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April 26, 2011

Kmfdm Release “WTF?!”

Never one to shy away from asking the tough questions, KMFDM gives voice to the inquiry that is on everyone’s lips in these twisted times – WTF?!. WTF?!, the band’s new album released on Metropolis Records, joins the ranks of their many records titled with a five character name.”  (Metropolis Records)

In January we shared the great news of a new release from KMFDM, entitled “WTF?!” (European release: KMFDM Records / Dependent Records). Now that it’s here, we can rejoice even more in their 17-album history now that new material is out! December 2010 meant the release of the first track of the album: in the heat of the Wikileaks debate, KMFDM decided to make available the song “Rebels in Kontrol”  on the band’s website in December as a show of support for Wikileaks editor-in-chief Julian Assange, and was streamed more than 75,000 times in two days. (more…)

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