Darkwave.ro electro/industrial music magazine | news – reviews – interviews – concerts – festivals – parties

November 5, 2010

George Fakinos Official dj at Darkwave.ro Fest

Filed under: Darkwave.ro II — Tags: , , , , — admin @ 11:23 am

Great news! George Fakinos is the official DJ at Darkwave.ro Fest on November 12 at Kulturhaus, Bucharest.

George will provide the dark-electro atmosphere with his DJ set all night during Darkwave.ro Fest. George Fakinos dj’s continuously since 1993.  Initially connected with Horostasio, where he held his DJ set for seven years, he has had for the last three years his Saturday residency at Second Skin Club. He also has a Sunday residency at Closer where he spins indie and alternative rock. It’s his love for new, fresh, cutting-edge dark electro, industrial and Techno Body Music that has made George the top alternative dj in Greece.


September 21, 2010

Last Call: Experimental Friday I by DonisArt!

Au mai ramas 3 zile pana la primul eveniment din Platforma celor 6 Seri Speciale ce urmeaza a se desfasura sub emblema DonisArt!

Clubul Kulturhaus (fostul Twice), Str. Sf Vineri nr.4, Bucuresti, este gata pentru a-si deschide portile in premiera! Pe 24 septembrie, ora 19.00, fanii sonoritatilor Post-Rock & Shoegaze sunt asteptati la EXPERIMENTAL FRIDAY I by DonisArt! Organizatorii isi invita prietenii la o Seara Speciala care sa ofere celor prezenti repere distincte dar armonizate perfect cu acest nou concept experimental. De la concerte realizate pe DVD si pana la recitaluri propriu-zise, de la merchandising standard pana la cel personalizat sau in editii limitate (atat CECILIA EYES cat si KWOON vin la Bucuresti cu standul propriu de accesorii muzicale), de la prietenii spectatori si pana la artistii prezenti, EXPERIMENTAL FRIDAY isi propune a fi o alternativa corecta pentru toti cei ce doresc sa petreaca o seara intr-un mod aparte…


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