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September 23, 2011

Global Citizen – “Nil by Mouth”: Viva Music Album Review

Tracklist: “Kimochi Ii” * “Don’t Make It Slow” * “Things” * “New” * “Nil by Mouth” * “Broken Doll” * “Early Morning Star” * “Hilton” * “Your Majesty” * “Immaculate Ejaculate” * “Sleep Precious Sleep

About Global Citizen:

In the works since 1994, then under the moniker of Constructive Noise, Global Citizen took their name from the title of one of their initial b-side tracks; in its turn the name of the track was inspired by a combination of a cosmopolitan mercenary of the likes of “Leon” and the notion of globalization entailed by the early years of the internet. In their contemporariness, Global Citizen released two album, “Master Stroke” (2008) and “Nil by Mouth” (2011), as well as numerous singles and extended versions of tracks from these albums: “Tea Time”, “Early Morning Star”, “Broken Doll”, as well as “Don’t Make It Slow” (forthcoming).

Global Citizen – “Nil by Mouth” – Viva Music Review:

Nil by Mouth” was a 1997 movie written and directed by Gary Oldman, which remained in cinema history not only because it is a good movie and incidentally Oldman’s debut as both writer and director, but also for saucy trivia such as the number of times the f-word is repeated through the movie (428 or 3.54/minute – yes! someone counted!). Global Citizen cannot take pride in the same record with their album “Nil by Mouth” – only one such use of the f-word may seem in total opposition with the movie, and in fact it is. Global Citizen don’t need the f- word in order to get dirty, seems to be the moral of the album. Without being a general audience movie (keep on reading and you will find out why), “Nil by Mouth” aims high and scores bull’s-eye in no time. With a very good, competitive edge to their electronica, the guys in Global Citizen take a deep dive into sonic pleasures they wish to share with their listeners, and in fact they manage to create quite a stir! With their “dark, moody, twisted, sexy and often downright perverse music with striking imagery”, they are clearly setting on a mission to seduce. And while to some it may be altogether x-rated content, “Nil by Mouth” is also a conveyor of good music and good feelings. (more…)

June 28, 2011

Mina Harker – “Bittersuess” – Viva Music Album Review

Filed under: Album Reviews — Tags: , , , , , , — admin @ 11:52 am


Bittersuess” * “Macht” * “Rache ist suess” * “Fort von mir” * “Lolita” * “Schmutzige Haende” * “Wenn ich von dir traeum” * “Nie mehr allein” * “Verdammnis in mir” * “Nackt” * “Nichts zu verlierenBonus CD includes: “Gorzko-Slodki Smak” * “Bittersuess (Rowdio’s MB86 remix)” * “Lauf nicht davon” * “Ewig Kind” * “Fort von mir (Acoustic version)” * “Letzter Kuss (Live in Lindau 2011) * “Tiefer (Live in Lindau 2011)” * “Bittersuess (Live in Lindau)”

Order now Mina Harker’s “Bittersuess” from Out of Line here.

Berlin duo Mina Harker (Mina Harker – voice and Alexander Gorodezki – guitars, programming) released on June-24 with Out of Line records their second album – “Bittersuess”, coming three years after their acclaimed debut “Tiefer”. Mina Harker take their name from Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” female character with the same name; just like with Bram Stoker’s Mina Harker, you can tell from the artistic layout of the band the interplay between the young and pure soul beguiled by a mesmerizing vampire and her decidedness of letting love triumph against the odds and mirages of the surrounding world. (more…)

May 26, 2011

TourdeForce – Album “Colours in Life” – Viva Music Review


I Am the Phoenix * Modern Affair * Grey Is not Enough * What You Wanna Do with Your Life * Dancing Days * Love Hideout * Masterplan * Psychoanalysis for the Masses * Breathe with Me * We’re NOT Underground * Marry Me * Stagioni * Interrupted Boys * Colours in Life * Consensi (hidden track)

About [TDF]:

TourdeForce is an eclectronic music project from Bergamo, Italy, dated 2004. With a 2010 release of their album “Colours in Life” with Breakdown Records, usually hailed as fresh and original in an overly saturated electronic and alternative scene, and with live performances in 2011 with acts such as Covenant and Frozen Plasma, [TDF] have a message about decadence, loss of tragic sentiment, love and the dark side of love, with a feel for introspection and taking nuanced inspiration from literature, sociology, psychology and cinema.

TourdeForce – “Colours in Life” – Viva Music Album Review:

Artwork By – NON * Electric Guitar – Max Raiden, Samuele Palazzolo (tracks: 14) * Lyrics by – Christian Ryder * Mastered By – Alessio Sogno * Mixed By – Alessio Sogno, Christian Ryder * Photography – Marcello Modica, NON, Vittorio Bedogna * Programmed By – Christian Ryder * Recorded By – Lucky Chiva * Vocals – Christian Ryder, Eric Raven, Roby Bergamini * Written by – Christian Ryder, Eric Raven (more…)

May 5, 2011

Happy Birthday, Lux Noctis + Mona Mur & En Esch – “120 Tage: The Fine Art of Beauty and Violence” Viva Music Review

Filed under: Album Reviews — Tags: , , , , , , , — admin @ 7:03 pm

This post is dedicated to Lux Noctis, the Romanian Gothic Community, who celebrate their 4 year anniversary today. Lux Noctis organize recurrent parties in Bucharest and nationwide, and have recently organized in April 2011 a splendid Mona Mur & En Esch concert in Control Club.


Candy Cane * Die Ballade vom Ertrunkenen Madschen * 120 Tage * The Thin Red Line * Visions & Lies * Eintagsfliegen * Snake * Mon Amour * Surabaya Johnny * Der Song vom Mandelay * The Wound * Candy Cane (Acoustic version) * Candy Cane (Steve Morell Disco Death Tech Mix)

Mona Mur & En Esch’s joint project is one that should be approached both respectfully and with open arms. As reputed artists who have earned sufficient experience with their on- and off-stage activities, they come from horizons that converge and diverge. While Mona Mur’s metamorphosis from dark ambient to medieval and back to the dark vibes has also taken her to international Taekwondo international championships and to a quite academic and paramount understanding of the Weimar burlesque, ex-KMFDM En Esch’s timeline is, if not as essentially scattered with equally great projects: 10 albums alongside KMFDM, as well as one solo album and several others with Pigface and Slick Idiot. Their artistic meeting and subsequent collaboration from 2007 onward also meant the meeting of these diverse influences and their fusing into one solid streak of sound and performance: this is how the electro-industrial vein of “120 Tage – The Fine Art of Beauty and Violence” was conceived, and born.

The resulting music is powerful, and at the same time, smooth. It is compelling and has a nightmarish quality about it, the kind that instead of anguishing, leaves the listener, however captive, able to recollect and reflect on the seductive powers that are at stake the whole set. The solid interplay Mona Mur & En Esch enact on teasing and comforting is probably one of the major achievements of the album, without belittling in any way their artistry: “The Thin Red Line” and “Visions & Lies” are superb examples to this respect, while “Eintagsfliegen” and “Snake” confirm their artistic potential, and the fine exchange that surprises with their atypical mix of masculinity and femininity is always and always more evident in songs such as “Candy Cane” “120 Tage and the “Wound”. What is more, juxtaposing the two key elements of the title, namely beauty and violence, they achieve an enviable balance even for artists who have a background of working together decades.

Alongside, the homophone namesake track “Mon Amour” equally induces exuberance and brutality, a transfer that is becoming fundamental to the album also in the vintage corner: the set of songs that “Die Ballade vom Ertrunkenen Madschen”, “Surabaya Johnny”, and “Der Song vom Mandelay” brings along a avant-garde chanson and melodrama in the making of Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill.  While epic and dialectal theater is probably not the top choice of inspiration when it comes to industrial experiments, Mona Mur and En Esch render it delightfully and with impressive savoir-faire.

Mention should also been made of the two remixes provided on the album for the first track “Candy Cane”, which show in an overboard manner that the genre of music Mona Mur & En Esch propose is open to further collaboration and interpretation – a thing that we would want to see in further elaboration of their project.

Fundamentally, their album is clearly a well-wrought product, relevant for today’s scene from a multitude of points of view. Not only does it cast light on the creativity that can sparkle in the space created by diverse collaborations, but it also shows in an unostentatious way that the sources one can rely on when foraging for inspiration are more numerous than usually resorted to in the scene, and if the signs are right, then we shall witness more of this in further releases from Mona Mur & En Esch, as well as of other acts.

April 8, 2011

Lord of the Lost – “Antagony” Viva Music Review

Only one year has passed since the release of the LORD OF THE LOST debut album, “Fears!”, and now, in April 2011, they come back with a sophomore album that is truly worthy of your attention: “Antagony” (out on April-01 with Out of Line). A 15-track album, “Antagony” proposes clearcut sound, well-defined and engaging lyrics, and a sound on its way to become a trademark. Do not miss LORD OF THE LOST’s feature on the cover of the April issue of Sonic Seducer, in a haphazard duo with MINA HARKER.

Read Viva Music’s review of the Lord of the Lost debut album, “Fearshere.

LORD OF THE LOST’s new album is not, in many ways, a process, as it many times happens with bands who define their sound with initial releases. The pungent and charismatic sound of the album resembles in many ways what one should expect from artists with some tens of years of relentless studio and stage activity. The commanding beginning of gothic rock magnificence, “Preludium: About Love, Death & the Devil” is a masterpiece, and a great induction for the ensuing tracks. Elegiac only to the point where it is programmed to muster enough feeling to irrupt, “Preludium” opens the way for the manifesto track “We Are the Lost”, a compelling presence on the album, and, what is more, one that defines the philosophy of the band’s persona: a psychologically tormented and morally abused crowd of lost souls, trapped in the precipice that opens up between the world of living and dead. “We Are the Lost” is a highly creative track, but does not stray on the way to experimentalism, and this is why it comes up as a well-wrought and expert track.


April 7, 2011

Cylix – ‘Alpha’ Viva Music Album Review

Cylix are: plasmaG (aka George Lamparis; synth, guitar, programming & arrangements) and Harry (aka Harry Grypaios; vocals, programming), a Greek synthpop, electro and EBM duo formed in 2000. On and off on the most prominent club venues and on the Greek scene, they took a professional twist until the release of their debut album, “Alpha” with Life Is Painful Records in late 2010, and they are now listed as a top-selling artist on the prestigious merchandiser site poponaut.de.


January 17, 2011

Zwaremachine Raumschiff Out February 15

Filed under: International News — Tags: , , , , , — admin @ 6:03 pm

Zwaremachine arrived in an evil analog-powered spaceship, haunted by the ghost of a robot and responsible for reprehensible crimes throughout the galaxy.  Inspired by industrial music such as Throbbing Gristle, Front 242 and mid-period Ministry, Zwaremachine comes armed with technology from the future.The haunting debut EP by this duo is assembled from the original source recordings “The Nightmare” released by Satan Starship as exclusive download  and available here: http://machfox.com/pages/exclusive-downloads


With an eerie and nostalgic hum on the new EP, the duo wanted to shed some skin, rename the project and embark into new modern electro industrial soundscapes while keeping their persistent dark experimental approach.


This EP was released worldwide by ZWAREMACHINE as single track free-download under a Creative Commons License on 01/11/11. The Raumschiff EP will also be released by Ionium Records on 15th of February 2011 as 5 track version EP.




Source: http://www.ionium-records.info/

January 14, 2011

Ghost and Writer New Album Review – Out January 28

GHOST & WRITER is a project group devised by JIMMYJOE SNARK III, a man of multiple talents featured as VIVA MUSIC’s Artist of the Month in October 2010, and SEABOUND’s Frank Spinath – a killer combination that comes with a great concept album and good vibes. Prior to the album’s release, JIMMYJOE SNARK III confessed to VIVA MUSIC that “Shipwrecks” comes as a mirrored structure of 8 tracks and their remixes, with a Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde quality to it: “both Frank and I are involved in different bands and projects, so there are some elements we put in here and not there, maybe because that is not the right project for it, and in that sense, there is a Dr. Jeckyll aspect to how we behave”’. The album, to be released on January-28 by DEPENDENT RECORDS, benefits from the creative input of FRONT 242’s Daniel B.’s remastering, and is an enthusing listen, of great picturesque content and compels to multiple auditions.

The opening track, “From Hell” is a de profundis call that truncates a vibrant message that fails to pierce the gates of hell and burns on the way to its recipient. A great composition, “From Hell” (2nd rendition: IRIS), is a masterpiece that sets in motion the entire album, that recalls to a large extent the contemporary malaise of not being able to get your message across in a tangled web of communication the chaos of which spells out as sheer hell. “Hitman” (2nd rendition: FILE NOT FOUND) has a very danceable beat and reminds of a video game (incidentally, JIMMYJOE SNARK III is a video game music composer, too), but it is more than just a simple video game jingle, a fully fledged melody that comes with a compass for labyrinth of sound it produces.


December 25, 2010

Shadow Minds ‘The Arc of Truth’ Album Review

German duo SHADOW MINDS (Charly Barth-Ricklefs and Michael Nielsen) tell us their truth in their latest album “The Arc of Truth” (September 2010, Danse Macabre Records). After one maxi CD entitled “Nemesis” (2006) and one full album called “Extend the Line” (2008) released with Nordlicht Records, SHADOW MINDS go full-blast with their EBM and synth-pop new album “The Arc of Truth” with Danse Macabre Records – home, among others, of BEATI MORTUI, DAS ICH, OTTO DIX or ROSENCRANZ.

The album comprises 14 original compositions, including one collaboration with ISAAC JUNKIE. Overall, the album charms from the very first beats, and does a great deal of moving around techniques and genres, to the extent that no one song resembles the other, and there is pure quality in the album’s composition and musical layout. “Standing Up”, the album’s first thrust, proposes an emancipated sound, which sounds modern and fresh, with Charly’s vocals unobtrusively fitting into the song. “Standing Up” is about the prominence of one’s own opinions in any life situation.


October 13, 2010

La Femme Verte produces some ‘Small Distortions’

(English version)

~ scroll pentru versiunea in limba romana ~

La Femme Verte’s “Small Distortions” is, just as the title of the album says, an insignificant stray from original tracks, with new instruments and new voices that do not defamiliarize the listener’s perception at all. What is more, some, if not all, bring a novel, and freshly squeezed beat out of songs from as old as 1961 and as new as 1996 that we must have heard before at least one hundred times each. Let it be clear from the very beginning: we, at Viva Music love the original songs, but “Small Distortions” makes us love some of them even more.


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