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December 3, 2010

Nine Inch Nails live tribute in Bucharest, Club Fabrica, on February 12, 2011

Viva Music are deosebita placere sa anunte un eveniment special pentru data de 12 februarie in Club Fabrica din Bucuresti

Cinci muzicieni cunoscuti ai scenei de rock alternativ si metal pun la cale un proiect unic si special, primul tribut Nine Inch Nails produs vreodata in Romania.

[for English scroll down]

Cele 90 minute ale spectacolului vor fi o productie NIN autentica: sunet, lumini si video vor fi angrenate intr-o reprezentatie de o verosimilitudine NIN de necontestat. 18 melodii sunt produse chiar in acest moment, iar artistii depun toate eforturile ca lucrurile sa mearga conform planului.

Locatia aleasa pentru eveniment bifeaza toate cerintele evenimentului si asteptarile publicului. Poate gazdui in jur de 600 persoane si ofera un complex de lumini, sunet si facilitati de standard profesionist. Conceptul evenimentului este despre pasiune, acesta fiind motivul pentru care pretul biletului nu va depasi 5 euro – dorim sa impartasim aceasta experienta cu toata lumea. Si va fi o experienta in adevaratul sens al cuvantului.

Evenimentul se bucura de sprijinul deplin al METALHEAD.ro, cea mai mare platforma de internet din Europa de Est dedicata muzicii rock/metal, dar si al NIN.ro, site-ul oficial al comunitatii Nine Inch Nails din Romania.

[English version]

Viva Music is happy to announce a special event on February 12 in Bucharest, Romania, at Fabrica Club

Five best known musicians of the alternative rock/metal scene will put together a special and unique project, the first Nine Inch Nails Tribute to be ever presented in Romania.

The 90 minute show will be an authentic NIN production: sound, lights and video will be geared to render an undisputed NIN veracity. 18 songs are being prepared as we speak and the musicians are working hard for everything to go as planned.

The venue matches the event’s requirements and the audience’s expectations. It can host around 600 people and it offers a very professional light system along with proper sound and venue facilities. The event concept is about sharing and passion, and that is why ticket price will not exceed 5 euros – we want to share this experience with everyone. And it will be an experience, in its true word.

The event will benefit from the full support of METALHEAD.ro, the largest on-line rock/metal webzine in Eastern Europe. Sharing its support is NIN.ro, the official Nine Inch Nails Romanian community.

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