Darkwave.ro electro/industrial music magazine | news – reviews – interviews – concerts – festivals – parties

October 13, 2010

Labyrinthic Metal Evening — 3 days to go

DonisArt te saluta din nou!

…si te invita la o alta Seara Speciala, de data aceasta una dedicata Metal-ului Underground de calitate… adica la Labyrinthic Metal Evening, un eveniment in care atat organizatorii cat si trupele au investit imens, daruirea neconditionata fiind aura ce a reusit sa adune usor atat de multe energii! Toti muzicienii vin exclusiv pentru acest eveniment cu dorinta sincera de a le arata fanilor elemente noi, secvente in premiera nu numai pentru Romania, ci si pentru intreaga Europa! Iar selecta locatie The Silver Church este cea mai potrivita alegere, lucru dovedit si la DORDEDUH, AGALLOCH si ALCEST!


September 3, 2010

Experimental Friday 2 by DonisArt: Ordo Rosario Equilibrio


… English version below…

ORDO ROSARIUS EQUILIBRIO este trupa longeviva care, in cei peste 15 ani de activitate, a realizat multe albume remarcabile, suedezii devenind emblema reprezentativa a casei de discuri COLD MEAT INDUSTRY. A venit insa timpul pentru o schimbare si iata ca Tomas Pettersson, liderul trupei,  a acceptat oferta gigantului Out Of Line Records, pentru a lansa, nu peste mult timp, cel mai lucrat si inspirat album din istorie, “Songs 4 Hate & Devotion”.


August 3, 2010

August-10 – The Release of ‘Malady’ from Noblesse Oblige

PRE-ORDER: Order now, and we will ship this item to you when it is released on August 10, 2010.

Noblesse Oblige was formed in London, 2004 by French actress/singer/songwriter Valerie Renay and German musician/producer Sebastian Lee Philipp. Their debut album Privilege Entails Responsibility is considered one of the classics of the Independent Electro underground scene. After moving to Berlin in 2007, the band released their second album In Exile to much critical acclaim. For 2010, Noblesse Oblige releases its third album Malady, an occult concept album that cites the visual mysticism of Kenneth Anger, Aleister Crowley’s storytelling, and the morbid melancholy of Christina Rossetti’s poetry. The album was initiated by the bands’ involvement in Robert Pacitti’s 2009 London Spill Festival Tarot Deck project, for which Noblesse Oblige (in collaboration with photographer Manuel Vason) were asked to visualize their own interpretation of The Lovers Major Arcana card. Malady blends world music sounds, pop kitsch and new wave theatricality to create a unique musical landscape.

01. Morning Docks

02. The Great Electrifier

03. Beck And Call

04. Equinox

05. Moonchild

06. Tropical Fever

07. Lady With The Kazoo

08. Cracks On The Wall

09. When Thunder Breaks Up Under

10. Zanzibar

11. Sambo

12. May They Come With Spears And Knives

Genre: Alternative Gothic

source: Metropolis Records

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