Darkwave.ro electro/industrial music magazine | news – reviews – interviews – concerts – festivals – parties

February 10, 2011

Christmas Ball Festivals 2011

Filed under: Christmas Ball — Tags: , — admin @ 2:35 pm

2010 was a great year for the Christmas Ball Festivals, ranging again among the most successful events of the dark music scene. Last year’s Christmas Ball Festivals had a total audience of more than 6000 enthusiastic fans, reaching a new attendance record. In Berlin there were over than 1600 visitors from all over Germany and other European countries at the sold out “Huxley’s”. The remaining box office tickets were sold out immediately after the doors opened.

This year, on their 5th aniversary, the Christmas Ball Festivals are reaching for the stars. On 26th December they return with their most powerful line-up:







June 16, 2010

E-Tropolis Festival 2010: the clock is ticking!

Filed under: E-tropolis — Tags: , , , — admin @ 8:39 am

Electroheads, the time has come! On 26.06.2010 we set the roof on fire with the premiere of the E-tropolis Festival at the Columbia compound in Berlin. Straight following the motto of „darker-harder-louder“, 13 international top-acts will crank it up for you on two indoor stages.

Expect spectacular shows by HOCICO, COVENANT, COMBICHRIST and FEINDFLUG, party with the legendary DAF, LEÆTHER STRIP and KMFDM, dance with the merciless industrial-jackhammer XOTOX and experience one of the rare concerts of MIND.IN.A.BOX. With PATENBRIGADE: WOLFF, MERGEL KRATZER, CYBORG ATTACK and SHE´S ALL THAT four additional bands are waiting for you, covering a wide range from electro-pop for plumbers to alternative floor fillers. The final running order can be found on the E-tropolis website under: http://www.etropolis-festival.de/bands.html.


February 17, 2010

A storm is coming! 22 October 2010: The Autumn Ball Festival 2010

Filed under: Autumn Ball — Tags: , , — admin @ 5:08 pm

Information courtesy of protain.de

2010 is going to be the big year of the premieres! Beside the Spring Ball Festival, the first ever E-tropolis Open Air and the newly added Christmas Ball Festival in Berlin, we are now going full circle, completing the seasons with a brand new festival highlight in autumn: THE AUTUMN BALL FESTIVAL 2010.

A storm is coming! – 22. October 2010 – The Autumn Ball Festival 2010

As the wind sings its song, driving the autumn leaves off the trees, a new musical blockbuster event is coming for you at the Capitol Hannover. In tone with the season, the AUTUMN BALL FESTIVAL 2010 on 22. October 2010 is literally up to blow your mind with the perfect line-up for a stormy autumn night.


January 22, 2010

Amphi Festival 2010

Filed under: Amphi Festival — Tags: , , , — admin @ 2:04 pm

Viva Music is going to be present at one of the most exciting events of this year: Amphi Festival 2010. The festival is announced on 24 and 25 July 2010 in Köln and it will include live performances from a serious lot of bands such as And One, Combichrist, Projekt Ptichfork and VNV Nation. Viva’s First Romanian Darkefest’s frontliner, Diary of Dreams also is featured in the festival. The complete lineup, as well as detailed information in both German and English can be found on the event’s site www.amphi-festival.de. We will be delighted to offer you additional info as we come nearer to the event date. As usual, we’ll also review the event for darkwave.ro. If you have any questions about the event or wish to join us there, please drop us a line at office@darkwave.ro.

July 21, 2009

Viva Music at Wave Gotik Treffen 2009


WAVE GOTIK TREFFEN (18th edition), the largest alternative festival in the world, took place between May 29 and June 01, 2009 in Leipzig, Germany. Check out the WGT Website for full details.

For many years the Treffen was celebrated as the largest gathering of the “dark family” in the world. All over the city more than 190 bands, projects and single artists performed on about 20 stages. The events took place for instance in the vaults of the Moritzbastei, in the splendid neoantique cupola hall of the Volkspalast, in the crypt of the Völkerschlachtdenkmal, a famous monument of the battle of 1813, as well as in large concert halls. The people from Leipzig are familiar with the Treffen after 17 years – the Gothic guests are welcome.


June 18, 2009

M’era Luna Festival – Hildesheim-Drispenstedt

Filed under: M'era Luna — Tags: , — admin @ 11:49 am


Festivalul M’ERA LUNA este o institutie in adevaratul sens al cuvantului pentru scena Darkwave si Gothic, atragand peste 25000 fani anual la Hidlesheim. Pe 8 si 9 august 2009, aeroportul Hildesheim-Drispenstedt va fi din nou transformat intr-un urias catwalk pentru costumatii de catifea si matase si machiaje extravagante pe scena si chiar si in afara ei. Informatii suplimentare despre formatiile participante si despre festival le gasiti pe site-ul dedicat evenimentului pe www.meraluna.de.

Acestea sunt formatiile deja confirmate la festival:


APOCALYPTICA * Subway to Sally * PETER Heppner * Veljanov

The Crüxshadows * Oomph! * Die Apokalyptischen Reiter * Die Form * Zeraphine * Emilie Autumn * Letzte Instanz* Untoten * Schelmish * Zeromancer * [:SITD:] * Grendel * Star Industry * Spetsnaz * Ashbury Heights * Whispers in the Shadow * Frozen Plasma *  Tyske Ludder * Mina Harker

Biletele sunt deja in vanzare. Biletul valabil pentru doua zile inclusiv accesul in zona de camping costa 74 euro si include o taxa de 5 euro pentru ecologizare, pe care o poti primi inapoi dupa ce faci dovada ca ai avut grija de deseurile pe care le-ai produs :) Biletele pot fi achizitionate de la toate centrele traditionale de vanzare de bilete, de pe site-urile  www.meraluna.de, www.eventim.de si chiar si prin hotline 0 180 5-853 653 (14 cents/min / pretul poate diferi in functie de operatorul de retea).

April 29, 2009

Blackfield Festival, Germany:19:22 June

Filed under: Blackfield Festival — Tags: , — admin @ 11:57 am

Please check this link for information about the coming BLACKFIELD FESTIVAL. Amazing lineup!


This is the line-up for the warm-up-party at the Matrix in Bochum at June, 19th, 2009:



Darkwave/electro/goth/industrial bands. 3 days. Germany.

Excellent organization!

Info for Romanians: cheap flights Buh – Koln (german wings – 147 Euro) – 19-22 june 2009.

Email me at viviana at vivamusic dot ro if you need any further information.

See you all there! Vivi

March 25, 2009

Viva Music la Wave-Gotik Treffen

Filed under: International Events (Reviews) — Tags: — admin @ 4:51 pm

O delegatie Viva Music se va afla intre 29-mai si 01-iunie la Wave-Gotik-Treffen, in Leipzig! Daca doresti mai multe informatii, am adaugat acestui site o pagina dedicata festivalului, unde poti gasi cele mai importante informatii despre festival. De asemenea, in bara din dreapta vei gasi logoul WGT si poti vizita pagina oficiala a festivalului!

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