Darkwave.ro electro/industrial music magazine | news – reviews – interviews – concerts – festivals – parties

December 4, 2010

Viva Music concerts, festivals, radio show, industrial parties, new website, photos from Romania

Viva Music is happy to share great news for the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011 with all of you!

We would like to thank our old and new partners for their support. Viva Music wouldn’t have been able to organize the gigs for Melotron, Das Ich, In Strict Confidence, Diary of Dreams, Covenant, Slave Republic, Painbastard, Destroid, Frank the Baptist unless our media partners worked very hard to promote our events.


December 2, 2010

Darkwave.ro Fest 2011 on Jan 29 at Cage Club, Bucharest: Promoter Viva Music

Project Pitchfork, Rabia Sorda si Tenek la DARKWAVE.RO Fest pe 29 ianuarie, 2011 in Cage Club


VIVA MUSIC si CLICKNET ROMTELECOM, partenerul principal DARKWAVE.RO Fest au deosebita placere sa va anunte ca participantii la eveniment vor primi cadouri constand in tricouri, insigne, carti postale si postere. Acestea vor fi primite in limita stocului disponibil la bar, incepand cu ora 21:00, asa ca fiti acolo cat mai devreme.

[for English scroll down]

Viva Music are deosebita placere de a va anunta a treia editie a festivalului DARKWAVE.RO in clubul Cage (Bd. N. Titulescu nr. 171, fostul Live Metal Club-LMC) pe 29 ianuarie 2011. Inainte de concertul COMBICHRIST de pe 1 martie, VIVA MUSIC va invita sa petreceti o noapte incendiara cu TENEK, RABIA SORDA si PROJECT PITCHFORK. In clipa de fata, formatiile invitate sunt cap de afis la festivaluri precum Amphi, Wave Gotik Treffen, M’era Luna sau E-tropolis.


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