Darkwave.ro electro/industrial music magazine | news – reviews – interviews – concerts – festivals – parties

December 2, 2010

Darkwave.ro Fest 2011 on Jan 29 at Cage Club, Bucharest: Promoter Viva Music

Project Pitchfork, Rabia Sorda si Tenek la DARKWAVE.RO Fest pe 29 ianuarie, 2011 in Cage Club


VIVA MUSIC si CLICKNET ROMTELECOM, partenerul principal DARKWAVE.RO Fest au deosebita placere sa va anunte ca participantii la eveniment vor primi cadouri constand in tricouri, insigne, carti postale si postere. Acestea vor fi primite in limita stocului disponibil la bar, incepand cu ora 21:00, asa ca fiti acolo cat mai devreme.

[for English scroll down]

Viva Music are deosebita placere de a va anunta a treia editie a festivalului DARKWAVE.RO in clubul Cage (Bd. N. Titulescu nr. 171, fostul Live Metal Club-LMC) pe 29 ianuarie 2011. Inainte de concertul COMBICHRIST de pe 1 martie, VIVA MUSIC va invita sa petreceti o noapte incendiara cu TENEK, RABIA SORDA si PROJECT PITCHFORK. In clipa de fata, formatiile invitate sunt cap de afis la festivaluri precum Amphi, Wave Gotik Treffen, M’era Luna sau E-tropolis.

Din 2009 Viva Music a organizat concerte pentru trupele MELOTRON, DIARY OF DREAMS, IN STRICT CONFIDENCE, DAS ICH, COVENANT, SLAVE REPUBLIC, PAINBASTARD, DESTROID si FRANK THE BAPTIST. Viva Music a deschis apetitul publicului romanesc pentru muzica non-mainstream, inteligenta si educata, oferind nu numai spectacole muzicale de calitate, dar si atmosfera. De aceasta data, DARKWAVE.RO Fest aduce un sunet dark industrial cu RABIA SORDA si PROJECT PITCHFORK si un feel electro hotarat gratie TENEK.

PROJECT PITCHFORK (Germania, dark electro/industrial, 15 albume) nu mai au nevoie de nici o prezentare. In 1995 RAMMSTEIN cantau in deschiderea concertelor PROJECT PITCHFORK! Formatia este definitia de dictionar pentru muzica dark electro/industrial din 1989, de cand au inceput proiectul lor, in mod ironic, prin alegerea aleatorie a unui nume dintr-un dictionar. PROJECT PITCHFORK sunt maestrii recunoscuti ai muzicii industriale si sunt primiti de un public avid peste tot unde concerteaza.

RABIA SORDA (Mexic, aggrotech/electro-industrial, 2 albume) e planul diabolic al lui Erk Aicrag (vocalul HOCICO). O prezenta scenica energica si un continut vizual puternic se imbina in orice spectacol RABIA SORDA, fiecare reprezentatie implantandu-se in capacitatea ascultatorului de a se adapta la un sunet aggrotech si industrial deplin. RABIA SORDA la Bucuresti inseamna muzica abraziva si versuri-manifest care seduc ascultatorii, le tin captive simturile si le ofera sange tasnind in cascade.

Cea mai tanara trupa a festivalului, TENEK (Anglia, electro, 2 albume) provine dintr-un spectru mai calm: cu alunecari electro si voci ademenitoare, ei vorbesc despre un taram in care toate spiritele sunt in ascensiune, iar adrenalina curge fara oprelisti sub o crusta de voce clara si soundscape delicat. TENEK beneficiaza de aportul creativ al lui Geoff Pinckney de la MESH, ale carui artificii artistice sunt revigorate de Peter Steer intr-un act artistic care nu inceteaza sa uimeasca. O formatie-lovemark pentru generatia deceniului urmator, TENEK va va arata in ce masura muzica poate sa sensibilizeze in continuare oamenii si sa-i aduca impreuna.

Informatii la zi despre DARKWAVE.RO fest sunt disponibile pe site-ul omonim. Accesul in sala este posibil de la ora 21:00, iar festivalul va incepe la ora 22:00. Biletele costa 25 ron (in presale) si 30 ron (la locatie). Biletele se pun in vanzare incepand cu data de 3 decembrie pe www.bilete.ro, www.myticket.ro si www.ticketpoint.ro, precum si in retelele magazinelor Diverta, Muzica si Sala Palatului.

[English version]

Project Pitchfork, Rabia Sorda and Tenek at DARKWAVE.RO Fest on January 29, 2011 at Cage Club, Bucharest


VIVA MUSIC and CLICKNET ROMTELECOM, the main partner of DARKWAVE.RO Fest are happy to announce that the event attendees are to receive as compliments t-shirts, badges, postcards and posters. The compliments will be given while stocks last at the bar, starting at 21:00 hrs, so be there at your earliest convenience.

Viva Music (Bucharest) is happy to announce the third edition of the Romanian darkfest: DARKWAVE.RO at Cage Club (171, N. Titulescu Blvd., the former Live Metal Club–LMC) on January 29, 2011, bringing to Bucharest major mayhem: TENEK, RABIA SORDA and PROJECT PITCHFORK. At the moment, the bands are headliners of festivals such as Amphi, WGT, M’era Luna or E-tropolis.

Since 2009, Viva Music has organized concerts for MELOTRON, DIARY OF DREAMS, IN STRICT CONFIDENCE, DAS ICH, COVENANT, SLAVE REPUBLIC, PAINBASTARD, DESTROID and FRANK THE BAPTIST concerts. Viva Music opened the appetite of the Romanian audience for non-mainstream, intelligent, educated music, and offered atmosphere atop of quality music performance. Now there is a sharper edge to DARKWAVE.RO with RABIA SORDA and PROJECT PITCHFORK, but also a resolute electro feel thanks to TENEK.

There is little introduction needed for PROJECT PITCHFORK (Germany, dark electro/industrial, 15 albums). The band is a dictionary-definition for active forefathers of dark electro/industrial music – back in 1989 when their project started, ironically enough, with random dictionary pick of a name. Supported on tour by RAMMSTEIN before the latter’s reputation soared, PROJECT PITCHFORK is aggressive poetry reaching out from a thick screen of musical mist. After 15 albums, 7 EP’s, and numerous compilations, PROJECT PITCHFORK are now recognized masters of dark electro industrial music and are welcomed by avid audiences wherever they set foot.

RABIA SORDA (Mexico, aggrotech/electro-industrial, 2 albums) is an Erk Aicrag masterplan, springing from the same root that gave the rancid sap of HOCICO, active since 2003. An energetic stage presence and a very visual content blend in any RABIA SORDA performance, each performance carves in the listener’s ability to adjust to a full-fledged aggrotech and industrial sound. Don’t expect anything less of their descent to Bucharest: abrasive grooves and lyrics with a manifesto undertone enrich RABIA SORDA’s music and seduce listeners, entrap their senses and bestow upon them cascade after cascade of gushing blood.

The youngest act of the festival, TENEK (UK, electro, 2 albums), hail from a quieter spectrum: with electro glides and enticing voices, they speak of a realm where all spirits are uplifted and adrenaline is running wild under a crust of crisp voice and delicate soundscape. TENEK benefits from the creative input of MESH’s Geoff Pinckney, whose artistry is splendidly rejuvenated by Peter Steer, in an act of musicianship that never ceases to amaze. A lovemark for the generation of the next decade, TENEK will show you to what extent music still reaches out to people, and holds them together.

Updated information about Darkwave.ro fest is available on the homonymous site. The fest starts at 22:00, doors at 21:00. Tickets cost 25 Ron (presale) and 30 Ron (at the venue). Tickets are available online starting December 3 on www.bilete.ro, www.myticket.ro and www.ticketpoint.ro, as well as from the ticket counters of Diverta, Muzica and Sala Palatului.


Project Pitchfork – I live your dream

Rabia Sorda – Walking on nails

Tenek – Less is more

Indicatii pentru Cage Club/Directions for Cage Club


(RO) Clubul Cage (fost LMC- Live Metal Club) se afla pe Bd. N. Titulescu la nr. 171. Cea mai apropiata statie de metrou: Basarab. Alte mijloace de transport in zona: Gara de Nord (24, 45, 79) sau Banu Manta (34, 42, 46). Clubul se afla in spatele Service Auto Titulescu. (EN) Cage Club (formerly LMC – Live Metal Club) is located at 171, N. Titulescu Blvd. The closest subway station: Basarab. Other transport in the area: Gara de Nord (24, 45, 79) or Banu Manta (34, 42, 46). The club is located behind Titulescu Car Service.



  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by DROID SECTOR DECAY, Laurentiu Matei and Viviana Ball, Viva Music. Viva Music said: DARKWAVE.RO FEST (with Tenek, Rabia Sorda and Project Pitchfork) on Jan 29 in Bucharest, Romania! http://tinyurl.com/2fuj287 […]

    Pingback by Tweets that mention Darkwave.ro Fest 2011 on Jan 29 at Cage Club, Bucharest: Promoter Viva Music « Viva Music Events « Darkwave.ro -- Topsy.com — December 2, 2010 @ 4:44 pm

  2. […] the elec­tro scene, the gigs Viva Music is orga­niz­ing in the first months of 2011 (the third Darkwave.ro Fest, NIN live trib­ute and Com­bichrist). We are grate­ful to Bog­dan Crutescu for his […]

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  4. […] viață și să vă spun că, așa cum zice și bannerul de deasupra, vă aștept pe 29 ianuarie la Darkwave.ro. Să vedem împreună, alături de Tenek și Project Pitchfork, Rabia […]

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  5. […] viață și să vă spun că, așa cum zice și bannerul de deasupra, vă aștept pe 29 ianuarie la Darkwave.ro. Să vedem împreună, alături de Tenek și Project Pitchfork, Rabia […]

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  6. […] 29 ianuarie 2011 Locatie: Cage Club, Bucuresti Organizator: Viva Music Website Oficial: http://www.darkwave.ro Bilete: 25 Lei (presale), 30 Lei (in ziua evenimentului, la intrare) Ora: […]

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