… English version below…
ORDO ROSARIUS EQUILIBRIO este trupa longeviva care, in cei peste 15 ani de activitate, a realizat multe albume remarcabile, suedezii devenind emblema reprezentativa a casei de discuri COLD MEAT INDUSTRY. A venit insa timpul pentru o schimbare si iata ca Tomas Pettersson, liderul trupei, a acceptat oferta gigantului Out Of Line Records, pentru a lansa, nu peste mult timp, cel mai lucrat si inspirat album din istorie, “Songs 4 Hate & Devotion”.
O.R.E. s-a simtit foarte bine in Romania, concertele din 2008 de la Brasov (http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=102510297) si din 2009 in Bucuresti (http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=102533820) fiind importante atat pentru fani, cat si pentru trupa sau organizatori.
In consecinta, DonisArt a agreat cu trupa ca, in cadrul Experimental Friday II, O.R.E. sa prezinte prietenilor vechi si noi cele mai reprezentative piese din intreaga istorie alaturi de altele noi, in premiera, in Seara Speciala “A Night 4 Hate & Devotion”… si se spera ca si noul CD sa fie disponibil tot atunci!
Tomas si Rose-Marie vor veni cu o componenta usor schimbata, cele doua chitari live adaugate (Fredrik si Ronnie) urmand sa degaje o expresivitate semnificativa sunetului si, implicit, o dinamica aparte scenica. Fredrik ramane acelasi baterist ce nu se dezminte, el fiind cel care mentine ritmul unui Apocayptic Pop greu de confundat atat in studio, cat si pe scena.
Dupa concertul propriu-zis, trupetii vor petrece intreaga noapte impreuna cu prietenii Serii Speciale, cvintetul venind special din Suedia la Bucuresti.
Evenimentul va fi gazduit de clubul Kulturhaus (fostul Twice), cu incepere de la ora 20.00. Pretul unui bilet este de 50 lei (www.eventim.ro) iar cei prezenti vor avea parte si de alte surprize placute si incitante…
Va asteptam!
Echipa DonisArt
Locatie: Clubul Kulturhaus, Str. Sf Vineri Nr.4, Bucuresti
Data: 5 noiembrie 2010, ora 20.00
Organizator: DonisArt
Bilet: 50 lei
Distributie: Bilete prin Eventim: Magazinele Germanos, Orange, Vodafone, Librariile Humanitas, Carturesti si online pe www.eventim.ro.
Detalii: www.donisart.ro
Press Release
ORDO ROSARIUS EQUILIBRIO is a long lived band who, during their 15 years of intense activity, has created a lot of remarkable albums. Therefore, the Swedes became the landmark of the label COLD MEAT INDUSTRY. It was time for a change, though, so front man Tomas Pettersson, accepted the offer of the big Out of Line Records for the releasing, in a short while, of their mostly crafted and visional album up to date – “Songs 4 Hate & Devotion”.
O.R.E. had a great time in Romania, their concerts in 2008 in Brasov
(http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=102510297) and in 2009 in Bucharest
being very important to fans, as well as to the band and the organization crew.
Therefore, DonisArt agreed with the band that, during Experimental Friday II, O.R.E. will be presenting to old and new friends the most representative tracks from the history of the band alongside the new ones, in premiere on the Special Evening “A Night 4 Hate & Devotion”… and we all hope for the new CD being available!
Tomas and Rose-Marie will be joining us in a slightly different formula – the two live guitars (Fredrik and Ronnie) shall add a significant expressivity to the sound and, implicitly a special dynamics to the performance. Frederik remains the same good old drummer, his job being to maintain the Apocalyptic Pop beat, one that is very hard to be mistaken in the studio, and aslo on stage.
After the concert, the band will spend an entire evening with the friends of the Special Evenings as the five pieces is coming exclusively from Sweden to Bucharest.
The event will take place in Kulturhaus, starting from 8 pm. The ticket price is 50 lei (www.eventim.ro) and those present will also enjoy some exciting and pleasant surprises.
DonisArt Team
Bands participating: ORDO ROSARIUS EQUILIBRIO (SE)
Venue: Kulturhaus, Str. Sf. Vineri, Nr.4, Bucharest
Date: the 5th of November 2010, 8 pm
Organizer: DonisArt
Ticket: 50 lei
Distribution: Tickets through Eventim: Germanos, Organge, Vodafone Stores, Humanitas and Carturesti Bookstores and online www.eventim.ro
Details: www.donisart.ro