We have been so proud and happy since we started Viva Music in 2008, that words would fail even the most skilled writer. Here is a short review of some things we have done. Here is our facebook page where we post music and news from the electro world. We have almost 1,000 fans, and we are growing every day. We are also on Twitter, follow us for fun, news and the best electro music ever! www.vivamusic.ro, www.darkwave.ro and www.electronik.ro are our webtools and business cards. We have created a highly appreciated Artist of the Month section on Viva Music’s website that has been acclaimed both by the artists themselves and their fans.
Another reason to be proud comes today, December 26, 2010 to the enthusiastic team of Viva Music, as the nicest Christmas gift we could possibly think of:
Our article: The third electro music show on Bucuresti radio (98.3 fm) on Sunday, December 26, 2010 made it to Top Stories in Arts and Entartainment section on Paper.li: http://paper.li/ashghebranious/1289163807.
Now that we have finally caught the attention of so many hundreds of thousands of people with our activity in Romania we need to work even harder and turn our devotion into fruitful results even faster! In 2 years, Viva Music is planning to organize the most exquisite electro festival in Romania, similar to Blackfield in Germany. We need you! We need 5,000 people to support our cause, to like electro music, to spread the word and promote quality in music. Help us build our army of 5,000! Help us show the world electro music is the best! Help us bring thousands of foreigners to Romania, to enjoy the scene and our country! Thank you for all your support and don’t forget we are organizing no less than an event a month in 2011!
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Viviana Ball, hypno5ive, Viviana Ball and others. Viviana Ball said: What a Christmas present, people!!! http://lnk.ms/HxzTn […]
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