Darkwave.ro electro/industrial music magazine | news – reviews – interviews – concerts – festivals – parties

March 18, 2011

Tanz die Revolution — editia a 6-a — 26 martie in Club Underworld

Ajuns la a 6-a editie, Tanz Die Revolution va invita sambata seara, 26 martie, de la ora 23:00, in Club Underworld (Str. Coltei nr. 48, Bucuresti) la o noua petrecere special dedicata genului electro-industrial. Cum surprizele nu lipsesc nici de la aceasta editie, va prezentam un invitat special – DJ Luca EW (Italia), totul fiind posibil cu sprijinul Viva Music.

[scroll for English version]

Luca este un DJ binecunoscut in Italia si totodata cel care a dat nastere unui webzine/ forum dedicat muzicii electronice, in special industrial/ebm – ElectroWorld. Placut impresionat de reactia publicului, a infiintat alaturi Alberto Brandi (DJ Nox) Italian Body Music, o serie de compilatii muzicale ce au reusit sa insumeze tot ce poate oferi Italia acestui gen de muzica. Compilatiile lor cuprind formatii precum Dope Stars Inc, Alien Vampires, :Bahntier//, XP8 si multe altele.

Invitatul nostru nu e strain publicului din Romania. El fost DJ-ul oficial al festivalului Darkwave.ro III (Project Pitchfork, Rabia Sorda, Tenek) din data de 29 ianuarie, organizat de Viva Music si a incantat simturile auditive ale participantilor printr-un mix reusit, ce includea numeroase formatii ca And One, Combichrist, X-RX, Covenant etc.

DJ Luca EW va mixa alaturi de DJane Malice (Tanz Die Revolution) si DJ No Request, avand grija ca publicul sa primeasca o seara de neuitat.

Tanz Die Revolution este un party cu specific electro-industrial, ce inglobeaza atat stiluri ‘80s cum ar fi synthpop-ul, cat si ritmuri actuale, foarte dansabile de genul ebm/aggrotech, totul fiind presarat cu celebrele hituri goth si cu riff-uri agresive de chitari.

Suprizele insa nu se incheie aici. Cu aceasta ocazie anuntam lansarea site-ului Tanz Die Revolution (www.tanzdierevolution.ro) si un cadou din partea formatiei Frozen Plasma!

Intrarea este libera!

Come and join us to the new sounds of the underground!





[English version]

The 6th edition of Tanz Die Revolution invites you on Saturday night, the 26th of March, starting 23:00 in Underworld Club (48, Coltei St., Bucharest) to another party especially dedicated to electro-industrial music. Surprises won’t be missing from this edition either, as we bring you a special guest: DJ Luca EW (Italy), all this made possible with the support of Viva Music.

Luca is a well-known DJ from Italy, who is also the man behind a web-zine/forum dedicated to electronic music, particularly industrial/ebm, called ElectroWorld. Pleased by the public’s reaction, he co-founded with Alberto Brandi (DJ Nox) Italian Body Music,a series of compilations, which gathered the best of Italian electronic music (including bands such as: Alien Vampires, Dope Stars Inc., XP8, :Bahntier// and many more).

Our guest is not for the first time in Romania. On the 29th of January 2011, he was the official DJ at Darkwave.ro Fest III organized by VIVA MUSIC, and he “sweetened” our ears with a great DJ set-list that included artists like And One, Combichrist, X-RX, Covenant etc.

DJ Luca EW will mix alongside with DJane Malice (Tanz Die Revolution) and DJ No Request, making sure that everybody will have an unforgettable evening!

Tanz Die Revolution is a regular electro-industrial night which takes place monthly in Underworld Club (48. Coltei St., Bucharest) and blends the ‘80s’ synth-pop with future pop or more harsh sounds like aggrotech/ebm, all this “sprinkled” with the very gothic hits and electric guitar riffs.

But this is not all! Along with this event, we want to announce that our brand new website www.tanzdierevolution.ro is up and the band Frozen Plasma has a gift for you!


Come and join us to the new sounds of the underground





February 1, 2011

Darkwave.ro Fest 3 review (with photos) – Dj Luca Ew, Tenek, Rabia Sorda and Project Pitchfork – January 29, 2011

Darkwave.ro Fest 3 (PROJECT PITCHFORK, RABIA SORDA and TENEK live in Cage Club, on January 29, organized by VIVA MUSIC with CLICKNET ROMTELECOM as main partner) came and went with a blast. The only local festival devoted to dark, electro, aggrotech and industrial music in Romania offered for its third edition a generous display of art for art’s sake and genuine musical feeling. Cage Club, unfortunately on its last active day, closed late in the night with a unique fest that welded together different fandoms into a unique, tumultuous crowd.

By 09:00 pm, the official doors open time, people started crowding the club’s venue. Electroheads, Goths dressed up to the nines and even the club’s regular rock scene flowed in and enjoyed DJ LUCA EW’s opening set that mimetized topnotch the evolving’s crowd feelings and will to dance. COVENANT, MIND.IN.A.BOX, but also AND ONE, FADERHEAD and APOPTYGMA BERZERK produced sonic atmosphere and opened the appetite of the audience from Romania, Germany, Great Britain,  Finland – to name just a few of the countries that visited VIVA MUSIC’s fest.


December 6, 2010

Luca Ew este DJ-ul oficial Darkwave.ro Fest (cu Tenek, Rabia Sorda si Project Pitchfork): pe 29 ianuarie 2011, in Cage Club din Bucuresti



Viva Music are placerea de a vi-l prezenta pe Luca Ew, DJ-ul oficial Darkwave.ro Fest 2011, in Club Cage din Bucuresti!

[for English scroll down]

Luca EW este un DJ italian care mixeaza EBM/industrial, dar si trance, techno si alte stiluri electro si dance. Listat printre marii DJ ai lumii pe thedjlist.com, Luca a facut fata tuturor provocarilor scenei: petreceri de club, festivaluri, seturi de DJ rezident in cluburi, petreceri la castel, marsuri. A participat la evenimente din Italia, dar si din Austria, Germania, Grecia, Slovenia, Elvetia, iar pe 29 ianuarie 2011 vine si in Romania!


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