Download KMFDM‘s “A Drug Against Wall Street” music here. Download poster art here. Read Viva Music’s review of KMFDM‘s latest “WTF?!” here.
“Occupy Wall Street“, regardless of its outcome, will change forever the way we look at peaceful protests around the world. In the aftermath of a financial meltdown with stern measures and with a constant haggling of democracy/kleptocracy, artists around the world showed their support of the movement and the protesters. One fo them is none other than KMFDM, who offer as a digital download on their site a rework of their 1993 hit “A Drug Against War“, now titled “A Drug Against Wall Street“, offering new hues and new power of engagement to their original song, which already had a fame of its own. A 1994 “Beavis and Butthead” feature on MTV, and a song with critical acclaim, the song released in 1993 and reissued in 2009 can now be downloaded from the homepage of KMFDM, together with a poster that ascertains the band’s support of the social protest of recent weeks.
KMFDM – Official Website | on Facebook | Discography on Discogs