Darkwave.ro electro/industrial music magazine | news – reviews – interviews – concerts – festivals – parties

October 14, 2011

What is Promonetics and Why You SHOULD Join. Interview with Promonetics Founder Patrik Lindstrom

Filed under: Interviews — Tags: , , , , , — admin @ 8:00 am

VIVA MUSIC: What is Promonetics in brief?

Patrik Lindström: Promonetics is a promotional community for labels, artists, promoters, DJ’s and media. You can think of it as a blend of Facebook/Myspace/Google+ together with a promopool. At Promonetics, artists and labels are able to share their promotional material such as promos, videos, photos and live dates to hundreds of potential partners and get all the feedback on the same place. The DJ’s and media have a great library of promos to review, give feedback on and create partnerships. All for free.

VIVA MUSIC: What is the appeal of Promonetics for a bigshot? What about a newcomer?

Patrik Lindström: There’s big potential for the big label as well as for the small artist. For the big label, they are able to reach DJ’s and media they would not have come in contact with otherwise. As well as cutting down maintenance and cost on their own promopool (I know a few labels that have stopped their own promopool to go over to Promonetics to 100%). The (perhaps unsigned) artist is able to easily get their promo out to hundreds of potential media users, but also other labels, so they both get the promotion and the possibility to be signed.

VIVA MUSIC: When did you first have the idea of Promonetics and when did it all start?

Patrik Lindström: When I started to learn how to code PHP (actually only learned about 1-1½ years ago), I wanted to make something that was both usable and good for learning. So it all started out as a down-loadable webapp promopool kit. The thought was that labels could download it for free, install it on their own platform and customize the appearance to fit their own design. When I was only a few hours until completion, I started to think what I wanted myself as a editor of a netzine (Brutal Resonance). I was tired of visiting so many  different promopools, I wanted all the promos from the same spot, an easy way to find new interesting labels, give feedback in an easy way and most off all, get a closer connection by actually creating a friendship. I also wanted it to be a free service, financed by peoples donations. So I started to form the basic idea of what Promonetics is today. With the help of German promoter Promofabrik, that gave me webspace, I was able to start out with a simple promopool functionality, just to see if it was any interest in it. It was, the site grew and I left the Promofabrik server for Blackbyte.se who supply me with servers for a very, very decent amount. Since the release, the site has gone through quite a few versions, different functionality (testing what works and what is not) and is what you see today. The social and free promopool platform that is Promonetics with around 500 users. Now, I can honestly say that I have reached the point where I am pleased with Promonetics, what I wanted one year ago when I started out testing different approaches. But the fact that I am pleased does not mean I am done, I always, every day, think of new ways to make it better. I also listen to all user feedback and try to supply with their wishes whenever possible. (more…)

September 29, 2011

Schoengeist – The Exclusive Viva Music Interview!

Filed under: Interviews — Tags: , , , , — admin @ 12:04 pm

Meeting with Schoengeist is always fun, fresh, and intriguing. On the occasion of this interview we had much fun, because of the openness of lead singer Timur Karakus and of his willingness to answer the quirkiest of our questions. This is how we found out what he likes to do before going on stage, whom he would like to share the stage with, and what his feeling is, as an artist, about the scene and the demands artists face and comply with in their careers. It was a very enjoyable experience and we warmly recommend listening to Schoengeist and paying attention to their plans – you are going to hear a lot about them, if you haven’t yet. Enjoy!


VIVA: What is the story of Schoengeist? And how did you come up with the band’s name?

SCHOENGEIST:  It is quite simple. You know, Schoengeist means a kind of beautiful spirit of human kind. A spirit we have totally lost in the last decade. More and more people are getting poor and are afraid of their lives, and what is in store for them in the future. The reflex is selfishness and a permanent, destructive fight one against another. No room left anymore for the beautiful things from our environment. So the consequence for me was to build an opposition against this inhuman attitude.

VIVA: Your band on stage seems like a get-together of friends. How did you guys meet and when did you decide to work together in the present formula?

SCHOENGEIST: Oh yes I love my band very much. They are high qualified in their art and also very honest and fair people. The relation between us is awesome. It is three years already that we work together in this format. We all come from the same city, Munich, where the scene is quite small. It was only a question of time before we met each other ;-)

VIVA: For your latest material, “Keine Zeit” you collaborated with Eisbrecher’s Alex Wesselsky. How did you meet and how did your collaboration go? (more…)

September 12, 2011

Klangstabil – the Exclusive Viva Music Interview!

Meeting Boris May in person is like taking a deeper look into a mirror and seeing exactly what you want to see. Add to that 3 Klangstabil live concerts – at Nordstern Festival, Amphi Festival and at Nocturnal Culture Night! Klangstabil can rock your world easily if you are attending their concert well prepared to play along and match the energy and subliminal messages on stage. And yes, Klangstabil sounds very different live compared to their CD’s. The quiet, polite, sensitive and intelligent persons you meet in real life become “wild children of any revolution” on stage. And somehow the 2 personalities blend together perfectly. Boris May and Maurizio Blanco are fighting for a better world, starting with themselves. Add to that the fact that not only their personalities are complementary, but even their names stand as symbols of a perfect duality: B. M. and M. B.

The answer to the question: “Is this world perfectible or we should better just live in our own world where everything supports my inner peace” may find an answer today. Enjoy this great interview!



VIVA MUSIC: It is always a pleasure to meet polyglot artists. You sing in German, English and Italian. Still, the feeling one gets while watching you on stage is that the language itself as means of communication is irrelevant. We felt we could understand the language of anger and emotion even when you were playing in German (a language we don’t speak)…

KLANGSTABIL: Our music conveys emotions without filtering them, so you can easily comprehend them. Voice serves as an additional instrument, and we choose language according to its phonetic properties. Italian, for instance, is a very powerful language that can be experienced in a very passionate way. Within only one verse it can switch from inner turmoil to highest happiness and, by doing so, capture the audience. (more…)

May 19, 2011

VoA VoXyD from Ad Inferna – the Exclusive Viva Music Interview

We have often spoken, and written about Ad Inferna (as witnessed by the links below). But what we enjoy most, is to listen to Ad Inferna (and we do our share of listening, steadily and thoroughly). Ad Inferna’s VoA VoXyD was so kind to answer our questions for an exclusive interview: the lighter note on which questions flung forth and answers ricocheted back should not fool you though: Ad Inferna means serious business!

| Read Viva Music’s Ad Inferna band bio here. | Read Viva Music’s review of Ad Inferna’s album “DSMhere. | Read Viva Music’s review of Ad Inferna’s newest album “There Is No Curehere.

How many times a day do you eat? And what?

VoA: Well… I am not really fanatic about hours and plans, so, it really depends on the day of days… And about my food, humans of course (especially their liver, lol).

How many hours do you sleep per week on average?

VoA: There again, it depends on the day, but I am not really a big sleeper, as I am usually very skeptic about my mood on waking up. But, let’s say something like 4/5 hours per night.

Do you party? Where?

VoA: Nope, not anymore, I don’t like people around me and their proximity.

How do you spend your free time?

VoA:  I don’t know the meaning of the words “free time”, not for several years… but except work and making music, I spend my time thinking, worrying, thinking, worrying etc. (more…)

September 5, 2010

Interviu: Cecilia Eyes

Filed under: Local News — Tags: , , , , , , — admin @ 7:31 pm

Fiind activi din 2004, ar trebui spuse cateva cuvinte despre trupa si membrii acesteia. Deci, cine sunt Cecilia::Eyes?

Christophe: Cecilia::Eyes a fost formata in toamna anului 2004 de catre Mike si mine. Doream sa cream un amalgam de muzica instrumentala si sumbra, cu tonuri lente si zgomotoase. A rezultat intr-o unitate maiestuoasa si misterioasa, osciland intre melancolie si speranta. A asculta Cecilia::Eyes inseamna, mai presus de toate, a fi pregatit de a penetra universul oniric la care se face apel. Sunt un tanar foarte atragator de 34 de ani, de fapt lucrez la o firma de avocatura si iubesc petrecerile.


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