Darkwave.ro electro/industrial music magazine | news – reviews – interviews – concerts – festivals – parties

December 6, 2010

Amphi Festival 2011 news

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VII. Amphi Festival 2011 – The Orkus Open Air

Dear Amphi Fans,

The first break of winter literally caught us by cold surprise. Even as we write these lines the weather-god charms us with a snowy coat all over the land, letting us dream of a white Christmas. To keep you warm at these freezing sub-zero temperatures we prepared two warming St. Nicholas’ Day surprises for you:


Luca Ew este DJ-ul oficial Darkwave.ro Fest (cu Tenek, Rabia Sorda si Project Pitchfork): pe 29 ianuarie 2011, in Cage Club din Bucuresti



Viva Music are placerea de a vi-l prezenta pe Luca Ew, DJ-ul oficial Darkwave.ro Fest 2011, in Club Cage din Bucuresti!

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Luca EW este un DJ italian care mixeaza EBM/industrial, dar si trance, techno si alte stiluri electro si dance. Listat printre marii DJ ai lumii pe thedjlist.com, Luca a facut fata tuturor provocarilor scenei: petreceri de club, festivaluri, seturi de DJ rezident in cluburi, petreceri la castel, marsuri. A participat la evenimente din Italia, dar si din Austria, Germania, Grecia, Slovenia, Elvetia, iar pe 29 ianuarie 2011 vine si in Romania!


2nd electro music show on Bucuresti radio (98.3 fm) on Sunday, December 5


Viva Music took the second step in mak­ing the dark gothic.industrial.synth music known to the Roman­ian audi­ence on Sun­day, December 5, 2010. Our dear friend and sup­porter, Lau­ren­tiu Rusen (thank you, Laur!) and Vivi were guests of the extremely pop­u­lar A la chart de week-end, with Bog­dan Crutescu show on Radio Bucuresti (98.3 FM) for the second time.

We talked about electro.dark.gothic.industrial music, the elec­tro scene, the gigs Viva Music is organizing in the first months of 2011 (the third Darkwave.ro Fest, NIN live tribute and Combichrist). We are grate­ful to Bog­dan Crutescu for his invi­ta­tion, and we appre­ci­ate his support. It looks like he is turning into an electrohead himself!

Stay tuned on Sunday, December 26, between 7:30–8:00 pm and 8:30–9:00 pm cause we are playing ELECTRO.INDUSTRIAL.SYNTH MUSIC on Bucuresti FM again! Please write to us with sug­ges­tions for the playlist at viviana@vivamusic.ro. Don’t forget that you can watch the show live on http://www.bucurestifm.ro/.

Playlist, December 5, 2010, “A la chart de week-end”, with Bog­dan Crutescu (guests Viviana Ball, Laur Rusen)

Noyce TM – This World (Un::welt)
Minerve – Please (Please)
Solitary Experiments – Lost (Compendium 2)
Informatik – As we lay silent (Beyond)
Project Pitch­fork – Timekiller (Daimonion)
Combichrist – Through these eyes of pain (Making monsters)
Dave Gahan – Kingdom (Hourglass)
The Pixels – Sell my soul (Fire exit)
Alphaville – I die for you today (Catching rays on giant)


Note that at the end of every show we submit a list of the tracks we played so royalties can be sent to the record labels of each band. Does that sound good or what?


December 4, 2010

Viva Music concerts, festivals, radio show, industrial parties, new website, photos from Romania

Viva Music is happy to share great news for the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011 with all of you!

We would like to thank our old and new partners for their support. Viva Music wouldn’t have been able to organize the gigs for Melotron, Das Ich, In Strict Confidence, Diary of Dreams, Covenant, Slave Republic, Painbastard, Destroid, Frank the Baptist unless our media partners worked very hard to promote our events.


December 3, 2010

Nine Inch Nails live tribute in Bucharest, Club Fabrica, on February 12, 2011

Viva Music are deosebita placere sa anunte un eveniment special pentru data de 12 februarie in Club Fabrica din Bucuresti

Cinci muzicieni cunoscuti ai scenei de rock alternativ si metal pun la cale un proiect unic si special, primul tribut Nine Inch Nails produs vreodata in Romania.

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Cele 90 minute ale spectacolului vor fi o productie NIN autentica: sunet, lumini si video vor fi angrenate intr-o reprezentatie de o verosimilitudine NIN de necontestat. 18 melodii sunt produse chiar in acest moment, iar artistii depun toate eforturile ca lucrurile sa mearga conform planului.


December 2, 2010

Darkwave.ro Fest 2011 on Jan 29 at Cage Club, Bucharest: Promoter Viva Music

Project Pitchfork, Rabia Sorda si Tenek la DARKWAVE.RO Fest pe 29 ianuarie, 2011 in Cage Club


VIVA MUSIC si CLICKNET ROMTELECOM, partenerul principal DARKWAVE.RO Fest au deosebita placere sa va anunte ca participantii la eveniment vor primi cadouri constand in tricouri, insigne, carti postale si postere. Acestea vor fi primite in limita stocului disponibil la bar, incepand cu ora 21:00, asa ca fiti acolo cat mai devreme.

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Viva Music are deosebita placere de a va anunta a treia editie a festivalului DARKWAVE.RO in clubul Cage (Bd. N. Titulescu nr. 171, fostul Live Metal Club-LMC) pe 29 ianuarie 2011. Inainte de concertul COMBICHRIST de pe 1 martie, VIVA MUSIC va invita sa petreceti o noapte incendiara cu TENEK, RABIA SORDA si PROJECT PITCHFORK. In clipa de fata, formatiile invitate sunt cap de afis la festivaluri precum Amphi, Wave Gotik Treffen, M’era Luna sau E-tropolis.


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