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August 22, 2011

Vic Anselmo – “In My Fragile” – Viva Music Album Review

Tracklist:  “Introduction” * “More than You Can Comprehend” * “Open Wide” * “Horizon” * “Wellspring” * “Bone’s Blues” * “Ashes” * “Secrets of the Universe” * “Das Dunkle Land” * ”In the Darkness” * “The Day” * “Who?” (Bonus acoustic live track recorded at Offenbach Capitol) * “Bone’s Blues” (Bonus acoustic live track recorded at Offenbach Capitol) * “Leaving Eden” (Bonus acoustic live track recorded at Offenbach Capitol) * “Tumsha Nakte” (Bonus acoustic live track recorded at Offenbach Capitol)

About Vic Anselmo:

German/Latvian singer and songwriter Vic Anselmo is born under the sign of achievement. Ever since her 2008 release of her debut album “Trapped in a Dream”, she got quite an impressive number of quotes – newcomer of the month with Orkus and ranked 2nd in Zillo’s soundcheck and 7th with Sonic Seducer. A tour with Deine Lakaien ensued, as well as most of the important festival dates: WGT and Castle Party (2009), Waregem, Elf Fantasy, and Dark Mills (2010). In 2011, she joined Das Ich on stage at Amphi Festval. Vic Anselmo took her nickname from her own name, Victoria, and Pantera’s Phil Anselmo.

About Vic Anselmo – “In My Fragile:

The album can be thought of as a soundtrack to imaginary nuclear catastrophe movie. Sometimes desperate, sometimes ironic, it reflects a personal collapse through the images of global disaster. Through the entire album we could hear clicks of radiation, air-raids, explosions, and wireless noises. The album artwork completes the whole picture. On the CD cover you can see ruins of Riga, the city Vic comes from. “In My Fragile” contains a cover of Das Ich’s “Das dunkle Land”, as well as four exclusive acoustic bonus tracks recorded live during Vic Anselmo’s most recent tour.

In My Fragile” is recorded in Latvia, at Fenix studio by Gints Lundbergs and produced by Herman Rigmant and George Kadolchik. Vic Anselmo‘s band includes: Herman Rigmant – guitars, electronic percussions, George Kadolchik – keyboards, Pēteris Pāss – bass, Mārtiņš Miļevskis – drums. Cover art and photo by Arthur Berzinsh. Inside photos by Alexander Trinitatov. Booklet photos by Sandy Worm. (source)

Vic Anselmo – “In My Fragile” – Viva Music Album Review:

Vic Anselmo’s second album came out this weekend on August-19 with Danse Macabre, to whom the artist signed just this spring. The overall composition of the album includes ten original new tracks, one cover, as well as four live renditions of past/new material, all recorded at Offenbach Capitol. Although the album strikes with its dark variety, a point of pride of both Vic Anselmo and her crew should be the fact that most, if not all of the material included in the album is a provocative task carried out while constantly touring. As it happens, the recess of studio did not exist as a prolonged introspection, but as a plausible end result of constant communication to their audience. (more…)

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