Darkwave.ro electro/industrial music magazine | news – reviews – interviews – concerts – festivals – parties

March 7, 2012

Front Presents: All Tomorrow’s Fridays #1 – 09-Mar, Wings Club

Filed under: Local News — Tags: , , , , , , — admin @ 3:55 pm

Aveti in fata cel mai nou capitol din povestea romantata a vietii de noapte din Bucuresti. Ca si predecesorii sai, pilotul All Tomorrow’s Fridays este un episod speculativ plasat intr-un viitor postmodern, distopic, post-epoca-de-glorie-pentru-care-ti-venea-cheful-sa-iesi-în-oras. Este compilat de terte forte muzicale, se mixeaza la pupitru si se mananca cu teme saptamanale ale unui viitor emergent, tripante atat auditiv, ca t si vizual. Si priveste cat mai putin in urma.

RSVP pe Facebook.


INTRARE 10 lei

TANZ OHNE MUSIK – Un performance audio-vizual crud, subtil, iute si dulce, intr-un DJ set colat din bucati shoegaze, experimental, minimal wave, lo-fi, dreamwave si noise.

Pe Myspace | Pe Bandcamp | Color Nurse @Vimeo | Color Nurse@YouTube

01100111 – Copy & paste audio-video. Clip, beat, fragment, loop, sinestezie. Noua cultura a remixului. DJ & VJ set.

Pe Soundcloud | Pe Vimeo

MONTGOMERY CLUNK – Cuprinde atât de multe stiluri ale muzicii electronice încât iti vine greu a crede ca poate să facă sens. Cu toate astea, reuseste.

Pe Myspace | Pe Soundcloud

February 27, 2012

Future Sounds Festival 2012/Winter Edition – Bucharest, Feb-24 – Viva Music Review

Festival gallery by Viviana Ball/Viva Music


Musical encounters in Bucharest tend to be predictable and arouse their general cheering from their quite separate niche crowds. Luckily, more and more niches are being provided entertainment – a sign of normalcy that was less obvious in past years and now seems to be in itself a norm everyone takes into account when screening an event list. There are, however, events that defy any event rubric you had in mind and get you into a very special kind of mood. This was the case with a very genuine event, Future Sounds Festival 2012 – Winter Edition – the future editions of which are a must for your urban wanderings. Brazenly scheduled for a night that took pride in other seven enticing events, the festival was organized by FRONT and deployed seductively in a venue worth checking out, Safe House (82B, Popa Nan St.). It provided a lineup thought up to tempt the novelty curious crowd; but also to persuade it – two international and two local acts were set up in the festival: Sunrays and Yoon (RO), as well as Selebrities and Slow Magic (US). (more…)

February 17, 2012

Castiga bilete la Future Sounds Festival/2012-Winter Edition! [Concurs finalizat]

Future Sounds Festival este organizat de FRONT, cu sprijinul SafeHouse (Popa Nan 82bis) si Hello Hotels. In editia de iarna 2012 – 24-februarie 10pm, SLOW MAGIC (US, dreamwave), SELEBRITIES (US, new wave), YOON (RO, electronica), SUNRAYS (RO, shoegaze/drone/doom pop) sunt artistii selectati de FRONT pentru a crea o atmosfera propice fanilor noilor descoperiri din scena electro si indie.

Mai multe detalii si RSVP pe Facebook.

Biletele in valoare de 20 lei, se vor putea achizitiona la intrare, in seara evenimentului. Un numar limitat de bilete (50) in valoare de 15 lei vor putea fi achizitionate in regim early-bird de la The Plot, Blanari 14, oferta valabila intre 15-22 februarie.

Castiga 2 (doua) invitatii duble la Future Sounds Festival/2012-Winter Edition


Castiga 2 (doua) invitatii duble la Future Sounds Festival/2012-Winter Edition oferite de FRONT. Tot ceea ce trebuie sa faci este sa te uiti la videoclipul de mai jos si odata ce ai identificat formatia si melodia (indiciu: este vorba de una din formatiile care te va incanta in cadrul festivalului) sa completezi cu datele personale si raspunsul corect formularul de sub video inainte de 20-feb orele 20:00. Iar noi vom extrage prin intermediul random.org cei doi castigatori. Succes!

[contact-form-7 id=”4063″ title=”Future Sounds Festival/2012-Winter Edition contest”]

Update 20-feb, orele 20:30. La concurs s-au inscris 19 persoane – toate raspunzand corect provocarii. Raspunsul corect este: formatie – Selebrities, melodie – Night Heat. Cu ajutorul random.org am ales castigatorii care au dat in ordine cronologica raspunsurile corecte cu numerele 6 si 8. Acestia sunt Mihaela Draghici si Mara Nistor – carora FRONT le ofera cate o invitatie dubla la Future Sounds Festival/2012-Winter Edition. Felicitari castigatorilor si multumiri tuturor participantilor! Mihaela si Mara, va scriem curand cum intrati in posesia invitatiilor.


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