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November 5, 2010

George Fakinos Official dj at Darkwave.ro Fest

Filed under: Darkwave.ro II — Tags: , , , , — admin @ 11:23 am

Great news! George Fakinos is the official DJ at Darkwave.ro Fest on November 12 at Kulturhaus, Bucharest.

George will provide the dark-electro atmosphere with his DJ set all night during Darkwave.ro Fest. George Fakinos dj’s continuously since 1993.  Initially connected with Horostasio, where he held his DJ set for seven years, he has had for the last three years his Saturday residency at Second Skin Club. He also has a Sunday residency at Closer where he spins indie and alternative rock. It’s his love for new, fresh, cutting-edge dark electro, industrial and Techno Body Music that has made George the top alternative dj in Greece.


Athens is not his only DJ-spot. He has already mixed and played in Thessaloniki, Patra, Alexandroupoli, Preston, London, Ljubljana, Moscow, Barcelona, Los Angeles, Vienna, and Washington DC.


At Second Skin Club he hosts monthly Spookshow parties. where the best international fetish performers mesmerize (or shock) the audience while George spins his EBM/ Industrial/Power Noise/New Electronics cds. Some of his international Burlesque and fetish performers include: Miss Lily White, Lucifire, Tutti Frutti, Paloma Faith, Esme, The Tusk, Psycho Cyborgs, Jonny Dragon, Kumi Monster, Amrita, Kamelyan, Vivid Angel, Maleficent Martini, Crazy White Sean,Valeria Dragova, Mad Kate, Clea Cutthroat, Lukas Zpira, Satomi, Roxy Velvet, Suka Off, Die Donnerwetters.


Every year in Athens, he organizes Torture Garden in Athens every year. Other co-promoting include Fetish Ball in Athens which is a fetish/BDSM event focused on local performers only. Fashion shows that he has organized here include TG Clothing, Cyberdog, Cyberesque and Black N Rose. Also, in July 2009, he organised the 1st ever Bondage Workshop in Greece by Satomi at Second Skin Club.


Find out more about George Fakinos on his MySpace, Facebook or on the Second Skin Club pages.


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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Octavian Logigan, Violent BP, Ada, Viva Music, Florida Industrial and others. Florida Industrial said: darkwave.ro George Fakinos Official dj at Darkwave.ro Fest: Great news! George Fakinos is the official DJ at Dar… http://bit.ly/9TCnIR […]

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