“Never one to shy away from asking the tough questions, KMFDM gives voice to the inquiry that is on everyone’s lips in these twisted times – WTF?!. WTF?!, the band’s new album released on Metropolis Records, joins the ranks of their many records titled with a five character name.” (Metropolis Records)
In January we shared the great news of a new release from KMFDM, entitled “WTF?!” (European release: KMFDM Records / Dependent Records). Now that it’s here, we can rejoice even more in their 17-album history now that new material is out! December 2010 meant the release of the first track of the album: in the heat of the Wikileaks debate, KMFDM decided to make available the song “Rebels in Kontrol” on the band’s website in December as a show of support for Wikileaks editor-in-chief Julian Assange, and was streamed more than 75,000 times in two days. (more…)