Noyce Tm (Germany), founded in 1997 by ex-members of Silence Gift, released in March 2009 their 3rd full-length album, “Un:welt”, through In-D Records. The trio, consisting of Florian Schäfer (vocals, lyrics, songstructures), Oliver Goëtz (synthwork, programming, songstructures) and Markus Poschmann (synthwork, singing saw, bass), has supported VNV Nation and Diary of Dreams on their tours, on and off between 1999 and 2007. If you are not familiar to Noyce TM’s sound yet, bands such as Diorama, Seabound, Covenant, Clan of Xymox or Depeche Mode should give you a teasing idea about them.
“Un:welt” begins with “Freiheit” (Freedom), which is a passage from “Goetz von Berlichingen”, a successful 18th century drama by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. This is an atmospheric track that includes spoken lines, chorus and drum beats, and together with its lines, highlighted by the title, induces to you the feeling of living freely, never surrendering to an unkind world and to its influential leaders: “Und wenn unser Blut anfängt auf die Neige zu gehen, wie der Wein in dieser Flasche, was soll unser letztes Wort sein? Es lebe die Freiheit! Und wann die uns überlebt, da können wir ruhig sterben…“ (“And if our blood starts to decline, as the wine in this bottle, which should be our last word? Long live freedom! And when we survive, then we can die in peace…”).