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March 31, 2011

Lord of the Lost New Album Out April-01!

„We Are The Lost!“ With said battle cry of a song to kick off the new album, the Hamburg-based Dark-Alternative-Metal- sextet, fronted by charismatic singer Chris „The Lord“ Harms, has created a veritable anthem for itself. And what about the often-feared “difficult second album”-syndrome?

Read Viva Music’s review of the Lord of the Lost debut album, “Fearshere.

Antagony” feels like nothing of the sort. Quite the contrary: everything is bigger, more versatile, catchier and more coherent. The band builds upon the debut album’s foundation stones of Gothic, Metal and electronics, propels this versatile genre-mix to a wholly new level and manages to create a thrilling concept album that embeds the everlasting conflict of the constant lure of the abysses humanity has to face versus the perfidious cleanliness of religious endeavour into an array of smashing tunes. And, don’t you worry: “Antagony” rocks just as massively as its predecessor “Fears!” The irresistible interplay of dark atmosphere, aggressive guitar riff-walls, fat electronics, sex and glamour has turned out significantly more intense, this time around. The advance single “Sex On Legs”, inspired by the sweet sin of a femme fatale, is a perfect example, although it is only a small puzzle piece of the entire epos. Lord Of The Lost: Straight to your heart and straight in your face!  (more…)

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