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November 3, 2010

Combichrist in Romania, March 1, 2011

Filed under: Combichrist + Mortiis — Tags: , , , — admin @ 9:22 pm



Combichrist si Mortiis in concert pe 1 martie la Silver Church

(data publicarii: 18.02.2011)

[for the English version scroll down]

De Martisor are loc la Silver Church (Calea Plevnei Nr. 61) concertul COMBICHRIST (in deschidere MORTIIS) organizat de Viva Music. Concertul face parte din turneul de promovare a celui mai recent album COMBICHRIST, “Making Monsters”.

COMBICHRIST, cea mai cunoscuta formatie de EBM/industrial a momentului, vine pentru prima data in Romania. COMBICHRIST au insotit RAMMSTEIN in turneul din 2009-2010 in Europa si SUA. La randul lor, in Romania, ei vor fi insotiti de MORTIIS, deja legendara formatie a fostului basist din trupa EMPEROR. Muzica celor de la MORTIIS imbina mai multe genuri muzicale, de la dark ambiental pana la industrial.

Formatia COMBICHRIST a luat fiinta in anul 2003 si are la activ cinci albume si cateva sute de aparitii live. Primul album COMBICHRIST, “The Joy of Gunz”, a fost lansat in 2003, starnind reactii contrare, dar si un consens in ceea ce priveste calitatea muzicala COMBICHRIST. Pe langa albumele proprii, COMBICHRIST au remixat si melodii ale altor artisti ca ASSEMBLAGE 23, KMFDM, MINDLESS SELF INDULGENCE sau IAMX. Andy LaPlegua, creierul formatiei COMBICHRIST, se afla si in spatele altor proiecte muzicale, ca ICON OF COIL, PANZER AG si SCANDINAVIAN COCK, cea mai noua formatie in care activeaza ca solist.

Muzica propusa de COMBICHRIST este un amestec pertinent si contemporan de sensibilitate si aplomb. Venind cu un raspuns raspicat la abuzurile din ce in ce mai frecvente care destabilizeaza individul, COMBICHRIST se adreseaza unui public foarte larg imbinand agilitatea EBM si impartialitatea industrialului in prestatii muzicale ideale pentru spectacolele live. Pentru spectacolul de la Bucuresti, COMBICHRIST promit o dezlantuire energica si cadentata, care sa tina publicul in contact direct cu emotii puternice.

Pe 1 martie, accesul in Silver Church este posibil incepand cu ora 19:00, iar concertul incepe la ora 20:00.

Biletele costa 50 ron (in presale) si 70 ron (la locatie) si pot fi cumparate online de pe www.bilete.ro, www.myticket.ro, www.ticketpoint.ro, precum si in magazinele Diverta, Muzica si Sala Palatului.

Mai multe informatii despre eveniment pot fi gasite pe site-ul www.darkwave.ro.

Evenimentul beneficiaza de sprijinul si promovarea Bucuresti FM, Sapte Seri, Radio Lynx, Metalhead.ro, Metalfan.ro, Hypestreet, Hailaconcert.ro, Bucharest in Your Pocket, Metropotam, Nights.ro, Port.ro, Rockstage.ro, Rockxpress.ro, TheGig.ro, Tonight.eu, Lux Noctis, No3.ro, Umbra de Noapte, Bestial Records, Bloodbath.ro, Kogaionon.com, carora Viva Music le multumeste si pe aceasta cale.


Cel mai nou videoclip Combichrist (varianta necenzurata), “Throat Full of Glass”, lansat pe 14 februarie:

Canalul oficial Youtube – Combichrist:


Canalul oficial Youtube – Mortiis:


[English version]

Combichrist and Mortiis live on March-01 at the Silver Church Arena

(release date: 18.02.2011)

Alongside the Romanian traditional spring celebration of Martisor on March-01 the Silver Church Arena (61, Calea Plevnei) hosts COMBICHRIST live (opening act: MORTIIS), organized by Viva Music. The Bucharest date of the concert is part of the tour for the promotion of the band’s latest album, “Making Monsters”.

COMBICHRIST, world’s most notorious EBM/industrial act of the moment, come for the first time in Romania. The band opened for RAMMSTEIN on their 2009-2010 tour across Europe and the US. In their turn, COMBICHRIST will be accompanied by MORTIIS, the already legendary band of the former EMPEROR bass player. MORTIIS’ music combines several musical genres, spanning from dark ambient and up to industrial.

COMBICHRIST banded up in 2003 and to date they boast 5 albums and several hundreds of live dates. The first COMBICHRIST album, “The Joy of Gunz”, released in 2003, stirred adverse feelings, but consensus was reached as to the musical quality brought by COMBICHRIST. At the same time, COMBICHRIST remixed tracks of artists such as ASSEMBLAGE 23, KMFDM, MINDLESS SELF INDULGENCE or IAMX. Andy LaPlegua, the mastermind behind COMBICHRIST, plays musical chairs in other acts as well, such as ICON OF COIL, PANZER AG and SCANDINAVIAN COCK, the latter being the youngest project from the artist.

The music of COMBICHRIST is a pertinent and contemporary mixture of sensibility and aplomb. Coming with a self-composed answer to always and always more frequent abuse that shatter an individual’s stability, COMBICHRIST addresses a very large public by combining the nimbleness of EBM and the impartiality of industrial music in flawless shows, as if custom-made to be played live. For their Bucharest date, COMBICHRIST promise an energetic and cadenced outburst that is certain to keep the audience in touch with strong emotions.

On March-01, doors open at 19:00hrs, while the live concert kicks off at 20:00hrs.

Tickets cost 50 ron (presale) and 70 ron (at the venue) and can be bought online on www.bilete.ro, www.myticket.ro, and www.ticketpoint.ro, as well as from Diverta, Muzica and Sala Palatului stores.

Read updated information about the event on www.darkwave.ro.

The event’s promotion is boosted by Bucuresti FM, Sapte Seri, Radio Lynx, Metalhead.ro, Metalfan.ro, Hypestreet, Hailaconcert.ro, Bucharest in Your Pocket, Metropotam, Nights.ro, Port.ro, Rockstage.ro, Rockxpress.ro, TheGig.ro, Tonight.eu, Lux Noctis, Nr3.ro, Umbra de Noapte, Bestial Records, Bloodbath.ro, Kogaionon.com. Viva Music takes this opportunity to thank all for their support.


Newest Combichrist video (uncensored dirty version), “Throat Full of Glass”, released on Feb-14: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RO1WoEdEyQ4

Combichrist Official Youtube Channel:


Mortiis Official Youtube Channel:


– – –

Concert electro-industrial cu COMBICHRIST la Silver Church, de Martisor 2011

In deschidere: MORTIIS

(data publicarii: 03.11.2010)

[for the English version scroll down]

COMBICHRIST, cea mai cunoscuta trupa industrial/aggrotech a momentului, si-a rafinat muzica si prezenta scenica dupa 7 ani de cariera, 5 albume si sute de aparitii live.

O formatie globetrotter, COMBICHRIST a insotit RAMMSTEIN in turneul 2009/2010 in Europa si va fi prezenta pe 11 decembrie la un legendar prim concert pe sol american din ultimii zece ani al celor de la RAMMSTEIN, la Madison Square Garden.

COMBICHRIST propune o muzica dansabila si cu edge, iar turneul de promovare a ultimului album, “Making Monsters” include pe harta sa si Bucurestiul. Evenimentul organizat de Viva Music va avea loc la Silver Church pe data de 1 martie 2011.

Andy LaPlegua, mastermind-ul COMBICHRIST, ICON OF COIL (futurepop), PANZER AG (rock industrial) sau SCANDINAVIAN COCK (rockabilly), marturiseste ca “Making Monsters” este cel mai sincer album al formatiei. Cap de afis la festivaluri precum Amphi Festival, E-tropolis, Wave Gotik Treffen sau M’era Luna, COMBICHRIST este un proiect care a trecut de faza experimentala, iar muzica pe care o propune acum este recomandata de un sunet-trademark, de un entuziasm de zile mari si de o cultura industriala care promite si livreaza.

In deschidere, MORTIIS, si ei aflati pentru prima oara in Romania, se vor alatura turneului  “Monsters on Tour” pentru promovarea celui mai recent album al trupei, “Perfectly Defect”. Acest album poate fi ascultat si descarcat gratuit pe site-ul mortiis.com. Cei care au lucrat cu Sarah Jezebel Deva (ex-Cradle of Filth, Angtoria) si care au fost remixati de Chris Vrenna (ex-Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson) si care au creat un univers propriu al deformografiei in rockul industrial, vor ridica sunetul la bariere perceptibile urechii avide de rock made in Norway si vor incalzi spiritele inainte de dezlantuirea COMBICHRIST pe scena din Silver Church.

Pe 1 martie, accesul in Silver Church este permis de la ora 19:00, iar evenimentul va incepe la ora 20:00. Biletele costa 50 ron (in presale) si 70 ron (la locatie). Biletele se gasesc online pe www.bilete.ro, www.myticket.ro si www.ticketpoint.ro in magazinele Diverta, Muzica si Sala Palatului. Informatii suplimentare despre eveniment gasiti pe siteul www.darkwave.ro.

[English version]

Electro-industrial concert with COMBICHRIST in Bucharest at Silver Church, on March 1st, 2011

Opening act: MORTIIS

(release date: 03.11.2010)

COMBICHRIST, the most notorious industrial/aggrotech act of the moment, refined their stage presence and music during their 7 year long career, which includes so far 5 albums and hundreds of live dates.

A globetrotter artist, COMBICHRIST accompanied RAMMSTEIN during their 2009/2010 European tour, and will also be present on December 11 at a legendary first RAMMSTEIN concert on American soil in 10 years, at Madison Square Garden.

COMBICHRIST propose a danceable music with an edge, and the tour that promotes their latest album, “Making Monsters” pins for the first time Bucharest on its map. The event, organized by Viva Music, will take place at Silver Church on March 1, 2011.

Andy LaPlegua, the mastermind behind COMBICHRIST, as well as ICON OF COIL (futurepop), PANZER AG (industrial rock) or SCANDINAVIAN COCK (rockabilly), confesses that “Making Monsters” is the most sincere album of the band so far. A frequent Amphi Festival, E-tropolis, Wave Gotik Treffen or M’era Luna headliner, COMBICHRIST is a project past its experimental phase, and the music it now promotes is recommended by a trademark sound, by exceptional enthusiasm and by an industrial culture that promises and delivers.

MORTIIS, the opening act of the COMBICHRIST “Monsters on Tour” Bucharest date, will join COMBICHRIST in order to promote their latest album, “Perfectly Defect”. You can listen to and download the album from their site: mortiis.com. The band that worked with Sarah Jezebel Deva (ex-Cradle of Filth, Angtoria) and who was remixed by Chris Vrenna (ex-Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson), the ones who created their own realm of deformography in industrial rock, will elevate sound to barriers perceivable by avid ears and will turn the heat up before the unleashed COMBICHRIST show on the stage of Silver Church.

The event will start at 20:00, doors at 19:00. Tick­ets cost 50 ron (presale) and 70 ron (at the venue) and can be pur­chased online on www.bilete.ro, www.myticket.ro and www.ticketpoint.ro, as well as from Diverta, Muzica and Sala Palatului stores. For updates on the event, check www.darkwave.ro.



  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ada and Viviana Ball, Viva Music. Viva Music said: Combichrist in Romania, March 1, 2011! @combichristarmy our guests on a special Romanian celebration http://tinyurl.com/39sjjx7 […]

    Pingback by Tweets that mention Combichrist in Romania, March 1, 2011 « Viva Music Events « Darkwave.ro -- Topsy.com — November 3, 2010 @ 10:03 pm

  2. […] This post was Twitted by goethechylde […]

    Pingback by Twitted by goethechylde — November 4, 2010 @ 2:06 pm

  3. Ne vedem acolo !

    Comment by adrian — November 24, 2010 @ 8:27 pm

  4. sigur si mai inainte :)

    Comment by admin — November 24, 2010 @ 8:33 pm

  5. […] Combichrist – “Making Monsters” (live in Bucharest, Romania on March 1, 2011) […]

    Pingback by 2010 Album Releases You Want to Listen to « News « Darkwave.ro — December 28, 2010 @ 10:25 am

  6. […] Concertele care mi-au schimbat viața în 2010 au fost Florence and the Machine @Bataclan, Paris și In Strict Confidence @Abaton, Praga. M-am mai bucurat de concertul Covenant @Club Control, București, pentru că de când i-am văzut în 2009 la Madrid așteptam un shot nou de adrenalină poetică suedeză. Concertul pe care îl aștept cu sufletul la gură în 2011 este Combichrist @Silver Church, București. […]

    Pingback by Muzică lansată în 2010 – ce-am ascultat bun « El Deseo Producciones S.a. « Joacadeamine — December 31, 2010 @ 9:10 am

  7. […] Music is organizing in the first months of 2011 (the third Darkwave.ro Fest, NIN live tribute and Combichrist). We are grate­ful to Bog­dan Crutescu for his invi­ta­tion, and we appre­ci­ate his support. […]

    Pingback by The second electro music show on Bucuresti radio (98.3 fm) on Sunday, December 5 « News « Darkwave.ro — February 3, 2011 @ 9:06 pm

  8. […] for VIVA MUSIC’s NIN Tribute on February 12 (details here), COMBICHRIST concert on March 01 (details here) and more events to be announced […]

    Pingback by Darkwave.ro Fest 3 review (with photos) – Dj Luca Ew, Tenek, Rabia Sorda and Project Pitchfork – January 29, 2011 « Reviews « Darkwave.ro — February 8, 2011 @ 7:51 pm

  9. […] Și totul a pornit cu Combichrist, pe care vă invit să-i vedeți live pe 1 martie la The Silver Church. […]

    Pingback by NeneaLars.com » Combichrist. Sau cum am întinerit 10 ani în ultimul an. — February 15, 2011 @ 10:42 am

  10. mekagonlaputa! me lo he perdido !
    sa ma kak! am pierdot concertul !!
    cand mai vin in Buc?

    Comment by Vampire Gabrielle 666 — March 2, 2011 @ 1:30 pm

  11. hai poate data viitoare facetzi shi voi un pic mai multa pubicitate evenimentelor EBM totushi…combichrist sunt super cunoscutzi afara shi mortiis sunt super la fel !
    Am aflat de abia azi ca a fost concertul ieri daca shtiam mergeam sigur shi targeam shi gashca dupa mine!

    Comment by Vampire Gabrielle 666 — March 2, 2011 @ 1:40 pm

  12. o sa incercam ca data viitoare sa facem mai multa reclama. de aceasta data nu am reusit decat sa avem sala plina la The Silver Church. data viitoare o sa incercam sa umplem Polivalenta :). accesati din cand in cand http://www.darkwave.ro, http://www.vivamusic.ro, http://www.electronik.ro. sunt toate siteurile noastre.

    Comment by admin — March 2, 2011 @ 1:56 pm

  13. Mortiis

    Comment by Xtiana Cristiana — March 3, 2011 @ 12:38 am

  14. […] doar cateva zile inainte de concertul COMBICHRIST + MORTIIS in The Silver Church Arena care va avea loc pe data de 1 martie, Tanz Die Revolution revine cu o […]

    Pingback by Tanz die Revolution – editia a 5-a – 26 februarie in Club Underworld « Tanz Die Revolution « Darkwave.ro — March 3, 2011 @ 10:09 pm

  15. […] you’re in Bucharest on March-01, do not forget to RSVP and show up to  COMBICHRIST + MORTIIS live show organized by VIVA MUSIC at The Silver Church. Doors […]

    Pingback by Top 10 Combichrist Remixes to Look Out for « Album Reviews « Reviews « Darkwave.ro — April 19, 2011 @ 3:38 pm

  16. […] pentru emisiunea de duminica, pot sa postez stiri/articole pe Viva Music, pot sa pregatesc proiecte noi, pot sa ma distrez pe facebook sau twitter, sa colectionez timbre sau sa presez flori. Prefer sa […]

    Pingback by A fi sau a nu fi informat « Personal « Viviana Ball — August 8, 2013 @ 10:43 am

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