Darkwave.ro electro/industrial music magazine | news – reviews – interviews – concerts – festivals – parties

April 18, 2013

Tenek – “Another Day” (EP): Viva Music Review

Filed under: Album Reviews — Tags: , , , , , — admin @ 5:07 pm

tenek_another_day_epOana Dorobantu for Viva Music 

Tracklist: * Another Day (Radio Edit) * A New Foundation * Elusive (Alien Six Remix) * Another Day (Airwolf One Remix) *

Release date: 11 March 2013 with Alien Six Productions

About Tenek: Tenek is an electronica act from electro motherland the UK. They’re actually based in the musician city of the Brits, Brighton. Their history starts in 2007 when they were formed and passes through some milestones up to this day: from opening for legendary band The Human League to playing iconic gothic festivals around Europe, including our very own Darkwave.ro Fest in 2011 – where they pretty much stole the moment for the audience. For eager fans, this EP launch is just a tiny morsel of a tease to their upcoming album due to be released this year.

Previously on darkwave.ro:  BAS 2013 – Celebrating Basildon’s Musical HeritageTenek – “EP 2”: Viva Music Review | Tenek @Darkwave.ro Festival 2011: Viva Music Review with Photos

Tenek – Another Day: Viva Music Review

Tenek has been a long time favorite of ours so it comes as no surprise that we were looking forward to this release. Another Day consists of two new songs and two remixes. The starting track is also the title track of this album, “Another Day(Radio Edit)” – a production complimenting pure synthpop treat that will make electronica fans go on a frenzy on the dance floor. Next we’re brought down tempo with an enchanting, dark track “A New Foundation”, a song that shows this more mature direction in which Tenek has been heading for a while.

The first remix off the album for the 2011 song “Elusive (Alien Six Remix)” feels like a well deserved afterthought for really impeccable creation. We’re thinking it was time to revive this song for the current alternative club scene. The last track, “Another Day (Airwolf One Remix)”, definitely brings a new twist on the song, it’s quite a dandy number to dance to. We enjoyed this almost frustratingly short EP, so give it a listen or twenty before their new album reaches stores this year!

April 12, 2013

BAS 2013 – Celebrating Basildon’s Musical Heritage

Good news! Viva Music will participate in, and document, one of the most interesting Depeche Mode related events out there in Europe. We are talking about BAS 2013 (the third edition), event which is based on the history-making surroundings of Basildon – the music and cultural heritage of which is known to everyone. Let alone Depeche Mode, the 30 years+ history of Basildon also includes Erasure’s Vince Clarke and Yazoo‘s Alison Moyet. As the organizers put it, the musical Mecca of Basildon attracts many visitors, and there are no statues to honor their heroes – and this is where Bas Productions steps in – by providing a three day musical event in May 2013.


May 2013’s second bank holiday (May 25-27) should be in everyone’s calendar since musicians, DJ’s and enthusiasts are all going to join in a weekend full of love and dancing. Multiple venues and three nights – that’s the real deal and the good news is that’s only the beginning of a one-week once-in-a-lifetime occasion: just one day away from Basildon’s most praised sons, Depeche Mode, take over O2 Arena in London for two consecutive gigs (May 28-29).


The theme nights – and days! of BAS 2013 are a clever crescendo of entertainment which will provide the needed warm-up for the Depeche Mode concerts. On Saturday, May-25, the evening of ‘BAS Welcome Party‘ will last well into the night, with bands such as Analog Angel, Electro Kill Machine, or Weirdgear, supporting DJ program by Steve Thorogood, and Dpplgngrs. All that in The Edge (formerly known as The Highway),  a pub where Depeche Mode members used to hang out.

Previously on darkwave.roAnalog Angel – “The Thin Line Between Love and Hate”: Viva Music Review

On Sunday, May-26 (daytime), it’s time for ‘BAS 2013 Lounge‘ – with Berlin’s DJ Dr. Atmo, and band Cult with No Name. The daytime activities will go on with cult movies revolving around the magic of Depeche Mode and last but not least, an exhibition of art and memorabilia from Basildon’s golden age. As we move toward the evening, the second part of Sunday entitled ‘Live Band Night‘ involved headliners Heaven 17, plus supporting shows from Tenek, Strangers, Kloq, Sinestar and Automatic Writing. Guest DJ’s Dave Charles and Rob Harvey are going to close the evening with their sets.

Previously on darkwave.ro: Tenek – “EP 2”: Viva Music Review | Tenek @Darkwave.ro Festival 2011: Viva Music Review with Photos

On Monday, May-27 (daytime) we are in for the ‘BAS Chillout BBQ‘ – with a hog roast and DJ Mixmaster Morris and DJ’s from Depeche Mode London. Speak & Spell play during ‘Sound of Basildon Night‘, with supporting set from Modovar (who are going to offer a tribute for the music of Vince Clarke) and a live segment from Dean M. Oldfield (formerly part of Ba5ic). Guest DJ’s Steve Gray(TEC), and Russel (Crocs) are going to entertain you as the last countdown of 24 hours before the massive Depeche Mode London concerts is set.

Day-/event ticket information here. | Bas Productions: Official | on Facebook

April 8, 2013

Desireless & Operation of the Sun – “L’Oeuf du dragon”: Viva Music Review

desireless_operation_of_the_sun_l_oeuf_du_dragon_2013Oana Dorobantu for VIVA MUSIC.

Tracklist: * Sertão * Le Sel sur tes Mains * Joue * Uchronia 2012 * John * Voyage, Voyage * Les Petits Poissons * Sertão [ Remix Oil10] * Joue [ Remix Stolearm] *  Sertão [Remix Electrosexual] * Le Sel sur tes Mains [Remix BakXIII] * Sertão [Remix People Theatre] *

Release date: 26 March 2013 with Urgence Disk Records

About Desireless & Operation of the Sun: Remember that 80s single Voyage Voyage sung by a punk looking chick? Well, that chick happens to be Claudie Fritsch-Mentrop otherwise known as Desireless, 80s chart topper sensation. In 2011, Antoine Aureche of 80s revival project Operation of the Sun was working on a new album and invited Claudie to record vocals for a song. It felt so natural that they ended up doing a double EP together and according to him, she’s not just punk looking, but also punk spirited. Here’s a combination we’re willing to bet some hard earned money on.

Desireless & Operation of the Sun – L’Oeuf Du Dragon: Viva Music Review 

We weren’t expecting this album, but after 2011’s Uchronia, we had definitely set our hopes up for it. Good thing we did, because in the summer of 2012, Desireless & Operation of the Sun delivered a stunning EBM sounding 80s infused synthpop double EP named L’Oeuf Du Dragon which featured 5 original songs, 2 tasty rehashes  of older Desireless songs, and 5 remixes.  (more…)

April 1, 2013

IAMX – The Unified Field: Viva Music Album Review


Oana Dorobantu for VIVA MUSIC 

Tracklist:  “I Come With Knives” * “Sorrow” * “The Unified Field” * “The Adrenalin Room” * “Quiet the Mind” * “Under Atomic Skies” * “Screams” * “Come Home” * “Animal Impulses” * “Walk With The Noise” * “Land of Broken Promises” * “Trials” *

Release Date: PledgeMusic – International 22-Mar.

About IAMX: IAMX  is Sneaker Pimps’ frontman Chris Corner’s multimedia project, a melting pot of music and visual art experiments. Bordering somewhere between dark and sensual electro with an agressive or nostalgic beat, IAMX has been the talk of the town since its debut in 2004. Come 2013, the project has more unified aural and visual roots which stand up to the test with this new album based on the scientific theory of a universal consciousness that binds all people together. Chris Corner has stated that in this body of work he is attempting to “accept human nature for what it is and learn to love it”. Not an easy task, but when creative juices are pumping and flowing, the end result is both mesmerizing and challenging.


Right off the bat one of our most contemplated upon releases in 2013 was the new IAMX album. With every release, this band raises the bar higher and higher for their scene and it never stays in the studio. The creative force behind IAMX is one encompassing music production, visual aesthetics, and powerful performances that make you yearn for more. After 2011’s Volatile Times, both the album and the associated tour left audiences everywhere with a sugar tooth that wouldn’t stop aching. With “The Unified Field“, Chris Corner delivered big time on a promise he silently made to his fans everywhere – a promise to never be forgotten.  (more…)

March 22, 2013

WAVEART – 4 aprilie ora 19.00 la Control Club

waveart_posterPROGRAM | 19.00 – open doors | 20.00 – 21.00 – REFORM-1 | 21.00 – 22.00 – FJORD |22.00 – 23.00 – BRAZDA LUI NOVAC | 23.00 – 24.00 – ROEL FUNCKEN | 24.00 – PLAID | Visuals: UNDERCONSTRUCT pentru BLN și SETSUNA pentru FJORD si REFORM-1


Prețul biletului – 30lei | Biletele pot fi cumpărate de la CONTROL CLUB sau online de la: http://www.iabilet.ro/bilete-waveart-in-club-control-265 | Programul va fi respectat cu strictețe!


WAVEART își propune să aducă în fața voastră muzică electronică de cea mai bună calitate, așa cum o vedem noi! Legendele muzicii electronice Plaid vin pentru prima dată în România! Roel Funcken, Brazda lui Novac, Fjord si Reform-1 vor fi prezenți pentru a te introduce într-o lume în care primează pasiunea pentru sunet!


Suntem aici pentru ei! Alex, Maria, Malin, Bianca si incă mulți alti copii s-au născut diferiți și realitatea înconjuratoare are alt sens pentru ei decât pentru noi. Alătură-te nouă, Asociația Help Mălin, devenind susținătorul unei cauze nobile –  “Ajută un copil să înteleagă lumea noastră!”. Dă o șansă la servicii gratuite cât mai multor copii completând formularul de 2%. Convinge-ți prietenii să ți se alăture în completarea de formulare și vino împreună cu ei în 4 aprilie, ora 19.00, la Control Club pentru a depune formularele 230 și a te bucura de un concert dedicat ție! Evenimentul este organizat de Asociația Help Mălin www.helpautism.ro în parteneriat cu Control Club și Square Sound Studio. Fondurile colectate din vânzarea de bilete vor fi folosite în susținerea serviciilor gratuite pentru copiii cu autism, în cadrul Centrului Mălin de Diagnostic Precoce, Evaluare Psihologică și Intervenție Terapeutică în Autism.


March 4, 2013

Swedish Electro vol.1 Compilation

viva_swedish_electro_scene_vol.1Tracklist: “Me and You” – Moist feat. Smith & Thell * “Devil & I (Control Mix)” – Optic * “Obscurity” – Rezonance * “Saudade (Swedish Electro Scene Mix)” – Arachnophobias * “Memories” – Avantgarde * “Quiet as a Knife” – Liebe * “European Lover” – International * “Bright” – Cold Connection * “Be Silent (Currency of Joy Remix)” – Dpoint * “Do You Want to Go” – Social Ambitions * “Lifeline” – Radiant * “Secrets & Lies” – Emmon * “Twilight Zone (Swedish Electro Remix)” – Endless Shame * “In Your Arms” – Vanguard * “Providence” – Neurobash * “Unknown” – Additive Nil * “Miscreation (Version)” – Unitary * “The Iron Sky” – Chaos All Stars * “Victims of Fashion” – Steelberry Clones * “Kick” – The Pain Machinery * “The Devil’s Just a Man” – A life lived-Bible * “Never Follow Anything” – Atari Cowboy * “Hela din Varld” – Spark! * “Progenitor” – Code 64 * “Zero G” – Cryo * “A Day Worth Time” – Libra * “Glas” – Fatal Casualties

The Facebook-based project “Swedish Electro Scene” delights us with a free/name-your-price compilation entitled “Swedish Electro vol.1” (release date: Jan-05). Compiling no less than 2 hours of quality Swedish electro, with 27 tracks (see above detailed tracklist), the Bandcamp compilation indulges in the vibes of Swedish electronic music with vying tempos, showing throughout the compilation just how vibrant and varied the scene is. Some of the tracks are exclusively reworked for the sake of this compilation, while others are standalone works of artists, both published and previously unreleased. If you want to make your way in the thicket of Swedish electro of today, “Swedish Electro vol. 1” is a well needed primer. Enjoy!

Facebook project page | Bandcamp (download) page

February 15, 2013

Ghost & Writer – “Red Flags”: Viva Music Album Review

ghost_writer_red_flags_2013Tracklist: “Gambit” * “[Do I Have] Your Word” * “Hurricane” * “Shine” * “Demons Crawl” * “Never Take Fire” * “Just the Same” * “Beyond Repair” * CD also includes 8 remixes of tracks above by various artists + 8 additional remixes are available in the “Black Album” limited edition, only available to purchasers of physical CD | Release date: Dependent (Europe) – 04-Apr; Metropolis (US) – Mar-12.

Previously on darkwave.roGhost & Writer – “Shipwrecks”: Viva Music Album Review

About Ghost & WriterGHOST & WRITER is a project group devised by JIMMYJOE SNARK III, a man of multiple talents featured as VIVA MUSIC’s Artist of the Month in October 2010, and SEABOUND’s Frank Spinath – a killer combination that comes with a great concept album and good vibes. Prior to the album’s release, JIMMYJOE SNARK III confessed toVIVA MUSIC that “Shipwrecks” comes as a mirrored structure of 8 tracks and their remixes, with a Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde quality to it: “both Frank and I are involved in different bands and projects, so there are some elements we put in here and not there, maybe because that is not the right project for it, and in that sense, there is a Dr. Jeckyll aspect to how we behave”’.

Ghost & Writer: “Red Flags” – Viva Music Review:

When the news of a new Ghost & Writer album got to us, we took it as a good sign for 2013. Not only had their previous “Shipwrecks” left a strong impression with us, but it also stayed. We somehow knew that the creative efforts put into a side project are sometimes larger, paradoxically, than in a main project, because you usually want to pour into it a larger scale of emotions and a more minute musical effect, so somehow, the news of a new Ghost & Writer album took us aback. Had time passed so fast? Have they found something new to show and proudly present it? To both questions, we were to find, the answer was yes.

The thing with “Red Flags” is that it hits you from the moment you see the disc. The strong colors and imagery of the cover play with disclosure and secrecy in the exact recipe that makes you curious to go further, with the next sense, that of hearing. Listening to the album, you realize, it’s a great distance from what you loved in “Shipwrecks“, but not at all least lovable. “Red Flags” uses this imagery – of ‘red flags’ signaling peril, getting attention, asking for caution. These are the red flags of a personal experience, in which things do not go as partners wish or expect, they are red flags for no-fairytale and put-your-feet-back-on-the-ground.

The songs in the album come in a narrative sequence: beginning with the melodious “Gambit“, in which we see the signs of a strong bond (“when one of us is cut/we both bleed“), which simply sweeps the listener off their feet, to “[Do I Have] Your Word”, in which the notion that the fairytale ended (“the fairy dust is gone“), we see a transition, both musical and lyrical. “[Do I Have] Your Word” strikes as a very vibrant and emotional piece, you can actually see how many boundaries of emotions are trespassed in front of your eyes, and it brings along a very elegiac, yet unhurt streak of feeling. “Hurricane” shows if not the storm, its aftermath, and lights up in bright and dark undertones which complete each others like tresses of hair. But then with “Shine“, when we also gain more intuition into what probably went wrong, we also see the facts as they are: the contrasting mild English and stark German lyrics add to the composition greatly and the result is a great musical piece. And if emotions are to be laid bare, the unleashed “Demons Crawl” shows more. Gradually we see how music during the conception phase of the album was thought to escalate and capture like a musical photo camera the emotions in their best melodic line. “Never Take Fire” shows in terms of the romantic affair described by the album some love fatigue – but luckily for the listener, this comes packed in a great tune. “Just the Same“, covers oceans of emotions and shows how intricate the question of ‘going on’, ‘with or without’ is when you talk about the sublime and mundane emotions which entangle two people. And then, “Beyond Repair” gives the verdict, although we don’t know whether they are going on, finding happiness together or elsewhere, or even trying to keep up appearances and content themselves with what they have, which, emotionally, is already a lot. But we do know “Beyond Repair” is a great track, even without a denouement – and has a wonderful effect of letting you wanting more of what Ghost & Writer have produced, which is a great quality for any album. Enjoy!

Ghost & Writer: Official Website  | on Facebook

January 7, 2013

Darkwave.ro in figures – 2012


In 2012 we, Viva Music, continued our pledge to promote music, artists, and events that we enjoy and that are relevant for the dark, electro and industrial scenes.


Darkwave.ro is our most known platform, and it blends well with social instruments to which we resort every time in order to inform, and at the same time render our information popular, and why not, viral. In 2012 we provided 30 album reviews, band-by-band reviews with extensive photo sets for 10 local and 4 international events, as well as many party and festival news. We increased our fan base, presently counting on 2.9k+ Facebook fans and almost 1k Twitter followers.


Check out our extensive photo galleries here.


In 2012 darkwave.ro received numerous hits, amounting to 26k+ pageviews from 14k+ unique visitors. The surprise element of 2012 was not only the number of visits (if you take into account less than 50 posts, that’s a decent audience for a local site), but the fact that more than 70% of these unique visitors were new visitors, which means we attracted new audiences.


We were curious to find out where these people came from. First off, which sites send us visitors (and of course, why). Besides search engines, numerous festival, artist, fan and news sites, we were happy to find individual stories of people who liked our information and further promoted it. Secondly, demographically, we were happy to find out that English-, German-, French-, and Spanish-speaking countries rank high in visitor counts, fact confirmed by our Facebook fan demographics: Germany, the USA, the UK,  Spain, France, Mexico etc. alongside countries with whom we border such as Serbia, Hungary, Bulgaria, etc. Thirdly, we found in visitor stats that we have more than 50% of our audience in the age group of 25-44 years old, with both male and female demographics up to 50%


As regards the interests of our visitors, we got the confirmation that they centered around main topics of interest we take pride in providing. Of course, hot and trending information prevailed, and therefore our visitors were interested in news related to Amphi Festival, Apollo 440, Kinetic Festival, Hocico, Industrial Booom, as well as Antony and the Johnsons, the Cranberries, etc. The recurrent visits also yield in terms of social interactions – we were the happy recipients of numerous ‘likes’ and ‘shares’. Our most liked pieces were: the exclusive video release of Vlad in Tears’ “Mary” (1,128 likes) the festival review of Nocturnal Culture Nights 2012 (254 likes), Industrial Booom Festival 2012 – review and photos (169 likes).


In 2013 we intend to maintain our online presence bearing in mind our activity guidelines: to provide relevant and recent information, to document our album and event reviews thoroughly, to communicate openly with promoters and acts, to contribute to the promotion of our beloved scenes.


December 3, 2012

Ad Inferna – New Album “im mortelle” out 07-Jan 2013: Viva Music Album Review

 Tracklist: “Eternity Regained” (feat. Melissa Ferlaak) * “The Freezing Light” (feat. MyLucina) * “Extra Life” * “ReBirth” (feat. Annie Bertram) * “One Million Miles Away” * “Equinoxe” (feat. Alina Dunaevskaya) * “In-Human” * “Moira” (Bewitched by Jana Cova) * “Ad Vitam” (feat. Melissa Ferlaak) * “Eternity Regained” (Acoustic Version/Bonus Track)


Other Ad Inferna news on darkwave.roDsm, the new release from Ad Inferna | Ad Inferna “There Is no Cure” Viva Music Album Review – Out April-26  | VoA VoXyD from Ad Inferna – the Exclusive Viva Music Interview  | New Ad Inferna Single “eXsangue” Out! | Ad Inferna “Ultimum Ominum” – New Album to Be Released in March 2012 – Viva Music Album Review


About: With their 6th album called “im mortelle“, the French unclassifiable band unveils an intimate and very personal part of their soul. Their trip into space takes us where the reason ends & where madness begins. Magic, bewitching, disturbing and so sensuous, “im mortelle” won’t leave you indifferent. Release date: 07-Jan 2013 on DSM Records, CD and digital (source: press release).


Ad Inferna – “im mortelle”: Viva Music Album ReviewWith the release of their previous material “Ultimum Ominum” just months away, and with the sharp effect of their “There Is No Cure” still active, Ad Inferna announce new material under the name “im mortelle“: the French word for “immortal” ripped through comes to mind, but also a different spelling of the phrase “I’m mortal” kept in the shell of the same word “immortal“. The album, to be released on 07-Jan 2013 is preceded by the release in early December 2012 of the single “Moira“.


im mortelle” comes with a very specific red thread: the interplay of life and death, with suspensions thereof in immortality and unbornness/pre-existence. A very good material, it comes packed with numerous collaborations which give voice to the anima of Ad Inferna, which, with few but extremely notable exceptions, was kept silent in the works, with a limited set of feminine voices in the spotlight, but as if giving a hint that before life and death come into the equation, our gender is irrelevant, Ad Inferna give a lot of space to feminine voices on the new album. From very early on in the album, and to back this up there is “Eternity Regained” (feat. Melissa Ferlaak), this becomes an obvious reason why you should listen to the good work of Ad Inferna. They whole-heartedly take us on this round trip that starts and ends with “Eternity Regained“, trip in which you will have to shed your clothes and beliefs and join in the continuum of existence. With “Freezing Light” (feat. MyLucina) which undertakes the task of putting into music and word the legend of the ultimate truth found in the Vatican, the beats become a fusion of dark electronica and religious chants, not unlike we have heard before from Ad Inferna, but with an unheard before dynamism and drive. It is not until “Extra Life” that we realized that the sound work of Ad Inferna is indeed the needed link between the rich imagery of the album and the philosophical (or be it, theosophical) context thereof. And if what you mean, after listening to the new lease of life given by “Extra Life“, is to go on a treasure hunt with this album, you need no go too far. “ReBirth” provides another instance where music fuses around a strong core of elegance – and that’s a condition checked when artists such as Ad Inferna meet another multitalented artist such as Annie Bertram, while the ensuing “One Million Miles Away“, with its provocative swirl, takes us to the old Ad Inferna sound, under the wings of which we can feel secure and at the same time exposed to the darkness of the surrounding world. On a more lyrical side, “Equinoxe” (feat. Alina Dunaevskaya), is, not only because of the heartbeats sampled into the track, a sort of heart of the album, heart and hearth, at the same time. And after you listen to the efforts of combating de-humanization captured in “In-Human“, with equal shares of temptations on either side of keeping human on the one hand and communing with the otherworldly, it is high time you listen to “Moira” (Bewitched by Jana Cova). “Moira“, which can in fact be listened to here, although more danceable than the rest of the compilation, in which the philosophical acumen takes control and dons different clothes than previously with Ad Inferna‘s music, is probably – further listens of the album and of course the fans’ feedback will decide that – a center piece in the puzzle of the album, illuminating with its sound, and obscuring with its imagery, but keeping within the bounds of the common theme of what is before life and after death. “Ad Vitam” (feat. Melissa Ferlaak) is profoundly dual with an interplay of optimism and clair-obscur landscapes, which shows the great strides one has to make in order to become alive. Last but not least, the acoustic version of “Eternity Regained” is offered as a bonus track, closing the circle of life opened with the same piece in the album debut.

im mortelle” is not one million miles away (to quote an album track title) from the previous productions of Ad Inferna, and luckily so. Although, due to the diligent choice of topic the album gains a different consistency and changes more often colors, you can still recognize the veins that created Ad Inferna music before, and that’s a definite relief in a musical landscape dominated by change. Not only a very fecund act, but also one with total substance, Ad Inferna will amaze you starting 07-Jan with “im mortelle“. Enjoy!

Ad Inferna – Official Website | on Facebook | Discography on Discogs

November 8, 2012

a.p.a.t.T. and Secret Chiefs 3 @Silver Church, Bucharest, Nov 07, 2012 – Viva Music review with photos

Without exaggerating a bit, I would say that last night I had my most notable musical experience of the year 2012.

The two beautiful and heart-felt shows of a.p.a.t.T. and Secret Chiefs 3 charged me with energy enough to last until I make sure I see them again, somehow. And I will. These are shows to look forward to, this is the music anyone can and should enjoy. Radio stations should make a rule of sharing excellent music, not mainstream music, perfect music gems that will surely survive the test of time and still be great 200 years from now. Last night the participants’ musical tastes were irrelevant; we all vibrated like one to the crazy experimental awesomeness of a.p.a.t.T. and then to the majestic musical occult of Secret Chiefs 3.

Why was I so excited? Why did I feel this was a night to remember? Not easy to explain… Most probably the infectious pleasure of the two bands to be on stage and share their passion, the impeccable execution of the instrument parts, the modesty and openness…


 Official | on Facebook | Discography on Discogs

a.p.a.t.T. stroke me as a jazz orchestra with a social message embedded in distorted and confusing melodies, a pizzicato of energy and regular human experiences, all topped with virtuoso instrumental tours de force from all band members. The show was theatrical and expressive, with all band members dressed in white and moving around like mad. They sang, danced, explained things and got into a trance just as the music was developing into a kind of short movie.

a.p.a.t.T. photos:

Secret Chiefs 3

 Official | on Facebook | Discography on Discogs

Secret Chiefs 3 can and should headline festivals and play stadiums.

However, I think they are too busy creating masterpieces, expressing their beliefs and enjoying live performances to have time to become famous. I know too many underground bands who choose to stay underground and I think they are right. Still, more people should enjoy the music of Secret Chiefs 3.

From the very beginning the band strikes as a group of introvert people with deep convictions and living in their own universe. They create a film on stage; the monks antagonistically placed next to a punk rocker who plays his heart out on violin, guitar and trumpet tell stories of lost souls and dark experiences, having us travel with them to faraway lands. I could hear and literally feel the Arabic music influences, the depth of metal and the darkness of Gothic tunes, I felt like riding a horse in the wild, wild West to switch quickly to a Balkan traditional songs mixed with some Bach and spiced up with Badalamenti. The energy, the determination to complete every piece with utter professionalism while having the best of fun and laughing and cheering moved all participants in an indescribable way. We asked for more and we received encores that seemed to project our experience in a parallel dimension, a timeless place where we could save this night forever.

Thank you, Secret Chiefs 3!

Secret Chiefs 3 photos:

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