Darkwave.ro electro/industrial music magazine | news – reviews – interviews – concerts – festivals – parties

May 3, 2011

Kirlian Camera (+Tanz Ohne Musik opening) – review with photos 29.04.2011


About the event * Tanz Ohne Musik @Control Club 29.04.2011 promoter: Viva Music – Review * Tanz Ohne Musik @Control Club 29.04.2011: Setlist * Tanz Ohne Musik @Control Club 29.04.2011: Photo Gallery * Kirlian Camera @Control Club 29.04.2011 promoter: Viva Music -Review * Kirlian Camera @Club Control 29.04.2011: Setlist * Kirlian Camera @Control Club 29.04.2011: Photo Gallery * Links

About the event

Not of This World” is not only a very plausible name for an album, such as KIRLIAN CAMERA’s best-of album released in late 2010; but also a good description of the show the band put up on April, 29 in a wonderful VIVA MUSIC event in Club Control, with a very artful preface from TANZ OHNE MUSIK. An otherworldly performance brought to you by Angelo Bergamini, Elena Fossi, Lexi Chevalier and Kyoo Nam Rossi kept the avid audience enthralled for almost two hours!

The festive atmosphere of the Labor Day weekend and the opening of the summer season were celebrated by VIVA MUSIC with a great event: the legendary KIRLIAN CAMERA for their first Romanian date. While their 30-year history on the scene of music requires little if any introduction, let it be said that the atmospheric music they perform is vivid, energetic and empathetic – qualities that were appreciated by the audience as well. (more…)

March 17, 2011

Femme Facade – My Blood Is Thicker Than Yours – 30 and 31 March, Bucharest


Femme Façade (Valerie Renay)


Artist Talk, Performance, Party

Performer, film director, writer and half of art rock duo Noblesse Oblige, the mixed race French-Caribbean artist Valerie Renay spent half her life in London where she trained in acting (with Phillippe Gaulier) movement (with Contact impro/Body Weather) and voice.


Concert aniversar no.3 in Club Control pe 29-martie

Partenerii nostri de la no.3 implinesc 3 ani de activitate, ocazie cu care au pus la cale un eveniment special alaturi de Bring the Noise si Club Control: Concert aniversar no.3 pe 29-martie. Felicitari, no.3 pentru frumoasa voastra activitate si multumiri pentru sustinere!

Marti, 29 martie, No.3 si Bring The Noise te invita in clubul Control din capitala (Strada Academiei, nr. 19), pentru a asista la un eveniment prin care se aniverseaza 3 ani de existenta a bastionului de rezistenta underground autohtona: www.no3.ro.

Vor canta:

Alternativ Quartet (Cluj Napoca, alternative/progressive);

Astero (Bucuresti, alternative);

Flesh Rodeo (Bucuresti, alternative metal).


March 14, 2011

Kirlian Camera + Tanz Ohne Musik in Club Control, 29 aprilie 2011

KIRLIAN CAMERA + TANZ OHNE MUSIK in Club Control, 29 aprilie 2011

Eveniment organizat de VIVA MUSIC cu sprijinul CONTROL CLUB

sub marca ELECTRONIK (www.electronik.ro)

VIVA MUSIC continua seria de evenimente sub marca ELECTRONIK cu un concert fulminant pe data de 29 aprilie 2011, in Club Control (St. Academiei nr. 19) cu legenda KIRLIAN CAMERA. In deschidere, TANZ OHNE MUSIK, proiectul electro cel mai viral al momentului pe plaiurile mioritice.


[citeste continuarea pe site-ul dedicat evenimentului, electronik.ro]


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