Festival 2010. The festival is announced on 24 and 25 July 2010 in Köln and it will include live performances from a serious lot of bands such as And One, Combichrist, Projekt Ptichfork and VNV Nation. Viva’s First Romanian Darkefest’s frontliner, Diary of Dreams also is featured in the festival. The complete lineup, as well as detailed information in both German and English can be found on the event’s site www.amphi-festival.de. We will be delighted to offer you additional info as we come nearer to the event date. As usual, we’ll also review the event for darkwave.ro. If you have any questions about the event or wish to join us there, please drop us a line at office@darkwave.ro.

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