Darkwave.ro electro/industrial music magazine | news – reviews – interviews – concerts – festivals – parties

September 16, 2014

Tribute to Industrial – Oblivion Sound Wave party – Friday, September 19 @Private Hell

Tribute to industrial- oblivionsoundwave_v4p

Industrialul nu a murit, ci reînvie de fiecare dată prin petrecerile Oblivion Sound Wave! Vă aşteptăm  vineri, 19 septembrie, în noua locație Private Hell pentru deschiderea noului sezon.

You wanted, you get it! În boxe se vor auzi ritmuri ale trupelor KMFDM, Rammstein, Nine Inch Nails, Deathstars, Celldweller, Lord of the Lost și Combichrist, mixate de către DJ MndFk, DJ Morph și invitatul nostru special, DJ Cesare (Italia).

Auzul va fi îndulcit de genuri muzicale întunecate, iar văzul va fi încântat de Red Elf Design – alternative clothing, care vă pune la dispoziție o gamă de produse goth handmade, iar la ora 2.00 AM vă aşteptăm cu două premii speciale.

Vă așteptăm în număr cât mai mare, să reînviem beat-urile de industrial! Intrarea liberă începând cu ora 22:00.

Oblivion Sound Wave este o comunitate înfiinţată în Octombrie 2013 care promoveză  subculturile EBM, Industrial, Goth. Încă de la prima petrecere încântăm simțurile celor prezenți prin inițiative tematice diferite, unice în Romania. Află mai multe pe Facebook.

Sursa: Oblivion Sound Wave

January 11, 2011

Dress Code Goth #8 Party la Umbra de Noapte in Cluj

Filed under: Local News — Tags: , , , , , , — admin @ 12:50 pm

Umbra de Noapte (St. Georges Clemanceau, nr. 7, Cluj Napoca), singura cafenea gotica din inima Transilvaniei, va invita vineri, 14 ianuarie, la orele 21:00 la Dress Code: Goth #8 party, o petrecere cu tematica goth, psychobilly, casual black si cu dress code obligatoriu. Invitatiile se pot obtine direct de la bar sau la intrare, petrecerea fiind privata. Selectia muzicala este asigurata de Attila, BloodMargoth si Lilanthe.

Umbra de Noapte este un partener media de nepretuit pentru toate evenimentele organizate de Viva Music si ne face o deosebita placere sa va anuntam acest eveniment. Daca sunteti in Cluj Napoca vineri, nu ratati Dress Code Goth #8 la Umbra de Noapte in Cluj.

November 2, 2010

Aesthetic Perfection give away their new single for free

Official Announcement!

As a thank you to all our friends and fans across the globe, we will be giving away the new single “The Devil’s in the Details” for FREE! Just visit us here at 12am EST on Tues Nov 2nd.


For more information: Myspace, Last.FM.

October 28, 2010

Darkwave.ro Fest: Slave Republic, Painbastard, Destroid and Frank the Baptist Videos

DARKWAVE.RO fes­ti­val (Novem­ber 12, 2010, KULTURHAUS, for­merly Twice Club) hails from the tra­di­tion VIVA MUSIC set off in Feb­ru­ary 2009 with FIRST ROMANIAN DARKFEST.

VIVA MUSIC solely pro­motes qual­ity electro.dark.industrial.Goth.synth music in Romania. Four acts who call the shots on the electro/goth scene (SLAVE REPUBLIC, PAINBASTARD, DESTROID and FRANK THE BAPTIST) will fire up KULTURHAUS until dawn! From syn­th­pop to harsh indus­trial, and giv­ing equal and undi­vided atten­tion to deathrock and elec­tro, the four acts will tres­pass the bounds of con­ven­tion­al­ism and teach main­stream music a les­son.

Below you can watch some videos from the 4 bands who will light up the night of November 12 in KULTURHAUS.

Slave Republic



Frank the Baptist

October 27, 2010

E-tropolis 2011: new bands confirmed!

II. E-tropolis Festival 2011 – Press release:

Dear Electrofans,

On 3rd September 2011 it is time again for a blast of electronic sounds! With the E‑tropolis Festival at the Columbia Compound Berlin another strictly electronic line-up of contemporary blockbuster-acts and interesting surprises is about to unfurl. While artists like WELLE: ERDBALL, HAUJOBB, ASCII.DISKO, FADERHEAD and FABRIK C have already been confirmed, we dragged the entertainment-screw even further in and again recruited three exciting acts, including the headliner:

New bands confirmed at the E-tropolis Festival 2011:

After a breathtaking show at this year´s Amphi Festival in Cologne the choice for the next E-tropolis headliner was not too difficult. The undisputed kings of the alternative dancefloor, VNV NATION, are picking it up again! As headliner of the E-tropolis Festival 2011 Ronan Harris and Mark Jackson secured the privilege of the finale grande, turning the C-Hall into a boiling witches’ cauldron.

Also new to the line-up: Berlin´s local heroes SOLITARY EXPERIMENTS as well as „Pitchfork“-Peter Spilles and Jinxy with their feisty project SANTA HATES YOU.

NACHTMAHR however cancelled their previously confirmed participation. We are sorry for they are not going to play. Meanwhile efforts have been initiated to find you a worthy replacement soon.


Original E-tropolis Festival tickets can be booked in advance exclusively in the Ticketshop at www.etropolis-festival.de/tickets. Festival tickets are further available online at www.protain-ticket.de & www.dark-ticket.de, in all nationwide Ticket Online and EVENTIM box offices and by phone on our 24h hotline +49 (0)1805- 568200 (14ct. / min. from the German fixed network).

Best regards,

Your E-tropolis Festival team



DATUM / DATE: 03.09.2011
EINLASS/DOORS OPEN:13:00 Uhr / 13:00 o’clock
BEGINN / BEGIN: 15:00 Uhr / 15:00 o’clock









+ viele mehr / + many more!






www.protain-ticket.de & www.dark-ticket.de


01805- 568200 (14 ct./Min. aus dem dt. Festnetz)
+49 (0)1805- 568200 (0,14 €/min. from German fixed network)


-alle CTS/EVENTIM, und Ticket-Online Vvk.-Stellen

-all nationwide CTS/EVENTIM and Ticket-Online offices

Kriegseklaerung from Painbastard — Review

Alex P’s project PAINBASTARD soon celebrates its 10th year. In 2010, the release of “Kriegserlkaerung”, the act’s fifth album means a great deal of social criticism and lucid look at current affairs, all geared with great electronica.


October 20, 2010

Alan Wilder introduces Daniel Myer

As previously announced on darkwave.ro, DESTROID‘s Daniel Myer (who also works on several other projects, including HAUJOBB, ARCHITECT and COVENANT) was featured in an one-time show with ex-Depeche Mode Alan Wilder and currently-Depeche Mode Martin L. Gore. Below is a video of Alan Wilder introducing Daniel Myer:

If you missed the chance to meet Daniel in VIVA MUSIC‘s April 2010 COVENANT concert in Bucharest, don’t miss it next: you will meet again Daniel Myer and his act DESTROID, as well as prime shows from FRANK THE BAPTIST, PAINBASTARD and SLAVE REPUBLIC this fall at DARKWAVE.RO fest in Kulturhaus Bukarest on November-12.

October 19, 2010

The Autumn Ball Festival with Oomph! this Friday in Hannover!!

The Autumn Ball Festival with Oomph! this Friday in Hannover!!

As the wind whistles its melody, driving the autumn leaves off the trees, a new musical blockbuster event is coming to you at the Capitol Hannover. In tune with the season, the AUTUMN BALL FESTIVAL 2010 on 22. October 2010 is literally going to blow your mind with the perfect line-up for a stormy autumn night:


October 14, 2010

Zita Rock Festival 2011: 18 and 19 June, First Bands Announced

It is now the right time to get frantic about the fifth edition of Zita Rock festival. Book yourselves for 18 & 19 June 2011 for a splendid lineup of seven bands confirmed by organizers. ZIN, TEUFEL, QNTAL, END OF GREEN, MONO INC., SAMSAS TRAUM and PROJECT PITCHFORK will take up the scene of Spandau Citadel, accompanied by five other great acts (2 headliners + 3 other bands) to be confirmed shortly.


For the atmosphere to be complete, a schedule, including after parties, is currently in the making.


For updated information, visit Zita Rock Festival’s official or Myspace pages.


The press release of the 2011 Zita Rock festival is accompanied by a massive sale from the festival’s merchandise store, with 25% off on 2010 T-shirts and 50% on 2009 T-shirts, as well as on jackets and blouses. The offer is valid while supplies last.


Tickets are on sale on dark-ticket.de and eventim.de, as well as on German national landlines (14c/minute locally) at  no. 01805 – 568200.


Source: http://www.zita-rock.de/

September 21, 2010

Last Call: Experimental Friday I by DonisArt!

Au mai ramas 3 zile pana la primul eveniment din Platforma celor 6 Seri Speciale ce urmeaza a se desfasura sub emblema DonisArt!

Clubul Kulturhaus (fostul Twice), Str. Sf Vineri nr.4, Bucuresti, este gata pentru a-si deschide portile in premiera! Pe 24 septembrie, ora 19.00, fanii sonoritatilor Post-Rock & Shoegaze sunt asteptati la EXPERIMENTAL FRIDAY I by DonisArt! Organizatorii isi invita prietenii la o Seara Speciala care sa ofere celor prezenti repere distincte dar armonizate perfect cu acest nou concept experimental. De la concerte realizate pe DVD si pana la recitaluri propriu-zise, de la merchandising standard pana la cel personalizat sau in editii limitate (atat CECILIA EYES cat si KWOON vin la Bucuresti cu standul propriu de accesorii muzicale), de la prietenii spectatori si pana la artistii prezenti, EXPERIMENTAL FRIDAY isi propune a fi o alternativa corecta pentru toti cei ce doresc sa petreaca o seara intr-un mod aparte…


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