Necro Facility‘s recent album release of Friday May-13 received a lot of positive attention from the scene and media. Since we encourage their progress on the scene, and fully trust their potential, we were also curious to find out more about what lies beheath Necro Facility – hence the interview below. Enjoy!
Read Viva Music’s review of Necro Facility’s new album here. | Read the album press release here.
How did you come up with the name Necro Facility?
Oscar Holter (OH): A friend of ours just came up with the name: “hey guys, why don’t you name the band Necro Facility”? And we thought it sounded cool so there you go! It doesn’t stand for anything special! Just a cool name!
Henrik Backstrom (HB): Yeah, that’s pretty much it. There’s no hidden message or anything behind it. It’s just two words that sounded cool.
Back in 2000 when you came together as Necro Facility, what did you think you were going to be like in 10 years’time?
OH: Seriously we never thought of that. Necro Facility never had the intention to earn money from this, nor being super rock stars playing shows all night. Necro Facility mainly is the friendship between Henrik and me. Necro facility is also a place where we can experiment on music!
HB: As Oscar says, none of us had any intentions being “big” with Necro Facility. The desire to earn money and become huge rock stars has never been there. It’s nice that people listen to our music and support us as much as they do, though. We are really thankful for that. But the main things have always been hanging out, making cool beats and experimenting with different ideas. (more…)