Darkwave.ro electro/industrial music magazine | news – reviews – interviews – concerts – festivals – parties

July 20, 2011

Cryonica’s “Music for a Darkened Theatre” Festival on August, 13 in London!

Cryonica Music presents a new festival in London on Sat., August, 13: “Music for a Darkened Theatre” which introduces quite an appetizing lineup for just one evening: In the Nursery, Zodiac Youth, Attrition, Inertia, Mechanical Cabaret, The Ghost of Lemora, Maleficent and AlterRed!

Read Viva Music’s review of In the Nursery‘s “Blind Soundhere. | Read Viva Music’s review of Inertia‘s “Deworldedhere. | Read Viva Music’s review of AlterRed‘s “Mind-Forged Manacleshere. | Read Viva Music’s review of Mechanical Cabaret‘s “We Have an Agendahere.

DJ sets from: Reza (Killing Joke/Inertia), Elektrobunny (Inertia/Attrition), Trail (Black Light Ascension), Frankie D (Flag), Jonthegoth (Flag) and Rev J (Antichrist/Hard Drive) are going to ensure the time you spend is worth it, and that you don’t leave too early! The festival is going to be held in London’s Cochrane Theatre, (address: Southampton Row, London WC1B 4AP – Holborn Tube. Doors open at 14:00hrs, with the first band on stage at 14:30hrs.

Ticket prices are £13 for advance sales and £15 at the venue. The lot is limited to 300 tickets, so make sure you secure your ticket now, either by booking it online here or from Resurrection Records (address: 228 Camden High St, London NW1 8QS).

February 11, 2011

Mechanical Cabaret – We Have An Agenda Album Review

Filed under: Album Reviews — Tags: , , — admin @ 3:33 pm
When you think about MECHANICAL CABARET, a lot of names pop into mind. Whether we are talking about diverse influences one can sense in their music (DEPECHE MODE, COIL, KILLING JOKE to name a few) or about the major names they have toured with (FAD GADGET, MESH, SUICIDE, COMBICHRIST and others), this is a project that has covered a lot of ground since its debut in 1999. Essentially, MECHANICAL CABARET is Roi Robertson, a witty British composer and songwriter with an uncanny sense of humor.

Their 12 track album “We Have an Agenda” sparked a lot of interest upon its release in 2002 due to its sleazy, trashy nature that combined a devilish punk glamour with provocative electro beats. Alongside Roi Robertson, come Tobi Chandler and Bruce Lovelock in the recording process. (more…)

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