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April 12, 2013

BAS 2013 – Celebrating Basildon’s Musical Heritage

Good news! Viva Music will participate in, and document, one of the most interesting Depeche Mode related events out there in Europe. We are talking about BAS 2013 (the third edition), event which is based on the history-making surroundings of Basildon – the music and cultural heritage of which is known to everyone. Let alone Depeche Mode, the 30 years+ history of Basildon also includes Erasure’s Vince Clarke and Yazoo‘s Alison Moyet. As the organizers put it, the musical Mecca of Basildon attracts many visitors, and there are no statues to honor their heroes – and this is where Bas Productions steps in – by providing a three day musical event in May 2013.


May 2013’s second bank holiday (May 25-27) should be in everyone’s calendar since musicians, DJ’s and enthusiasts are all going to join in a weekend full of love and dancing. Multiple venues and three nights – that’s the real deal and the good news is that’s only the beginning of a one-week once-in-a-lifetime occasion: just one day away from Basildon’s most praised sons, Depeche Mode, take over O2 Arena in London for two consecutive gigs (May 28-29).


The theme nights – and days! of BAS 2013 are a clever crescendo of entertainment which will provide the needed warm-up for the Depeche Mode concerts. On Saturday, May-25, the evening of ‘BAS Welcome Party‘ will last well into the night, with bands such as Analog Angel, Electro Kill Machine, or Weirdgear, supporting DJ program by Steve Thorogood, and Dpplgngrs. All that in The Edge (formerly known as The Highway),  a pub where Depeche Mode members used to hang out.

Previously on darkwave.roAnalog Angel – “The Thin Line Between Love and Hate”: Viva Music Review

On Sunday, May-26 (daytime), it’s time for ‘BAS 2013 Lounge‘ – with Berlin’s DJ Dr. Atmo, and band Cult with No Name. The daytime activities will go on with cult movies revolving around the magic of Depeche Mode and last but not least, an exhibition of art and memorabilia from Basildon’s golden age. As we move toward the evening, the second part of Sunday entitled ‘Live Band Night‘ involved headliners Heaven 17, plus supporting shows from Tenek, Strangers, Kloq, Sinestar and Automatic Writing. Guest DJ’s Dave Charles and Rob Harvey are going to close the evening with their sets.

Previously on darkwave.ro: Tenek – “EP 2”: Viva Music Review | Tenek @Darkwave.ro Festival 2011: Viva Music Review with Photos

On Monday, May-27 (daytime) we are in for the ‘BAS Chillout BBQ‘ – with a hog roast and DJ Mixmaster Morris and DJ’s from Depeche Mode London. Speak & Spell play during ‘Sound of Basildon Night‘, with supporting set from Modovar (who are going to offer a tribute for the music of Vince Clarke) and a live segment from Dean M. Oldfield (formerly part of Ba5ic). Guest DJ’s Steve Gray(TEC), and Russel (Crocs) are going to entertain you as the last countdown of 24 hours before the massive Depeche Mode London concerts is set.

Day-/event ticket information here. | Bas Productions: Official | on Facebook

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